Comments 33

Re: Final Fight MD Dev Working On 'Driftin' Rage', A New 16-Bit Racer For Mega Drive/Genesis


@AJB83 Comparing a STG to a scaling racing game is illogical. STG's gameplay rely on level design, enemy patterns, bullet patterns, weapon-related gameplay mechanics etc. to create their individuality. Sure there is derivativeness in the STG genre as well, but the two games you mentioned 1: has music by a legendary composer and graphics that blow away modern wannabe pixel artists, 2: has a very unique and bizarre color palette with high quality production as well.

A scaling racing game like this one varies very little from what has been done before both in gameplay and visuals. There is nothing artistic or quite frankly interesting about any part of the game aside from maybe the frame-rate. If you can point out something this game is doing that is either note-worthy, unique, or sets it apart from the hundreds of other games like it, then that would be an argument worth hearing.

Having grown up during the era where games like Outrun were new, I am pretty tired of and already have favorite games in the genre; hence my original comment.

Once an artist, developer etc. releases their project to the public, why can't we start opinions on it? If they plan on this game being drastically different in the end, then maybe it should not have been shown yet. By showing something off, it opens the door for critique. You can't say "Here is my thing, but you are not allowed to talk about", that seems really absurd. The comments are not just for super-happy-positive ego strokes.

Also, I was not "pissing" on the devs, my comment was very benign and straight-forward. For you to come in all defensive and take what I said personally is a little too much. If you like the game that is great, I personally think it does nothing new, looks worse than, and lacks the soul of the originators of the genre.

That is not taking anything away from the developer and what it takes to make this game how it is. But it does mean they are rehashing the past instead of making something of their own. In the art world, I would call this "fan art".

Re: Final Fight MD Dev Working On 'Driftin' Rage', A New 16-Bit Racer For Mega Drive/Genesis


@AJB83 Terrible comparison. This game looks like an Outrun CLONE ie: exactly the same. Not all platformers are clones of Pitfall, they are just evolutions of it.

I am all for games that "explore" genres, styles, technology, but they have to do something unique and have their own vision and reason for existing that pushes forward, innovates, or skews what has been done before.

If this game came out in the 90's it would have been lambasted for being a redundant, soul-less, and cheap knock-off.

Re: Mega Drive / Genesis Shmup 'ZPF' Smashes Kickstarter Goal In Just 19 Minutes


@AJB83 I used quotes because that is what you essentially said (I was going off of memory and you didn't say 'cardboard' you said 'paper' ). I didn't take offense to what you said nor think how you play games is inferior to how I play games. I was a little befuddled when I read your reply as I was simply quoting your perspective and what you said.

My point stands that if you really want to support the devs, you can do so easily, especially if owning a physical good is not important to you anymore. I agree not having a digital option is not ideal, but from my perspective it is the same thing as downloading the ROM from a website; at least you can give some money their way in the meantime.

Re: Mega Drive / Genesis Shmup 'ZPF' Smashes Kickstarter Goal In Just 19 Minutes


@AJB83 If you truly want to support the team, you can do any amount of pledge that you see fit, just choose the: 'Thank You From Quibley' pledge and you can adjust your amount.

I am sure this ROM is going to get dumped on whatever channels people pirate games on, so just grab the digital version like that after you supported the devs directly through this Kickstarter. Seems like a win-win situation if you don't actually want 'plastic and cardboard'.

Re: 11 Unseen Prototypes From Cancelled Vectorman PS2 Project Surface Online


A lot of these prototypes show promise, especially the earlier ones that kept the design closer to the first two games. I never cared for the very military-looking, tank-ish design that was shown later on in magazines. I was actually glad that version was cancelled at the time.

A new Vectorman could be great though as long as they bring back the style, sound and rhythm of the first two games and then go wild.

Vectorman, Astal, and Clockwork Knight are my top requests for SEGA revivals.

Re: This Ridiculously Expensive Mega Drive Game Is Getting A Reproduction


@GhaleonUnlimited The article reads that it was never released in the west (for Genesis / Mega Drive) which is not true. Which was my main point.

I wasn't aware the price went up for the Strictly Limited release, so that is cool there is another option now. However, the article and heading do read like this game was never reproduced. It should have said something like 'reproduced again' or 'second chance' etc. (albeit this time for Japanese Mega Drive).

Re: Review: Castlevania: Nocturne - Richter And Company Take Netflix's Gory Series To New Heights


@Jireland92 Yea don't bother if you don't have time, this latest season was awful. Voice acting was hit or miss; race-swapping, character-swapping, token gay character(s), bland and shallow story, continued decline of that Castlevania "feel" and essence (compare classic Castlevania games to Lords of Shadows, same thing here).

Even if this season was average or decent, I still feel they should have done Simon's era before this and gone in chronological order. Also the absence of Dracula for what seems to be since the first season is pretty crazy. They had a good story developing with that (not to mention when I think of Castlevania, I think of Dracula). Don't get me wrong I love the deep lore and the lesser known characters (unless they change them beyond recognition) but there hasn't been one season that completely felt like Castlevania to me.

Oh and this is criticism I guess for most series that use some historical reference but I find the f-bombs to be really odd and out of place. It takes me out of the scene (I am not a historian, did that word even exist in the 1500-1700's?).

Re: 'The Tetris Effect' Author Claims Apple Adapted His Book Without Permission


This lawsuit sounds like a whiner trying to get a piece of the pie. Like @KoopaTheGamer stated, this is a (with artistic liberties, embellishing etc.) retelling of a part of these two guys' (Henk and Alexey) lives. That writer doesn't own those events nor the idea....

It is kind of absurd he would actually sue the people and the actual entity that owns Tetris for making a movie about their own story and game, while they are still alive no less.

That author should be happy he even got money for writing a book about this pretty cool moment in history and be honored that some of it mirrors what The Tetris Company put into their own movie.

I will retract my comment if the author in this lawsuit had that (dumb, unnecessary) car chase in his book, and the other issues with timeline and shuffling of events (not sure if new characters were added in the movie, but if yes, then those too). Then that could be argued as stealing, since they were fictional and fabricated as specific plot devices in his version of the story.

Re: Metal Gear's Snake And Roy Campbell Don't Like The Idea Of AI Replicating Their Voices


So are their comments just warnings/putting a line in the sand INCASE their voices get stolen? Or are they upset that Konami is reusing the recordings? Or did someone somewhere AI-ify their voices?

From what I read in this article it just seems like they are speaking theoretical, which is very non-news and kind of silly for an article.

Isn't it common knowledge by this point that artists, actors etc don't want their work taken for AI regurgitation?

Re: Shocking Study Reveals 87% Of Classic Games Are "Critically Endangered"


What is the big deal about using original hardware and finding a game in the secondhand market?

It is not that much of a hurdle.... and nowadays we have options beyond original hardware like ODE's and consoles tailor made for essentially pirating ROMs. I actually do not understand this whole outcry for preservation.

A comment above eloquently worded it by comparing it to the Mona Lisa. No one is going to own the original, but we all have access to copies. Why do we need source files or masters? To me it feeds into this whole port culture more than anything which stagnates innovation and new games in favor of replaying old stuff we have already simply on current hardware (lame, boring, etc)

Re: Random: Video Of Man Trading Rare Retro Items For Zelda: TotK Switch Goes Viral


@tektite_captain I agree, very strange article to post. Lately the stories and features here have been top-notch but this one feels like a knee-jerk, surface level research before publishing. I get they are reporting on the twitterers reaction but that in itself is so pointless to post about unless this were a satire/comedic site poking fun at them.

Re: Poll: What's The Best Nintendo System Of All Time?


Wii for me. Has my favorite library of games; of which are severely underrated, mostly unknown or too weird/experimental that most people don't bother trying.

For me it's the last console to really have its own identity and feel fresh.

Second place is 3DS.

(For reference sake I started playing video games on an NES circa 1988 roughly).

Re: Random: Hyperkin Wants To Make The Sega Dreamcast 2


@Gs69 hence my statement saying "most people" it's a waste. I personally have a large collection and would be interested but I am a very small percentage of potential buyers (which would be small to begin with).

Most people are going to use an ODE (to circumvent the DC's unreliable disc drive) or emulation on PC, no real point in having a console (for most people).

Re: Random: Hyperkin Wants To Make The Sega Dreamcast 2


The Dreamcast is phenomenal and means so much to me. A "Dreamcast 2" at this point would be maybe good hardware-wise but SEGA's software development is lackluster, derivative and has no creativity or spirit that made "good SEGA" (1987-2004) so fantastic.

Really pointless to me if it's "new" hardware and not a modernized Dreamcast for playing existing DC games. Which would also be a waste for most people.

Re: Poll: Do You Use A Flashcart?


Flashcarts for any current console is piracy and for me inexcusable. Video games are a luxury and if you can't afford it then need to prioritize your life or just swallow the pill that you aren't able to partake in the hobby right now. I've been in the situation where I could barely afford food and yep, my game buying just had to stop until I got my life together.

I personally don't use flashcarts (aside from one caveat) for retro or out of print games but I won't frown upon the idea in the current marketplace we reside. Games have grown to become beyond their worth in some cases and I can't justify that value to worth.

The caveat I mentioned are un-released or games that were never localized. These are good examples where these types of hardware "mods" can be spectacular and I actually have an ODE for Dreamcast (to play the Atomiswave "ports") and plan on getting one for Saturn. I own the original Japanese discs but would like to play them translated.

Re: The Bouncer: Misunderstood Classic, Or Off-Brand Final Fantasy Fan-Fiction?


Easily one of the worst games I have played. Awful, imprecise and floaty controls that do not reward experimentation. The combat boils down to cheesing once you get a few good move upgrades.

I don't play beat-em-ups for the story so that doesn't have much weight in my personal critique, but anyone looking for one or interesting characters would be disappointed most likely.