

Nintendo South Wales Founder

Comments 5

Re: The Evercade Handheld's First Collection Of Retro-Style Indie Games Has Been Revealed


@Darknyht At no point did anybody bring up "force" so i've no clue why you think that's a salient point.

It's amazing how often people will bring that up as a rebuttal to other commenters that take issue with the relevancy of content, as if that somehow negates their argument.

The internet is a large place, there's plenty of other places that cover retro content - or perhaps NLife Media could branch out and create another sister site to cater for such content.

Lastly, if you're going to allow such tangentially related content on a site that has a specific remit, then some of us feel that's a slippery slope. The whole industry is connected so i guess you could literally cover 'anything' by that logic. The line has to be drawn somewhere, and some of us feel its being moved ever further.

As others have said above, there are plenty of games and accessories that are 'out' on or 'exist' for the Switch that could be the focus of NLife's output [ instead of the Evercade ] that would be of greater relevancy and interest to those that desire the sites content to remain 'distinctly' Nintendo.

Nintendo Life will do as they want to, it's a free digital wild west out here, but that doesn't preclude the rest of us having a say either.