Might sound a bit silly but Super Mario kart every video game character seems to have a kart racer and they probably wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for Super Mario Kart
Had a Dreamcast from launch but I only discovered this around August last year it’s a shame cos it’s really cool you can move everything about with the analog stick wish I had known about sooner it looks really slick
I don’t have the game but I got the file from a cd that has a complete A to Z of VMU saves
@-wc- I agree it looks a bit bare a second stick could have possibly been put there that you could map to the face buttons and be usable in something like quake 3 or unreal tournament or like you say 2 more buttons. I got the clear blue version which is nice when I ordered it I was sceptical at first but it’s quite a robust little controller I honestly don’t think I could do without it now
@-wc- it’s definitely a good choice I’ve had and used my Dreamcast since day 1 so I wouldn’t recommend anything that’s not good the only thing I had to get used to is not being able to look at the vmu unless of course you get a cable extender
@-wc- in Europe the official Dreamcast arcade stick was definitely marketed and sold by Sega complete with official Sega packaging which matches the Dreamcast console packaging maybe Agetec was just a distributor in North America.
I have the wireless striker DC and it’s become my default controller for the Dreamcast and out performs the original in every way interestingly the dpad is fantastic even though it doesn’t look like it is. Street Fighter 3 third strike is one of my all time favourite games and it never lets me down I have the arcade stick but sometimes can’t be bothered setting it up
I’ve never fully understood these products although it makes me laugh as they have good reviews on amazon which is baffling just goes to show that they must be fake reviews
I was gifted the street fighter cab at Christmas made by My Arcade and it’s awful not only is it virtually unplayable it uses the Mega Drive version of Street Fighter which is just inexcusable its just so cheap and nasty back in the box and into a cupboard it’s gone
Crazy taxi is better on Dreamcast than the arcade with its added content Tekken tag tournament on PS2 is much better than it’s arcade counterpart with better graphics and tighter feeling controls also power drift on Saturn has a championship mode added which gives it a much more complete feel to it
I still have my vita oled fantastic looking console and it had some decent games still play Everbodys golf to this day definitely more portable than the switch I use it at work or when travelling but yeah the memory card prices really did damage sales but I always had the feeling Sony didn’t care about it at all it kinda felt dead on arrival
Can’t believe Sega are not trying to shut this down I mean they don’t have the Nintendo ninjas as a legal team but I’ve seen them shut down books cos they used artwork without permission using an actual bios is surely grounds for Sega to be all over this
@BulkSlash ha yeah I used to put a mark on the back so I knew which one I needed until I discovered that you could add icons to the vmu screen it kinda took the guess work away but was still kind of a pain and I can’t believe how much they vary in memory size in terms of blocks to save some although standard have twice as much available space as others
@RadioHedgeFund I remember croc getting panned at its time of release but recently it seems like that’s all been forgotten about I remember it as a pretty lame attempt at a Mario 64 clone but all that has been distorted by numerous retro gaming sites
@JMX 😂 that would actually be quite clever I’m only asking because back in the day the audio was quite special at the time and I feel like it can make or break some of these games take cannon fodder for example it’s a great game whichever format you play it on ,but the Amiga version is the one I always return to cos of the soundtrack
Great game still play it although I’m gonna say Burnout Revenge is better it’s a shame there is no modern equivalent paradise is ok but takedown and revenge are much better
@KitsuneNight yeah it is odd, someone did a list of vga compatible games on Dreamcast talk I used that a lot in the past my other Dreamcast has a gdemu which just pretty much forces everything into vga. I’m guessing that this component cable is just like a pass through similar to most of the hdmi converters available for Dreamcast I’ve found it’s better to use vga and then use a vga to hdmi converter and the results at least for me have been better than the hdmi cables that are available
@KitsuneNight if you have a boot disc like code breaker you can run that first and then try a game that doesn’t support vga and sometimes it will work. Hydro Thunder is a weird one I have the official pal version which won’t display in vga however put the boot disc in then run the game and it looks outstanding with no glitches some games do have funny glitches Marvel vs capcom 2 for example just doesn’t run properly another alternative is to burn a patched version of a game SNK games don’t support vga I own originals but have burnt copies just so I can use them through vga
@InfinitysEnd I use vga through my 42 inch Toshiba and it looks amazing I don’t think component offers a better quality output I just think its purely convenience as said above I guess it’s another way to use the Dreamcast if that option is available to you
@Azuris yeah I’ve done it used the refund to preorder the bar top looks pretty cool plus I don’t own anything else like that so it will be something a little different for me
@Azuris @KitsuneNight the vs seems like a decent product but I really wanted handheld for work and travel not bothered about hdmi out either at the moment the exp r suits my needs better I may cancel though I’ve thought about getting one of the many handhelds that are available but the idea of collecting the carts really appeals to me
Oh man kinda wish I had not preordered this now I have had no word from Blaze or Argos which is where I ordered it from about delays the first I’m hearing about this news is on here I paid for it in July cos Argos started charging me although it did say I wouldn’t be charged until the item is dispatched I was aware of the first delay but this is getting a bit ridiculous now
@Azuris yeah I’ve been looking at the 2 Duke nukem collections I just want the console to arrive before I make any more purchases for it but they are definitely near the top of my list
I’ve preordered the EXP R with this collection also bought Irem arcade i feel like the Evercade has gained a decent following and the Tomb Raider collection was the tipping point for me hoping for more like this
I reshelled mine last year black transparent and I have just recently changed my donor Dreamcast shell to clear and fitted a gdEmu I would put some pics in my comment but not sure how to 😂
Just watched a video and it seems to run Dreamcast and N64 fine although it doesn’t show every game or detail which games don’t run but for £80 it looks pretty good
I bought one of the switch online SNES controllers and it feels amazing compared to my original SNES controllers and that’s what it is the membranes have definitely gone in the original but for me the main problem with a SNES controller is the L and R triggers they snap where they pivot near the pin I hope someone can find a fix for that in the future as it is one of my all time favourite controllers
@KitsuneNight yeah I see what you’re saying I grew up having a C64 then an Amiga so they have a nostalgic feeling for me and there are thousands of games so I guess it would be a bit of a nightmare finding the ones you actually like
@Bu1ld0g yeah me too I still play the original with a negcon absolutely love it unfortunately I don’t have a ps5 and don’t intend on getting one I will stick to the original or the psp version on a ps vita just think it would be a great fit for the switch would look amazing on switch oled
I wish Namco would do a Ridge Racer collection for modern consoles all they seem to care about recently are Dragon ball z games I would be happy if they just did the psp version on switch
Looks pretty cool hope it does come to consoles I’ve been playing NBA hoopz on Dreamcast lately and been really enjoying it this looks kinda similar less sim and more arcade
Yeah there is definitely a distinct smell that all these kinda shops have cex is not as bad as say cash converters who even sell power tools all covered in mud and dirt. Gamestation used to have a similar smell I think it’s just old consoles and games and possibly some of the customers
@Poodlestargenerica seems like it’s a bit of a beast and the form factor is perfect for me I don’t know how accurate what I’ve just been reading is but it says that it can run switch games I don’t want it for that but I should think it would have no problem running anything before switch
I really wanna get a handheld capable of running Dreamcast and PlayStation 2 but I’m so confused about which one to get it seems as though 2 or 3 of these are being announced on a weekly basis maybe timeextension could do some sort of guide. I have a retroflag gpi which I’ve been so happy with but I just want something with a bit more power under the hood
@Razieluigi 100% agree on everything you said and some devs could create some outstanding music on the mega drive most Technosoft games have amazing soundtracks, Hellfire the Sonic games and streets of rage the list is endless and they definitely have their own charm which I wouldn’t ever change
That’s cool I vaguely remember seeing something about this in a magazine at the time along with the picture of Senna holding the trophy and if I remember correctly there was a cheat but for the first super Monaco gp where if you made the podium you could do a button combo and the the drivers would lift their heads off instead of a trophy
@Steel76 imagine is a name that takes me back I remember I had green beret and Rastan on c64 but yeah I think that was definitely a slogan not sure about ultimate tho doesn’t seem to flow when you say it out loud
@RossoftheRobots I originally got it to use on switch as I have a few Neo Geo games on there I updated it on 8bitdo website both the adapter and controller which took only a couple of minutes but I thought I would try it on the A500 as the button layout is similar to the cd32 layout and by chance it worked and everything functions as it should you can bring up the keyboard save your games exit to the carousel and shutdown the system using the controller so I guess it was a happy accident 😂 but I don’t use anything else on the A500 anymore
@RossoftheRobots it works really well and it’s button layout is similar to that of the cd32 and of course it’s wireless plus it has the clicky stick which makes it feel like you are using a micoswitched joystick
Comments 176
Re: What's The Most Influential Video Game of All Time? BAFTA Needs Your Help To Decide
Might sound a bit silly but Super Mario kart every video game character seems to have a kart racer and they probably wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for Super Mario Kart
Re: Did You Know That Dreamcast Has A Hidden Menu System?
Had a Dreamcast from launch but I only discovered this around August last year it’s a shame cos it’s really cool you can move everything about with the analog stick wish I had known about sooner it looks really slick
I don’t have the game but I got the file from a cd that has a complete A to Z of VMU saves
Re: Review: Retro Fighters D6 - Great Design, But The D-Pad Is A Disappointment
@-wc- I agree it looks a bit bare a second stick could have possibly been put there that you could map to the face buttons and be usable in something like quake 3 or unreal tournament or like you say 2 more buttons. I got the clear blue version which is nice when I ordered it I was sceptical at first but it’s quite a robust little controller I honestly don’t think I could do without it now
Re: Review: Retro Fighters D6 - Great Design, But The D-Pad Is A Disappointment
@-wc- it’s definitely a good choice I’ve had and used my Dreamcast since day 1 so I wouldn’t recommend anything that’s not good the only thing I had to get used to is not being able to look at the vmu unless of course you get a cable extender
Re: Review: Retro Fighters D6 - Great Design, But The D-Pad Is A Disappointment
@-wc- in Europe the official Dreamcast arcade stick was definitely marketed and sold by Sega complete with official Sega packaging which matches the Dreamcast console packaging maybe Agetec was just a distributor in North America.
I have the wireless striker DC and it’s become my default controller for the Dreamcast and out performs the original in every way interestingly the dpad is fantastic even though it doesn’t look like it is. Street Fighter 3 third strike is one of my all time favourite games and it never lets me down I have the arcade stick but sometimes can’t be bothered setting it up
Re: "The Most Bafflingly Poor Products We Have Ever Reviewed" - Marseille's mClassic RGB Collection Fails To Impress The Experts
I’ve never fully understood these products although it makes me laugh as they have good reviews on amazon which is baffling just goes to show that they must be fake reviews
Re: Review: My Arcade Pole Position Racing Player - Bodes Well For This Year's OutRun Cab
I was gifted the street fighter cab at Christmas made by My Arcade and it’s awful not only is it virtually unplayable it uses the Mega Drive version of Street Fighter which is just inexcusable its just so cheap and nasty back in the box and into a cupboard it’s gone
Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?
Crazy taxi is better on Dreamcast than the arcade with its added content Tekken tag tournament on PS2 is much better than it’s arcade counterpart with better graphics and tighter feeling controls also power drift on Saturn has a championship mode added which gives it a much more complete feel to it
Re: Shuhei Yoshida Explains Why The PS Vita Flopped
I still have my vita oled fantastic looking console and it had some decent games still play Everbodys golf to this day definitely more portable than the switch I use it at work or when travelling but yeah the memory card prices really did damage sales but I always had the feeling Sony didn’t care about it at all it kinda felt dead on arrival
Re: The Amiga Just Got An Amazing New Star Wars Game, Made By Fans
Would this be playable on A500 mini?
Re: If Nothing Else, SuperSega's Latest "Review" Should Convince You To Keep Your Wallet Shut
Can’t believe Sega are not trying to shut this down I mean they don’t have the Nintendo ninjas as a legal team but I’ve seen them shut down books cos they used artwork without permission using an actual bios is surely grounds for Sega to be all over this
Re: Next-Generation Dreamcast VMUs Are Getting An Absolutely Essential Feature
@BulkSlash ha yeah I used to put a mark on the back so I knew which one I needed until I discovered that you could add icons to the vmu screen it kinda took the guess work away but was still kind of a pain and I can’t believe how much they vary in memory size in terms of blocks to save some although standard have twice as much available space as others
Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?
@RadioHedgeFund I remember croc getting panned at its time of release but recently it seems like that’s all been forgotten about I remember it as a pretty lame attempt at a Mario 64 clone but all that has been distorted by numerous retro gaming sites
Re: Review: The Bitmap Brothers Collection 2 (Evercade) - We Got The Right Versions This Time
@JMX 😂 that would actually be quite clever I’m only asking because back in the day the audio was quite special at the time and I feel like it can make or break some of these games take cannon fodder for example it’s a great game whichever format you play it on ,but the Amiga version is the one I always return to cos of the soundtrack
Re: Review: The Bitmap Brothers Collection 2 (Evercade) - We Got The Right Versions This Time
I just wanna know if the music from the intro of Gods is the actual Amiga music and not the one from the Mega drive/Snes version
Re: Anniversary: The Best Burnout Turns 20 This Month
Great game still play it although I’m gonna say Burnout Revenge is better it’s a shame there is no modern equivalent paradise is ok but takedown and revenge are much better
Re: The "Best" Dreamcast Component Cables Are Almost Here
@KitsuneNight yeah it is odd, someone did a list of vga compatible games on Dreamcast talk I used that a lot in the past my other Dreamcast has a gdemu which just pretty much forces everything into vga.
I’m guessing that this component cable is just like a pass through similar to most of the hdmi converters available for Dreamcast I’ve found it’s better to use vga and then use a vga to hdmi converter and the results at least for me have been better than the hdmi cables that are available
Re: The "Best" Dreamcast Component Cables Are Almost Here
@KitsuneNight if you have a boot disc like code breaker you can run that first and then try a game that doesn’t support vga and sometimes it will work. Hydro Thunder is a weird one I have the official pal version which won’t display in vga however put the boot disc in then run the game and it looks outstanding with no glitches some games do have funny glitches Marvel vs capcom 2 for example just doesn’t run properly another alternative is to burn a patched version of a game SNK games don’t support vga I own originals but have burnt copies just so I can use them through vga
Re: The "Best" Dreamcast Component Cables Are Almost Here
@InfinitysEnd I use vga through my 42 inch Toshiba and it looks amazing I don’t think component offers a better quality output I just think its purely convenience as said above I guess it’s another way to use the Dreamcast if that option is available to you
Re: Evercade EXP-R Release Hit By Another Delay Following "Significant Issue"
@KitsuneNight thanks for the reply I’m just not so well up on anything Evercade related hope the Bartop is not delayed
Re: Evercade EXP-R Release Hit By Another Delay Following "Significant Issue"
@Azuris yeah I’ve done it used the refund to preorder the bar top looks pretty cool plus I don’t own anything else like that so it will be something a little different for me
Re: Evercade EXP-R Release Hit By Another Delay Following "Significant Issue"
@KitsuneNight is that the bartop type cos I may get a refund and preorder that instead the cartridges are still compatible aren’t they?
Re: Evercade EXP-R Release Hit By Another Delay Following "Significant Issue"
@KitsuneNight 😂 November 26, that’s a good idea but I would at least like the exp with capcom content
Re: Evercade EXP-R Release Hit By Another Delay Following "Significant Issue"
@Azuris @KitsuneNight the vs seems like a decent product but I really wanted handheld for work and travel not bothered about hdmi out either at the moment the exp r suits my needs better I may cancel though I’ve thought about getting one of the many handhelds that are available but the idea of collecting the carts really appeals to me
Re: Evercade EXP-R Release Hit By Another Delay Following "Significant Issue"
Oh man kinda wish I had not preordered this now I have had no word from Blaze or Argos which is where I ordered it from about delays the first I’m hearing about this news is on here I paid for it in July cos Argos started charging me although it did say I wouldn’t be charged until the item is dispatched I was aware of the first delay but this is getting a bit ridiculous now
Re: Review: Tomb Raider Collection 1 (Evercade) - No-Frills Emulation Of Lara's Essential Adventures
@Azuris yeah I’ve been looking at the 2 Duke nukem collections I just want the console to arrive before I make any more purchases for it but they are definitely near the top of my list
Re: Review: Tomb Raider Collection 1 (Evercade) - No-Frills Emulation Of Lara's Essential Adventures
I’ve preordered the EXP R with this collection also bought Irem arcade i feel like the Evercade has gained a decent following and the Tomb Raider collection was the tipping point for me hoping for more like this
Re: I Just Reshelled My Dreamcast, And You Should Too
I reshelled mine last year black transparent and I have just recently changed my donor Dreamcast shell to clear and fitted a gdEmu I would put some pics in my comment but not sure how to 😂
Re: Looks Like 8BitMods Is Creating A Dreamcast "MemCard Pro" VMU
8bit mods do some amazing products but everything is constantly out of stock
Re: Review: Anbernic RG40XX H - A Great Budget Emulation Device
Just watched a video and it seems to run Dreamcast and N64 fine although it doesn’t show every game or detail which games don’t run but for £80 it looks pretty good
Re: Has Your SNES Pad Seen Better Days? Don't Worry, A Fix Is Coming
I bought one of the switch online SNES controllers and it feels amazing compared to my original SNES controllers and that’s what it is the membranes have definitely gone in the original but for me the main problem with a SNES controller is the L and R triggers they snap where they pivot near the pin I hope someone can find a fix for that in the future as it is one of my all time favourite controllers
Re: Metro Siege Is A Fantastic New Beat 'Em Up Coming To The Amiga
@KitsuneNight yeah I see what you’re saying I grew up having a C64 then an Amiga so they have a nostalgic feeling for me and there are thousands of games so I guess it would be a bit of a nightmare finding the ones you actually like
Re: Metro Siege Is A Fantastic New Beat 'Em Up Coming To The Amiga
@KitsuneNight get an A500 mini there is no rabbit hole as it plays games from any Amiga system and it’s a doddle to add your own games
Re: Ridge Racer Night 2024 Celebrated 30 Years Of Namco's Arcade Classic
@Bu1ld0g yeah me too I still play the original with a negcon absolutely love it unfortunately I don’t have a ps5 and don’t intend on getting one I will stick to the original or the psp version on a ps vita just think it would be a great fit for the switch would look amazing on switch oled
Re: Ridge Racer Night 2024 Celebrated 30 Years Of Namco's Arcade Classic
I wish Namco would do a Ridge Racer collection for modern consoles all they seem to care about recently are Dragon ball z games I would be happy if they just did the psp version on switch
Re: Evercade VS-R, EXP-R And Tomb Raider Collection Hit By Small Delay
I preordered the exp-r with Tomb raider about 3 days ago I’m happy to wait a little longer though got some others cartridges coming later this week
Re: Upcoming Nuon Game 'Ring Flyer' Will Increase The Console's Library By 12.5%
I remember reading about the Nuon in Edge magazine back in the day but always thought it was vapourware I didn’t know it was actually released 😂
Re: This Dreamcast PSU Is The Only One You'll Ever Need, But It Costs As Much As The Console Itself
@Azuris I’m in UK I thought it may have been exclusive to Retrosix but I will definitely try those you have suggested thanks!
Re: This Dreamcast PSU Is The Only One You'll Ever Need, But It Costs As Much As The Console Itself
@Azuris that’s the one I want to get hold of it’s usb c as well but it’s constantly out of stock
Re: Cruis'n Blast Team's NBA Jam Spiritual Successor Is Called NBA Superstars
Looks pretty cool hope it does come to consoles I’ve been playing NBA hoopz on Dreamcast lately and been really enjoying it this looks kinda similar less sim and more arcade
Re: Random: Former CeX Staffer Holds Reddit AMA, And The First Question Is A Doozy
Yeah there is definitely a distinct smell that all these kinda shops have cex is not as bad as say cash converters who even sell power tools all covered in mud and dirt. Gamestation used to have a similar smell I think it’s just old consoles and games and possibly some of the customers
Re: Anbernic's GBA SP-Style RG35XXSP Is Cheaper Than You Think
@Poodlestargenerica seems like it’s a bit of a beast and the form factor is perfect for me I don’t know how accurate what I’ve just been reading is but it says that it can run switch games I don’t want it for that but I should think it would have no problem running anything before switch
Re: Anbernic's GBA SP-Style RG35XXSP Is Cheaper Than You Think
I really wanna get a handheld capable of running Dreamcast and PlayStation 2 but I’m so confused about which one to get it seems as though 2 or 3 of these are being announced on a weekly basis maybe timeextension could do some sort of guide. I have a retroflag gpi which I’ve been so happy with but I just want something with a bit more power under the hood
Re: Someone Has Finally "Fixed" The Mega Drive's Audio Shortcomings
@Razieluigi 100% agree on everything you said and some devs could create some outstanding music on the mega drive most Technosoft games have amazing soundtracks, Hellfire the Sonic games and streets of rage the list is endless and they definitely have their own charm which I wouldn’t ever change
Re: Thalamus Collection 1 Announced For Evercade Consoles
@C9906753 Quedex is an absolute classic
Re: I Wanted F1 Legend Ayrton Senna's Sonic Trophy So Bad That I Made My Own
That’s cool I vaguely remember seeing something about this in a magazine at the time along with the picture of Senna holding the trophy and if I remember correctly there was a cheat but for the first super Monaco gp where if you made the podium you could do a button combo and the the drivers would lift their heads off instead of a trophy
Re: Have We Been Wrong About Ultimate Play The Game's Name All This Time?
@Steel76 imagine is a name that takes me back I remember I had green beret and Rastan on c64 but yeah I think that was definitely a slogan not sure about ultimate tho doesn’t seem to flow when you say it out loud
Re: CeX Retro Watch: April 2024
@Elitepatriot they are behind a glass cabinet
Re: Review: Atari 400 Mini - A Deep Cut, But A Welcome One
@RossoftheRobots I originally got it to use on switch as I have a few Neo Geo games on there I updated it on 8bitdo website both the adapter and controller which took only a couple of minutes but I thought I would try it on the A500 as the button layout is similar to the cd32 layout and by chance it worked and everything functions as it should you can bring up the keyboard save your games exit to the carousel and shutdown the system using the controller so I guess it was a happy accident 😂 but I don’t use anything else on the A500 anymore
Re: Review: Atari 400 Mini - A Deep Cut, But A Welcome One
@RossoftheRobots it works really well and it’s button layout is similar to that of the cd32 and of course it’s wireless plus it has the clicky stick which makes it feel like you are using a micoswitched joystick