So it interfaces by tapping the screen through/via the buttons, right? If so, doesn't the on-screen button interface needs to match up with the buttons? So any compatible game would need to have a matching layout, right? Or are the buttons just Bluetooth input.
Oh gosh. I own this for GBA, but I've never gotten very far. A guide is essentially mandatory to ensure you don't waste your TP, and find all of the items. And the battles, I recall, are very long.
Comments 19
Re: Fan Game 'DC Task Force' Features 82 Different Playable Superheroes And Is Free To Download
I'm getting an error when trying to install openbar on my phone. It says it's not compatible, which a Galaxy S23 FE. Anyone else run into this?
Re: Review: PlayCase Turns Your iPhone Into A Game Console, With A Few Catches
Ah, that makes sense. No worries. I'm just so anti emulation ethically that it didn't even occur to me
Re: Review: PlayCase Turns Your iPhone Into A Game Console, With A Few Catches
@Damo right. So then every game it's "compatible" with needs to have the exact button layout. Which is how many games?
Re: Review: PlayCase Turns Your iPhone Into A Game Console, With A Few Catches
So it interfaces by tapping the screen through/via the buttons, right? If so, doesn't the on-screen button interface needs to match up with the buttons? So any compatible game would need to have a matching layout, right? Or are the buttons just Bluetooth input.
Re: Anniversary: The Best Burnout Turns 20 This Month
@845H he might have been referring to RR7
Re: Anniversary: The Best Burnout Turns 20 This Month
@845H word
Re: Anniversary: The Best Burnout Turns 20 This Month
Ahem, the best Burnout actually turns 22 next month.
Re: This $15 Device Takes GameCube Online So You Can Play Mario Kart And Zelda With Other People
@Poodlestargenerica it wouldn't, I imagine. But I wonder if the sidecar could emulate it so you could, for example, trade Pokemon online.
Re: This $15 Device Takes GameCube Online So You Can Play Mario Kart And Zelda With Other People
If I had the sidecar and a GB Player, could I hypothetically play link cable Gameboy games online?
Re: 2D Meets 3D In Screenbound - A New Platformer About Being Distracted
This is cool. Reminds me of that distracted driving texting game.
Re: Riviera: The Promised Land Remaster Announced For PC & Mobile in Japan
Oh gosh. I own this for GBA, but I've never gotten very far. A guide is essentially mandatory to ensure you don't waste your TP, and find all of the items. And the battles, I recall, are very long.
Re: Intellivision Names Amico Mascot, Still No Sign Of The Console
I still want one. A couple of the hypothetical games shown for it looked really fun.
Re: You Can Own Tommy Tallarico's House If You Have $3 Million To Spare
Do you think I'd find an Amico hidden in an evil box in the attic? Because I want one
Re: Poll: What Is Rare's Best Game?
Easy question. Tears of the Kingdom.
Re: The Brilliant Coup Is A New Zak McKracken-Esque Adventure Game Coming To Steam
Call me when a Zack and Wiki-inspired game is announced
Re: 34 Years After Release, A 13-Year-Old Has Just "Beaten" NES Tetris
Why is it that the score display and blocks eventually glitch out? Does anyone know where I can read about that?
Re: Bike Daisuki! Hashiriya Kon – Rider’s Spirits & Scurge: Hive Coming To Modern Consoles In 2024
Scourge: Hive! Does that mean we might get Racing Gears Advance too!? One of the best racing games ever made.
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
@Serpenterror has Tallarico left completely? Last I knew, he stepped down from being CEO to President.
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
There's not a chance in heck this company will survive, even if they do manage to launch the Amico. Regardless, I'm thinking of getting one.