I thoroughly enjoyed reading Rich and Jaz's articles back in the 90's. They're a great part of my gaming memories and, believe it or not, their articles helped me learn English in school. 😁
@Falco_Girgis Don't start name-calling, Girgis. Sure, you are everywhere except Kickstarter, where a few thousand people who put down a total of $185,000 and their trust in you were never addressed properly. Go speak of your merits there first. Good luck.
It's now January 2025 and up until a few months ago Game Energy only posted a couple of deceiving Kickstarter updates (just words, no footage or real progress shown), under the name of pscd games. It looks like all backers lost their money.
Comments 7
Re: Review: Game Kiddy Bubble - The Game Gear Tribute Act We've All Been Waiting For
@DanijoEX-the-Pierrot I had the battery pack and a car adapter. It was perfect for when we went on holidays. 😁
Re: Interview: "We’ve Certainly Made Mistakes" - Limited Run's Boss On Winning Back The Trust Of The Community
@TooDrunkToFunk They said they would several years ago. A warehouse in The Netherlands. They never did. I just get my games from Japan instead.
Re: Review: The Games Of A Lifetime - Jaz Rignall Charts The Evolution Of An Industry
I thoroughly enjoyed reading Rich and Jaz's articles back in the 90's. They're a great part of my gaming memories and, believe it or not, their articles helped me learn English in school. 😁
Re: Random: Dreamcast's Ad Campaign Finally Comes True In 2025 – The Console Really Is "Thinking"
@Falco_Girgis Don't start name-calling, Girgis. Sure, you are everywhere except Kickstarter, where a few thousand people who put down a total of $185,000 and their trust in you were never addressed properly. Go speak of your merits there first. Good luck.
Re: Cyber Mission's Sega Genesis / Mega Drive Port Is In Trouble
It's now January 2025 and up until a few months ago Game Energy only posted a couple of deceiving Kickstarter updates (just words, no footage or real progress shown), under the name of pscd games.
It looks like all backers lost their money.
Re: Random: Dreamcast's Ad Campaign Finally Comes True In 2025 – The Console Really Is "Thinking"
Imagine Falco Girgis putting that same amount of enthousiasm into developing Elysian Shadows, instead of running away. It could have been great.
Re: 36 Years Later, Sega Genesis Is Finally Getting A Proper Port Of Shadow Dancer
I almost forgot it's also on the Astro City Mini.