Comments 6

Re: Poll: Are Game Boy Games Still Worth Playing In 2023?


I am probably younger than a lot of people here so the first games I played were DS and GameCube games. I do find it difficult to really enjoy a lot of 8-bit games, but there are some I still like (although most of the 8-bit games I like were later ones made in the 90s). It isn't really to do with graphics, it is more to do with how the games are designed and how they control etc. Even though the Game Boy has much more basic graphics than the NES, I enjoy its games a lot more. I haven't had an opportunity to play the ones on NSO much, but I am looking forward to playing them!

Re: Hardware Review: Game Gear Micro - Go Home Sega, You're Drunk


This thing looks absolutely pointless. Who seriously thought this was a good idea. The screen is about 1 inch!!! Even a screen with 9 times the area would be considered small (3 inch across). Never mind the tiny d pad. It not even nice to look at or display on a shelf since it doesn't even have the original proportions.
I guess the packaging is pleasant...

They should of added the ability to connect it to a monitor as well as being able to connect a full size controller.