Nice. Noticed the Saltaire Blonde and Yorkshire Tea and had to assume he’s from Yorkshire with those gifts (that or his colleagues have good taste). Just checked and it looks like he might be from my hometown of Leeds. Not that it makes a difference of course, his music is awesome regardless, but always nice to see.
I bought the previous ‘best screen ever’ mod for the GBC, the Q5 I think it is with touch controls on the top side of the unit. And I must say it was a complete waste of money.
I have turn it off and on numerous times to get games to load up, it’s especially worse with the Everdrive which barely works at all. Also the d-pad is funny so in some games it doesn’t register particular directions.
I’ve just ended up playing all GB and GBC games on my AGS-101 screen modded GBA. That is much older but still works a treat to this day. Probably because it uses a genuine stock screen rather than all these rubbish after market ones.
My experience has really put me off this modded console business. I’ve had similar bad experiences with modded Mega Drive and Master System consoles. The AV mod for the SMS2 just added purple lines when you look closely, and the 60hz PAL Mega Drive mod didn’t work properly, loads of games didn’t work with it. I just ended up buying a Genesis and using an Everdrive. Works as intended, because no amateur modders have got their greasy mitts on it.
@-wc- I still think Wonder Boy III Dragon’s Trap should get more recognition than it does for starting the genre. It was Metroidvaniaing long before Symphony of the Night vania’d on its turf.
Not sure it would create a catchy portmanteau though. MetroidBoy? Wonderoid? (That last one sounds uncomfortable).
Looks like my jam. I love that it actually looks like a PS1 game. I just wish it was coming out on PS4 or Switch, certainly looks like those consoles could handle it.
I really like the idea of these collections, making it more like a documentary and timeline, introducing the games to you after you’ve read or watched about how it was made.
My only issue is that so far I haven’t been interested in any of the games they’ve covered. This is all a bit before my time and I’m not really interested in playing games from the early 80s.
Hopefully they get to do one of these releases for some later games I’d be interested in, although given those developers/publishers are doing their own collections now it seems unlikely.
Still, I think this format holds merit so I hope others follow.
Hiding it in the spine makes me think of when I used to send numerous emails to my friends at their work in quick succession, with just one letter in the subject each time. When the emails landed in their inboxes one after the other, the subjects would spell a word as you read it down the inbox. Usually a naughty word, obviously. Fooled the filters!
Everyone moaning that the seller cancelled the sale. As someone who used to sell on eBay a lot, buyers cancel bids all the time. So I just see this as karma, good for him.
I’m no expert on emulation, but if they’ve rebuilt the code of Glover then is it really true N64 emulation if it’s not running the original game code? Would this ‘emulator’ play other N64 ROMs for example? Sounds more like a port to me, but as I say, I’m no expert.
I’ll have to check this out. I love this soundtrack and I’ve enjoyed Blake Robinson’s Synthetic Orchestra version of Chrono Trigger’s soundtrack, so I hope I enjoy this one as much.
I have two memories of this game. The first was firing it up for the first time with my sister’s boyfriend. He was older than me, but was seriously disappointed, angry even, that you had to read the conversations and it wasn’t voiced. He then just walked out of my room. I can only surmise he couldn’t read.
The second is that I definitely didn’t enjoy it as much as FF7.
I literally can’t remember anything else about this game. I can’t even remember how far I got into it or even if I finished it. I’d like to replay it one day, but knowing how much time it takes up and what little I have these days to play, I doubt it will ever happen.
This app was how I played this game. I enjoyed it very much so it certainly served me well. I also first experienced Phoenix Wright via its app around this time too. It was before I’d got back into gaming, so didn’t have any consoles. I thought they played really well, certainly on the iPhone 4 which is what I would have played them on.
I really need to play Illusion of Time, seen as I own it and I really like the look of it. Never played it back in the day. I should also play Terranigma. I did own that too but at £300 I thought I’d sell it and just play it on my SD2SNES, and at full screen 60hz too with the NTSC hack. Regardless, I’m not sure they need a remake do they? They still look great today. Maybe just re-release them as is, like they did with the Collection of Mana.
Is this charade still going? I can’t believe there are comments from people STILL waiting to get their machines. Didn’t this whole escapade start years ago?
Does this feature have anything to do with the Facebook Group that’s also called CEX Retro Watch that’s been around for a few years? Was wondering if they’re branching out 🤣
I always thought the best music from Wipeout were his tracks from the first game. Better than all the licensed music. I think the Wipeout game disc spent just as much time in my CD player as it did in my PlayStation! I just had to rush to skip past track 1 so the awful data noise didn’t blast through the speakers 🤣
I don’t think it’s right to say the PAL issue isn’t their fault and give them a free pass. If they are selling this in PAL regions, advertising that it can be used with original cartridges, it’s on them to make sure those cartridges work. Will they be putting a warning on the box that PAL carts won’t work properly? I doubt it.
At least you can say it’s authentic. They’re giving PAL regions substandard hardware just like videogame manufacturers did back in the 80s and 90s 🤣
Interesting read. I don’t recall anything about this game at the time, and I was actively into the GameCube at the time. To be honest I would have had no idea who Jeff Minter was back then. I was too young to have played his 80s games and this music light stuff doesn’t appeal to me as a game at all. So can’t say I’m bothered it never released! 🤣
Coincidentally I’ve been reading old White Dwarf magazines, starting from around issue 90, so I recognise this album cover as it was advertised in quite a few issues around that time and is fresh in my mind. I wouldn’t recognise the music though, not my cup of tea at all!
Kudos for owning the album. You really are a true retro head! The best I can do is owning the Dungeonquest board game and its expansions from that era of Games Workshop. It’s the best board game of all time in my opinion and still fun to play today.
I have no nostalgia for Atari, and no desire to play the games either. The NES and Master System are as basic as I can go for retro gaming.
However this does look a good proposition on the face of it. The price seems reasonable, it plays original cartridges AND they are re-releasing some of the old game cartridges too. If I had nostalgia for this system, I’m sure I’d jump on the band wagon.
“but we're willing to overlook this, thanks mainly to the wonderfully electric selection on offer here.”
Electric or eclectic? I guess both works!
This Evercade seems to be going from strength to strength. Good to see it still going strong, it could just as easily have died after the initial releases but the company really seems to be on it and hopefully it’s paying off for them.
I already have something that lets me use my SNES pad with my GameCube. It’s a cable adapter, no need for any soldering nonsense. I think it’s from Raphnet if I’ve remembered it correctly. Not sure how this is any different or better?
This article was about a game I’d never heard of before (Devil Dice), a system I have heard of but have no interest in (Net Yaroze), and misinformation I never knew existed (confusing it with Game Yaroze).
Despite all this, I still found this article really interesting 🤣
@Foxhound it depends how you look at it. No individual could send a Tracked parcel that cheaply via Royal Mail, and until recently they were only charging £1.95 per item. On the other hand, they charge the same price for Large Letters which are usually cheaper (for DVD cases, DS games etc) and as you say you don’t get any discount when items come from the same store, which they always try and prioritise doing if some or all of the games in your order are available in the same store.
I’m surprised you received reprinted covers from an online order. I believe they’re only supposed to sell those in store (so you know what you’re getting) and they cancel online orders if they don’t have another copy available.
It’s also worth mentioning that they typically have these reprinted covers because they get the original boxes stolen from their stores. So they only do them for games they’ve taken in as boxed but no longer have the box for them.
Their franchised stores can be a lot more picky with the condition of games they take in compared with corporate stores. I tried trading in some boxed games without manuals that I’d purchased as boxed from their website, but the franchised store would only take them as unboxed 🤣 obviously I just went to another store who took them as boxed no problem.
All in all I like CEX, but as you say they really need to split the boxed grade into with and without a manual.
I have a handful of US region 3DS games that I have never played as I assumed getting hold of a US region 3DS console would be much easier than it turned out to be. So the last thing I want to be doing is buying Japanese region games too!
I looked into hacking one of my 3DSes but it’s not exactly straightforward and it’s irreversible from what I can tell. All my current consoles are too sentimental for me to do that to.
I had MDs in the late 90s, early 2000s. They were really useful for recording my bedroom DJ mixes (I was so cool). Not only could you re-record if you messed up, but it was CD quality sound (to my ears anyway) and you could create the tracks to break up the mix into each individual tune. You could insert the track breaks quite precisely if I recall, I remember going forward and backward until I got the track break in exactly the right spot where it sounded just right when you skipped to each track.
Julian Sands is always the Warlock to me. I loved that film as a child. I remember him from Arachnophobia too, and he was a bad guy in one of the series of 24.
I should try and watch Warlock 2, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that.
Makes me glad all my collection is stored away and has never been on display. Although at the same time in recent months I’ve stopped caring about my retro games collection.
I reached a point where I realised a lot of my time outside of work was spent on activities linked to collecting. And I’d become a hoarder. I always originally bought the games with the intention of playing them, but the reality is that’s never going to happen. Life’s too short.
So I’m now selling most of it, and I’m much happier for it. And with what I will have left at the end of it, I won’t be thinking about how the sun shines on it.
Great read. I knew a lot of the early part thanks to having recently read the book ‘Dice Men’ from Ian Livingstone. Which is a great book. But then much of the latter part was entirely new for me and very interesting. Thanks!
I’d love for Time Extension to do an article covering the early Fighting Fantasy and Games Workshop videogames. There must be some good stories there? HeroQuest, Soace Hulk, Space Crusade, the first two Warhammer games on PC and PS1.
I’ll take a look at this. I’m already due to receive Jonathan Green’s FF 40th Anniversary book from his most recent Kickstarter, but I wasn’t aware of this.
The artwork is an iconic part of FF books, and that list of names at the end of the article define Fantasy art for me.
Comments 303
Re: A Bunch Of Sealed NES Games Just Sold For Utterly Insane Amounts On eBay
I’m not really sure that the buyers “hit the jackpot” at those ridiculous prices. The estate likely did, but certainly not the buyers.
Re: Rare Composer Celebrates 30 Years With The Company
Nice. Noticed the Saltaire Blonde and Yorkshire Tea and had to assume he’s from Yorkshire with those gifts (that or his colleagues have good taste). Just checked and it looks like he might be from my hometown of Leeds. Not that it makes a difference of course, his music is awesome regardless, but always nice to see.
Re: Just Like Switch, Game Boy Color Now Has An "OLED Model"
I bought the previous ‘best screen ever’ mod for the GBC, the Q5 I think it is with touch controls on the top side of the unit. And I must say it was a complete waste of money.
I have turn it off and on numerous times to get games to load up, it’s especially worse with the Everdrive which barely works at all. Also the d-pad is funny so in some games it doesn’t register particular directions.
I’ve just ended up playing all GB and GBC games on my AGS-101 screen modded GBA. That is much older but still works a treat to this day. Probably because it uses a genuine stock screen rather than all these rubbish after market ones.
My experience has really put me off this modded console business. I’ve had similar bad experiences with modded Mega Drive and Master System consoles. The AV mod for the SMS2 just added purple lines when you look closely, and the 60hz PAL Mega Drive mod didn’t work properly, loads of games didn’t work with it. I just ended up buying a Genesis and using an Everdrive. Works as intended, because no amateur modders have got their greasy mitts on it.
Re: Anniversary: Castlevania: Bloodlines Is 30 Years Old
@-wc- I still think Wonder Boy III Dragon’s Trap should get more recognition than it does for starting the genre. It was Metroidvaniaing long before Symphony of the Night vania’d on its turf.
Not sure it would create a catchy portmanteau though. MetroidBoy? Wonderoid? (That last one sounds uncomfortable).
Re: PS5 Survival Horror 'Crow Country' Is Giving Us Serious Final Fantasy VII Vibes
Looks like my jam. I love that it actually looks like a PS1 game. I just wish it was coming out on PS4 or Switch, certainly looks like those consoles could handle it.
Re: Strong Museum Announces Its 12 Video Game Hall Of Fame Finalists
Most of these should be inducted. Why only one? Heck, most of them should already be in there!
Re: Interview: "A True Original" - Digital Eclipse On 'Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story'
I really like the idea of these collections, making it more like a documentary and timeline, introducing the games to you after you’ve read or watched about how it was made.
My only issue is that so far I haven’t been interested in any of the games they’ve covered. This is all a bit before my time and I’m not really interested in playing games from the early 80s.
Hopefully they get to do one of these releases for some later games I’d be interested in, although given those developers/publishers are doing their own collections now it seems unlikely.
Still, I think this format holds merit so I hope others follow.
Re: Random: Did You Know About This Hilarious FIFA 97 Easter Egg?
"Believe me, nothing gets “snuck” onto a product like FIFA!“.
Nope, that only happens to their PGA Tour Golf games 🤣
Re: This Video Game Magazine Trolled A Final Fantasy VIII Hater For Two Years
That is amazing!
Hiding it in the spine makes me think of when I used to send numerous emails to my friends at their work in quick succession, with just one letter in the subject each time. When the emails landed in their inboxes one after the other, the subjects would spell a word as you read it down the inbox. Usually a naughty word, obviously. Fooled the filters!
Re: "Holy Grail" NES Zelda Worth $700,000 Was Almost Sold For $17,000
Everyone moaning that the seller cancelled the sale. As someone who used to sell on eBay a lot, buyers cancel bids all the time. So I just see this as karma, good for him.
Re: "Holy Grail" NES Zelda Worth $700,000 Was Almost Sold For $17,000
Any ideas what it sold for as the auction would have happened by now?
Sounds about standard having all the retro collecting vultures circling and messaging 🤣
Re: Why Infernal Machine's Director Put A Stop To Indiana Jones's Womanizing
According to the original trilogy of films, Indiana’s been with 3 women. Not sure that constitutes womanising. My mate Steve’s been with 4.
Re: N64 Comes To Evercade - Is Dreamcast Next? "Never Say Never"
I’m no expert on emulation, but if they’ve rebuilt the code of Glover then is it really true N64 emulation if it’s not running the original game code? Would this ‘emulator’ play other N64 ROMs for example? Sounds more like a port to me, but as I say, I’m no expert.
Re: Newly Released Tribute Album 'EXCALIBUR' Celebrates The Music Of Secret Of Mana
I’ll have to check this out. I love this soundtrack and I’ve enjoyed Blake Robinson’s Synthetic Orchestra version of Chrono Trigger’s soundtrack, so I hope I enjoy this one as much.
Re: Obscure PS1 Platformer 'Spider' Gets Remastered Soundtrack Release
I always remembered this game appearing as one of the challenges on Gamesmaster. Never got to own it or play it though, unfortunately.
Re: Death Stranding On iPhone Includes A Feature Kojima Pioneered 13 Years Ago
Kojima is such a Talox. That’s a portmanteau of “talking” and “bollox”.
Re: Anniversary: Final Fantasy VIII Is 25 Years Old
I have two memories of this game. The first was firing it up for the first time with my sister’s boyfriend. He was older than me, but was seriously disappointed, angry even, that you had to read the conversations and it wasn’t voiced. He then just walked out of my room. I can only surmise he couldn’t read.
The second is that I definitely didn’t enjoy it as much as FF7.
I literally can’t remember anything else about this game. I can’t even remember how far I got into it or even if I finished it. I’d like to replay it one day, but knowing how much time it takes up and what little I have these days to play, I doubt it will ever happen.
Re: The Making Of: Nintendo Adventure Books, Mario's 'Fighting Fantasy' Period
A compilation book consisting of just the game over paragraphs from all the Fighting Fantasy books would be a great idea!
Re: Capcom Announces End Of Service For Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective iOS
This app was how I played this game. I enjoyed it very much so it certainly served me well. I also first experienced Phoenix Wright via its app around this time too. It was before I’d got back into gaming, so didn’t have any consoles. I thought they played really well, certainly on the iPhone 4 which is what I would have played them on.
Re: Square Enix, Yuzo Koshiro Really Wants 'Illusion Of Gaia' And 'Terranigma' Remakes, Thanks
I really need to play Illusion of Time, seen as I own it and I really like the look of it. Never played it back in the day. I should also play Terranigma. I did own that too but at £300 I thought I’d sell it and just play it on my SD2SNES, and at full screen 60hz too with the NTSC hack. Regardless, I’m not sure they need a remake do they? They still look great today. Maybe just re-release them as is, like they did with the Collection of Mana.
Re: There's A New Polymega Project Coming In 2024
Is this charade still going? I can’t believe there are comments from people STILL waiting to get their machines. Didn’t this whole escapade start years ago?
Re: Flashback: How South Park Forced A Tiger Woods 99 Recall
So did the engineer get the sack? It doesn’t specify. I need to know if some guy I’ve never met got fired back in 1999.
Re: Poll: What's The Best WipEout?
British website calls a game made by a British company with music from British music acts by its American name. Shame on you.
Re: CeX Retro Watch: November 2023
Does this feature have anything to do with the Facebook Group that’s also called CEX Retro Watch that’s been around for a few years? Was wondering if they’re branching out 🤣
Re: CoLD SToRAGE Releasing Remastered Album Of His Classic WipEout Music On CD & Vinyl
I always thought the best music from Wipeout were his tracks from the first game. Better than all the licensed music. I think the Wipeout game disc spent just as much time in my CD player as it did in my PlayStation! I just had to rush to skip past track 1 so the awful data noise didn’t blast through the speakers 🤣
Re: Review: Atari 2600+ - The Grandaddy Of Gaming Is Back
I don’t think it’s right to say the PAL issue isn’t their fault and give them a free pass. If they are selling this in PAL regions, advertising that it can be used with original cartridges, it’s on them to make sure those cartridges work. Will they be putting a warning on the box that PAL carts won’t work properly? I doubt it.
At least you can say it’s authentic. They’re giving PAL regions substandard hardware just like videogame manufacturers did back in the 80s and 90s 🤣
Re: Molyneux And Minter - The Story Of The Lost GameCube Exclusive 'Unity'
Interesting read. I don’t recall anything about this game at the time, and I was actively into the GameCube at the time. To be honest I would have had no idea who Jeff Minter was back then. I was too young to have played his 80s games and this music light stuff doesn’t appeal to me as a game at all. So can’t say I’m bothered it never released! 🤣
Interesting article all the same though.
Re: Warhammer 40K: Boltgun Contains An Awesome Throwback To Games Workshop's Musical Past
Coincidentally I’ve been reading old White Dwarf magazines, starting from around issue 90, so I recognise this album cover as it was advertised in quite a few issues around that time and is fresh in my mind. I wouldn’t recognise the music though, not my cup of tea at all!
Kudos for owning the album. You really are a true retro head! The best I can do is owning the Dungeonquest board game and its expansions from that era of Games Workshop. It’s the best board game of all time in my opinion and still fun to play today.
Re: Gallery: Unboxing The Atari 2600+
I have no nostalgia for Atari, and no desire to play the games either. The NES and Master System are as basic as I can go for retro gaming.
However this does look a good proposition on the face of it. The price seems reasonable, it plays original cartridges AND they are re-releasing some of the old game cartridges too. If I had nostalgia for this system, I’m sure I’d jump on the band wagon.
Re: The Making Of: EyeToy: Play, The PS2 Casual Hit That Predated Wii And Kinect
Still never tried an Eye Toy or Kinect. Seen as I have a PS2 I probably should give it a go.
Re: FIFA Cover Stars - Every Athlete From 1993 To 2022
Bastian Schweinsteiger is the best name ever given to a human being
Re: Interview: Former Coleco Exec Bert Reiner On ColecoVision, Nintendo & Cabbage Patch Kids
Great read, thank you.
Re: A Tribute To Matthew Perry, Actor, Playwright And Video Gamer
Come on guys. He played Klonoa. Most hardcore gamers don’t even play Klonoa. He was clearly one of us, with great taste I might add.
Re: CeX Retro Watch: October 2023
Did you nip into CEX in York after your visit to Sore Thumb Games? 😀
(I saw you on their Facebook page. I’m not a stalker, honest!).
Re: Hands On: Evercade's Latest Crop Of Carts Offer Some Welcome Surprises
“but we're willing to overlook this, thanks mainly to the wonderfully electric selection on offer here.”
Electric or eclectic? I guess both works!
This Evercade seems to be going from strength to strength. Good to see it still going strong, it could just as easily have died after the initial releases but the company really seems to be on it and hopefully it’s paying off for them.
Re: This Super Rare N64 Controller Could Fetch £1000 At Auction
The pad certainly looks foxy.
Although I thought it was part of the Liz MacDonald collection.
Re: New Mod Allows SNES Pads To Be Used With The Nintendo GameCube And Wii
I already have something that lets me use my SNES pad with my GameCube. It’s a cable adapter, no need for any soldering nonsense. I think it’s from Raphnet if I’ve remembered it correctly. Not sure how this is any different or better?
Re: PS1 Puzzler Devil Dice Was Never A 'Net Yaroze' Title, So Why Does The Internet Think It Was?
This article was about a game I’d never heard of before (Devil Dice), a system I have heard of but have no interest in (Net Yaroze), and misinformation I never knew existed (confusing it with Game Yaroze).
Despite all this, I still found this article really interesting 🤣
Re: Playing The CeX Retro Lottery
@Foxhound it depends how you look at it. No individual could send a Tracked parcel that cheaply via Royal Mail, and until recently they were only charging £1.95 per item. On the other hand, they charge the same price for Large Letters which are usually cheaper (for DVD cases, DS games etc) and as you say you don’t get any discount when items come from the same store, which they always try and prioritise doing if some or all of the games in your order are available in the same store.
Re: Playing The CeX Retro Lottery
I’m surprised you received reprinted covers from an online order. I believe they’re only supposed to sell those in store (so you know what you’re getting) and they cancel online orders if they don’t have another copy available.
It’s also worth mentioning that they typically have these reprinted covers because they get the original boxes stolen from their stores. So they only do them for games they’ve taken in as boxed but no longer have the box for them.
Their franchised stores can be a lot more picky with the condition of games they take in compared with corporate stores. I tried trading in some boxed games without manuals that I’d purchased as boxed from their website, but the franchised store would only take them as unboxed 🤣 obviously I just went to another store who took them as boxed no problem.
All in all I like CEX, but as you say they really need to split the boxed grade into with and without a manual.
Re: Talking Point: Will Hand-Drawn Pixel Art Still Be Viable In Ten Years Time?
Where there is demand, there will be supply
Re: Cancelled N64 Title 'Dragon Sword' Is Being Resurrected
Hopefully they release it for the N64 like they did 40 Winks. No need to get Limited Run involved, they release their own games.
Re: CIBSunday: Sega 3D Reprint Archives 1, 2 & 3 Triple Box (Nintendo 3DS)
I have a handful of US region 3DS games that I have never played as I assumed getting hold of a US region 3DS console would be much easier than it turned out to be. So the last thing I want to be doing is buying Japanese region games too!
I looked into hacking one of my 3DSes but it’s not exactly straightforward and it’s irreversible from what I can tell. All my current consoles are too sentimental for me to do that to.
Re: Before Stand-Up Comedy, Paul Chowdhry Had A 'Grey Import' Business
Maybe his Uncle secretly worked at Nintendo. That’s why he wanted it shut down.
Re: Why MiniDisc, Sony's Precursor To The PSP UMD, Is Still Alive In 2023
I had MDs in the late 90s, early 2000s. They were really useful for recording my bedroom DJ mixes (I was so cool). Not only could you re-record if you messed up, but it was CD quality sound (to my ears anyway) and you could create the tracks to break up the mix into each individual tune. You could insert the track breaks quite precisely if I recall, I remember going forward and backward until I got the track break in exactly the right spot where it sounded just right when you skipped to each track.
Re: The Camp '90s Horror That Links The Late Julian Sands With Resident Evil
Julian Sands is always the Warlock to me. I loved that film as a child. I remember him from Arachnophobia too, and he was a bad guy in one of the series of 24.
I should try and watch Warlock 2, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that.
Re: Poll: Are You Concerned About 'Sun Fade' Ruining Your Retro Game Collection?
Makes me glad all my collection is stored away and has never been on display. Although at the same time in recent months I’ve stopped caring about my retro games collection.
I reached a point where I realised a lot of my time outside of work was spent on activities linked to collecting. And I’d become a hoarder. I always originally bought the games with the intention of playing them, but the reality is that’s never going to happen. Life’s too short.
So I’m now selling most of it, and I’m much happier for it. And with what I will have left at the end of it, I won’t be thinking about how the sun shines on it.
Re: The Making Of: Fighting Fantasy - The Million-Selling Gamebook Series
Great read. I knew a lot of the early part thanks to having recently read the book ‘Dice Men’ from Ian Livingstone. Which is a great book. But then much of the latter part was entirely new for me and very interesting. Thanks!
I’d love for Time Extension to do an article covering the early Fighting Fantasy and Games Workshop videogames. There must be some good stories there? HeroQuest, Soace Hulk, Space Crusade, the first two Warhammer games on PC and PS1.
Re: I Spent $75,000 Documenting Japan's Gaming History, And It Was Quite The Ride
That was an excellent read, thank you.
Re: Magic Realms Shines A Light On The Remarkable Art Of The Fighting Fantasy Series
I’ll take a look at this. I’m already due to receive Jonathan Green’s FF 40th Anniversary book from his most recent Kickstarter, but I wasn’t aware of this.
The artwork is an iconic part of FF books, and that list of names at the end of the article define Fantasy art for me.
I’ll have to check this out.