Super Castlevania IV on snes is my favourite Castlevania game and in my top 10 games of all time! The music blew me away back in the day and I loved being able to whip in any direction and use it to swing across platforms. Not to mention all the flashy mode 7 stuff with the rotating backgrounds and Bosses...
@87th Came here to say the same thing! Amazon Japan have the console with this game at about £122, but the console on its own is £182! I might finally bite at this price...
I remember enjoying the Playstation version, it was unlike anything else at the time (but dont remember any of the story details!). Wonder if they'll release it for the Switch..?
Comments 7
Re: Prince of Persia Meets Streets Of Rage In The Stylish New Action Game Moon Samurai
Love the style and there's a lot of personality in that animation. Hope the gameplay can live up to those visuals!
Re: The Latest X-Men '97 Episode Is A Tribute To The Mutants' Video Game Past
I would LOVE a real X-Men game with that style
Re: Poll: What's Your Favourite Castlevania?
Super Castlevania IV on snes is my favourite Castlevania game and in my top 10 games of all time! The music blew me away back in the day and I loved being able to whip in any direction and use it to swing across platforms. Not to mention all the flashy mode 7 stuff with the rotating backgrounds and Bosses...
Re: Review: Taito Egret II Mini Arcade Memories Vol. 1
@87th Came here to say the same thing! Amazon Japan have the console with this game at about £122, but the console on its own is £182! I might finally bite at this price...
Re: Cult Horror 'D' Getting Physical Re-Release 27 Years Later For 3DO And PC
I remember enjoying the Playstation version, it was unlike anything else at the time (but dont remember any of the story details!). Wonder if they'll release it for the Switch..?
Re: Like Video Game Books? Then You'll Love The Video Game Library
I really enjoy the 'Harccore Gaming 101 Presents:' series of books. Really well researched on all sorts of genres and developers
Re: Over Jump Is A Loving Homage To Arcade Racer Sega Rally
Looks great - and Over Jump is such a good title!