Comments 15

Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures, The Game That Was Once Dinosaur Planet


Still a great looking game even today. The Arwing sections "blew" me away back in 2002, setting my hopes ridiculously high for a more traditional Star Fox game. So when Assault arrived it was an initial let down, simply from the graphics.
The gameplay of Adventures was competent and had just enough to it, to justify the game. Except a few sections that were more frustration than Adventure. Glad Rare had a good go, i would have loved to have seen them handle a pure space shooter Star Fox, but that wasn't to be.

Re: Poll: Did You Know That GoldenEye Had A Dual-Analogue Control Option On N64?


@bluemage1989 yeah me and my brothers did that until we learned how to do both controllers at once, that was when you'd mastered Goldeneye. Well that and all the time trials for cheats.
I also played Breath of the Wild on Switch with my nephew like that, was actually quite fun once he stopped being a kid and actually co ordinated with me, instead of trying to get me killed .

Re: Poll: Did You Know That GoldenEye Had A Dual-Analogue Control Option On N64?


Oh dear NL, how did you not know this? It's nearly as bad as when NOM marked Doom 64 down for having "awkward" controls, yet you can remap every button in the game and get a cracking set of controls out of it, comparable if not better than the recent release.
First thing I do when booting a game, look at the options menus (perhaps I am old fashioned?) to see my options if I don't like something. Usually I disable something or increase sensitivity, or with graphics, turn off Chromatic aberration, blur and bloom.

Re: Hardware Review: Should You Ditch Your GameCube Discs For The GC Loader?


As Nintendo cannot repair GameCubes anymore I may have to invest in one of these if my Disc drive ever fails, got some cracking games on the lil cube that I absolutely still play. I show them my nephew with the "this is what I played when I was young" and he's always interested and impressed at the loading times (the worst thing about the current generation, ZX spectrum loading times from the 80s).

Re: 10 Years Ago, Tech Giant Panasonic Almost Took On The Nintendo 3DS


I vaguely recall hearing about this, there was always a few "new" portables in development around the time Nintendo are about to release. This one has a great concept and if WoW ran on it would have been spectacular at that price. I have a strong feeling the battery wasn't up to it in 2011, especially for the 3G version. Also phones were hitting their stride around this time too, which is what initially lead to 3DS' poor sales. The price simply wasn't competitive in a shrinking market.

Re: Terraonion Is Releasing An Optical Disc Emulator For The Sega Saturn And Dreamcast


My Dreamcast finally died last year (repaired it thrice over the years but the fourth failed) but I still have the games. My GameCube is still going strong and I use a GCHD adapter when I want to play it on big screen multiplayer etc. Burnout 2 alone puts alot of modern games to shame, 10 second loading times and blisteringly fast, I'm on the second lap by the time an Xbox X or Switch game has loaded.