Seriously, nobody should be able to parent or claim ownership of a word. I can see an argument for trademarking a newly minted proper noun but nobody should own a common word.
@robe I was going to ask the same thing. We get these retro computers but we can't use them for programming. What's the point ? From what I have heard this release offers a working keyboard, so maybe we can bang up some homebrew programs?
I got the CapCom edition and while it's good, the system is just too tiny overall for me to enjoy it for very long. The screen and the ergonomics have me saying, "Nope. One is more than enough."
If only there were some way to, I dunno, simulate the hardware with some kinda software. Like... an emulation that recreates the stuff you need but you know, it runs on a modern computer. Of course, if you had that there would need to be some sort of vast, digital distribution network that could supply legal copies of games at dirt cheap prices. It would, like, preserve old games AND make sure there's an easy, legal way to enjoy the hobby. It might even do a number on those scalpers.
Comments 8
Re: Infamous Trademark Troll Tim Langdell Is Back, And He Wants You To Buy His Dusty Old ZX Spectrum Book
Seriously, nobody should be able to parent or claim ownership of a word. I can see an argument for trademarking a newly minted proper noun but nobody should own a common word.
Re: The Company Behind 'The Spectrum' Is Asking Fans Not To Share Latest Retailer Leaks
Re: Bleem, The Company That Took On Sony And Won, Is Crowdfunding For The "Largest Retro Gaming Project" Ever
@KitsuneNight same here. Gran Turismo looked great but MGS was not meant to be played on a DC controller.
Re: "A Slap In The Face Of All Creators" - YouTube Terminates Popular Retro Gaming Channel Without Warning
... and YouTube wants us to pay for premium subscriptions. Why would I do that?
Re: We're Getting (Another) New ZX Spectrum This November
@robe I was going to ask the same thing. We get these retro computers but we can't use them for programming. What's the point ?
From what I have heard this release offers a working keyboard, so maybe we can bang up some homebrew programs?
Re: Evercade Maker Blaze Is Releasing Two New Super Pocket Consoles This Year
I got the CapCom edition and while it's good, the system is just too tiny overall for me to enjoy it for very long. The screen and the ergonomics have me saying, "Nope. One is more than enough."
Re: "The Tourists Have Taken Everything" Laments Japanese Resident As Retro Runs Dry
If only there were some way to, I dunno, simulate the hardware with some kinda software. Like... an emulation that recreates the stuff you need but you know, it runs on a modern computer. Of course, if you had that there would need to be some sort of vast, digital distribution network that could supply legal copies of games at dirt cheap prices. It would, like, preserve old games AND make sure there's an easy, legal way to enjoy the hobby. It might even do a number on those scalpers.
If only we had a way to do that.
Re: Where To Pre-Order The Atari 2600+
Let me log k into my crystal ball and see what I see...
The units will be snapped up by 'bots then scalped for 3x their value.
People will be separated from their money.
I will keep playing 2600 games on my laptop in an emulator I downloaded over 20 years ago.