Comments 12

Re: It's Insane How Much 'Zelda' Is On Switch, And That's Why It's Nintendo's Best Console


@Gamecuber I loved Gamecube for the Zelda games and was a moron for selling my setup. I had the system with GBA player with the following:

Zelda Collectors Disc
OoT Master Quest disc
Wind Waker
Four Swords
Twilight Princess
Link to the Past (GBA)

Just needed the GB and GBC games to complete the collection.

With Gamecube you're only missing BotW and TotK for mainline games. I wouldn't count Skyward Sword as missing anything with the forced motion controls.

Re: Anniversary: The Super Game Boy Is 30 Years Old


I had skipped the SNES until gifted one, but had upgraded my Gamecube completely with the high speed modem and GBA Player. I stupidly sold it back when I got a Wii around 2014 as the Wii could play the Gamecube games. Back when I had the setup though, the Gamecube was my ultimate Zelda box. I think I was only missing a couple of the Game Boy games to have a complete set, even having the Collectors disc.