Comments 63

Re: Soapbox: The Nintendo 64 Isn't Perfect, But I Still Love It


Great article
I love my N64 and have a few consoles ready to go

I finished my full Pal Australian N64 game collection last year, all cib.
It took me over 10 years but it was a lot of fun meeting new collectors a d making new friends

I have them all secured away in glass cabinets ready to play and on display.

Here's a couple of pics

Re: Review: Playdate - Picking Things Up Where The Game Boy Left Off?


I'm in group 2 and can't wait for this to arrive.
I also own both the handheld and home consoles of the Evercade.

I can understand why people don't get why someone would buy this but as a collector and retro gamer why wouldn't I?

Each to their own.

My 9ye old daughter can't wait to play this, she loves retro gaming thanks to my collection of 244+ N64 games .

Re: Feature: The Making Of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes


You did real well.
Australia can be dear, new games usually cost me about $60 to $100, depending where I get it from.
Game Cube games can fetch high prices, not as bad as N64 though.
I also collect CIB N64 games and titles like Snowboard Kids 2, and StarCraft 64 can sell up to $1,300!
Paper Mario and Kirby 64 fetch up $600 and Conker BFD reaches high $400's.
Crazy prices, glad i got my copies for less than $100, the dearest I've paid is $140 for Kirby.

Re: Feature: The Making Of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes


Great article, nice read.
I enjoy these behind the scenes tell all articles.

The rare Aussie version here sells for $150 to $250 on ebay!
Not the Euro version but the Aussie rated version with the G rating sticker on the front.
There are a lot of Euro versions on ebay here in Aus selling for the same price, the cheek!
Rare as hens teeth, as a collector I'm glad i kept mine in mint condition, like new.

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