@Tendogamerxxx Ocean, I absolutely could see. Data East was all over the place with some good and some truly bad games. But Sunsoft? Really? Blaster Master, Journey to Silius, Super Spy Hunter say otherwise.
@samuelvictor Oh, I definitely know. I've played Probotector all the way through (and found myself wishing I'd gone back to the Japanese one before I was done with the second stage. So sloooooooowwww..)
You hit my thoughts on the head, @samuelvictor. Forced 16x9 and bad video quality make it a "hard no" outright. As a US NTSC user, the PAL thing isn't AS big of an issue, but it IS still a very worrying concern about system quality.
Comments 3
Re: Exclusive: The Evercade Handheld Is Getting Earthworm Jim, Clayfigher And Midnight Resistance
@Tendogamerxxx Ocean, I absolutely could see. Data East was all over the place with some good and some truly bad games. But Sunsoft? Really? Blaster Master, Journey to Silius, Super Spy Hunter say otherwise.
Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit Super Retro Trio Plus
@samuelvictor Oh, I definitely know. I've played Probotector all the way through (and found myself wishing I'd gone back to the Japanese one before I was done with the second stage. So sloooooooowwww..)
Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit Super Retro Trio Plus
You hit my thoughts on the head, @samuelvictor. Forced 16x9 and bad video quality make it a "hard no" outright. As a US NTSC user, the PAL thing isn't AS big of an issue, but it IS still a very worrying concern about system quality.