About the Sasuke issue, is that because of the Naruto character or the Japanese TV show adapted to the west as Ninja Warrior?
Darn you, Ratalaika. You keep getting my money on classic games. First with Avenging Spirit/Phantasm, then with Shockman 2 and 3 (missing 1 and Zero), and recently with Aero the Acro-Bat 2 and Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (missing Aero 1 and the upcoming Rascal Rival Revenge).
I understand this project is based in Spain, but couldn't anyone proofread their statement? This will only add to the ever growing list of sketchy stuff behind this project.
Really hope Capcom and Disney can work out a deal to re-release The Magical Quest trilogy and some of their other gamer such as DuckTales or Chip n Dale: Rescue Rangers.
I have the GBA version of The Magical Quest, but I'd love to have it on Switch.
Maybe I'm not understanding well, but I have 2 ideas of "Bad Nostalgia".
1. When I played something I didn't like or outright hated back on its day, played very recently and I still hated it, if not even more than back then.
Something like Sonic Spinball on the SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis falls on this category.
2. When I enjoyed something as a kid and played recently and I realized it probably wasn't as good as I remembered.
Donkey Kong 64 comes to mind, it was one of my favorite games on the N64 back in the day, but when I did my triple playthrough in 2021 (Wii U Virtual Console version on January, American N64 version on June, Japanese N64 version on October), I realized how tedious it can get. Maybe the fact that I also played other Rare collectathons on the same months didn't help matters either: N64 Banjo-Tooie on January, American N64 Banjo-Kazooie on June and Japanese N64 Banjo-Kazooie on October.
And yes, I 100% all of them except the Japanese Banjo-Kazooie due to the language barrier in Grunty's Furnace Fun.
Then there are games I didn't quite like as a kid but as an adult I really enjoy. Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures and Yoshi's Story are examples of this.
The most damage my collection has suffered due to their environment/natural causes are the batteries of my DS phat and New 3DS XL getting swollen.
The DS one is a goner, that's why I don't use it these days, while the New 3DS XL one happened this year during the heat wave that hit Mexico. Thankfully the latter recovered and it's still usable, but I should consider the idea of a replacement.
Strangely didn't happen to the battery of my DSi XL despite being in the same place and conditions.
@KingMike more than that, G-Zero has also been metioned as a competition in the Star Fox and X universes in one of the endings of Star Fox Command (where it is also shown briefly) and in one of the tunnel races of X-Scape. Both games were developed by Q-Games.
You know, the boxes they come in also state that my Switch games and amiibo figures could give me cancer. I didn't get cancer (or get Corrupted) by my Dark Samus amiibo, neither did my best friend who went with me when I got it.
All jokes aside, I'm sure this has good intentions, but could've been conveyed in a better way.
I would've given a go to the full release. Guess I'll settle with what he's done. Though I'm not sure if calling it Pocket Fighter EX is the best idea when a game called Pocket Fighter already exists. That's the Japanese name of Super Gem Fighter: Mini Mlx.
But then again, this claim includes single screen zones and black holes.
Anyway, I played it a bit and I can see why Japanese like it despite it being a kusoge. Had it been released in the west, it probably would've been AVGN material at most.
If they ever make a Capcom vs. SNK 3, I hope they include Mega Man (either classic or X), B.B. Hood, Phoenix Wright, Viewtiful Joe, Ralf Jones, Blue Mary, Tizoc, and Akari Ichijou.
Nice, I was legitimately wondering why they didn't release it on consoles back when they did they did the cartridge release of 2017. I'm glad the complete series will now be easily available, though.
For what little I've played of the PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 (mostly via the Wii U Virtual Console) and as a Nintendo-only owner, I feel this is a console that would have a place in my collection if I owned anything about it.
@TransmitHim On the topic of Satellaview games being reused. I'm not sure it's a game, but the modern version of Chrono Cross includes Radical Dreamers.
Despite having not played one or not knowing anyone who has one or has owned one, I don't think it's a bad system. I just think its "relative failure" is due to SEGA fighting with themselves.
@jojobar One the one hand, I understand what you mean and where you're coming from.
On the other hand, I'd say it depends on the game.
Sure, text heavy games such as RPGs, VNs or Life Sims will most likely be avoided, but trust me a non-RPG/Party Mario game will never be a problem if it's in Japanese.
Most of my Japanese N64 games I can play without understanding what it says due to my little knowledge of Japanese and my previous experience with the western versions.
In the case of the Pokémon Stadiums, I cannot understand what it is being said/displayed, but with my previous experience with the western version, I can understand the Pokémon moves since I remember the animations, sounds, lightning, effects and types of the moves to know what is effective against who.
If I ever play any of the Pokémon versions in Japanese, I believe I won't have any issues, either.
One intance where language did put a stop on my playthrough was in the Japanese version of Banjo-Kazooie. I could play the game no problem, but once I arrived to Grunty's Furnace Fun (the last challenge before the final boss), I couldn't progress anymore.
Then, there's the Ouendan games on the DS, where I have no idea what the characters are saying on their stories, but the gameplay itself is not bound by language.
@eltomo my guess is they buy the physical publishing/distribution rights. Which I totally understand, but come on! Companies like Konami or Atlus/SEGA are big enough to self-publish, why they keep going to LRG?
I personally hope you’ll actually play what you buy.
The only ones I haven't played from my Japanese bunch are Shiren the Wanderer 2, Doubutsu no Mori and Doraemon due to the language barrier; ergo, I don't undertand the context of the dialogues, but I'm starting to learn Japanese slowly but surely.
I haven't played Hey You, Pikachu due to a lack of VMU, and when I do get one, I still probably won't be able to play it.
Man, I miss the year 2021. That's the year my N64 collection grew from just Conker's Bad Fur Day and a busted Japanese Pokémon Stadium 2 (Pokémon Stadium 1 for the west) to almost 30 games in the span of less than 365 days.
Around February, someone was selling loose Japanese N64 games in my area, I got about 18 games for about 5000 Mexican Pesos (about $250 back then) in three different bunches.
I got Smash Bros., Mario Kart 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Kirby 64, Yoshi's Story, Pokémon Snap, Pokémon Stadium (the Japanese one that has only 41 of the original 151 Pokémon), Pokémon Stadium Kin Gin (Pokémon Stadium 2 for the west), Hey You, Pikachu! (no VMU), Mario Tennis 64, Doubutsu no Mori (Animal Crossing), Bomberman Hero, Shiren the Wanderer 2, Donkey Kong 64, Banjo-Kazooie and 1080° Snowboarding.
That same year I also found cheap American copies of GoldenEye 007 with some issues, Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64, Blast Corps, Ridge Racer 64, an expensive copy of Banjo-Tooie and a Japanese copy of the first Doraemon game on N64.
Oh, and the guy who sold me the Japanese games was also a technician and fixed my Pokémon Stadium 2 and GoldenEye 007.
Coincidence or not, my N64 collection started to grow on January 2021 when I finally decided to get a working controller and give the system the attention I had neglected it all these years. That year I also got an Expansion Pak, a Rumble Pak with the battery cover and one of the rarities of my collection: the official N64 Game Drawer for 24 games. That's where I have my Japanese games.
Some Japanese games I regret not getting are the 2 versions of Super Mario 64 (the 1996 launch version and the 1997 Shindou Pak Taio version, which was the version used for Super Mario 3D All-Stars on the Switch), Mario Golf 64, the Mario Party trilogy, the Shindou Pak Taio version of Wave Race 64, Star Fox 64, F-Zero X, Star Wars Episode I Racer and Ocarina of Time.
But I suppose I'll get my chance another day.
Other retro gaming highlights of that year include getting the screws to open Nintendo games and systems from the same guy to fix my Gamecube on my own that was pending since 2006, finding copies of WarioWare: Twisted!, Banjo-Pilot, Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, Smash Bros. Melee, Sonic Gems Collection and Sonic Riders GC.
I need to check, my GC is from Christmas 2001, so it has the Digital AV Out. Along my belongings there's also the black GC my cousin got in Christmas 2004-2005 (cannot remember the exact year, but I'm sure it was brand new as the box was sealed and had its manuals and pamphlets), and I'm pretty sure it also has the Digital AV Out.
It is often described as Nintendo's answer to Donkey Kong
Shouldn't it be UPL's answer?
Anyway, never heard of this game, but it looks like something that might be right up my alley along with Donut Dodo. Will give it a go once I habe money.
My collection only has the 20 Nintendo ones, the 2 Tetris: The Grand Master games, VS. Castlevania by Konami, City Connection by Jaleco, Qix by Taito, King & Balloon by Namco plus on the NEOGEO side I have Real Bout Fatal Fury 1 and 2 as well as The King of Fighters '97, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003. Not a bad collection and it will only continue to grow until that goal of 800 games is hit and new releases stop (hopefully not as there are a couple of games I'd like to see such as SNK vs. CAPCOM: Chaos or Sheriff)
How can I miss something I still use everyday? At the end of the day, SD cards and microSD cards are memory cards at face value. We just had to use proprietary ones back then, but not anymore.
Good thing my Gamecube Memory Cards are still operational after 22 years.
I had a Controller Pak for my N64, but never really used it, the only game I ever owned that needed one was Mario Kart 64 and even then, I couldn't care less about Time Trials.
Every other game in my collection saved to the cartridge itself.
On Christmas 2013, it was my Wii U Mario & Luigi Deluxe Set (which means I was playing New Super Mario Bros. U + New Super Luigi U), which I got funded by my savings and my dad's help.
And then a few days later I found Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition for about $25 and the Wii Remote Plus bundle of Mario & Sonic Soxhi 2014, which if I recall correctly, was actually cheaper than the standalone game or Wiimote for some reason, not that I'm complaining. Of course I also got funds for the eShop and got NES Remix and Kirby Super Star on the Virtual Console.
I was also playing some Wii games I got but couldn't play due to busted hardware, like Kirby's Return to Dream Land and Metroid Prime: Trilogy.
From there, I built my Wii U collection over the following months with Sonic Lost World, LEGO City Undercover, Game & Wario, Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros. for Wii U (GC Controller and adapter bundle).
No 3DS for me until mid-2017, though.
On an off-topic question, does this mean we can finally call the 3DS and Wii U retro?
It better have Takamaru shouting "Rushoken" the same way he does in Smash Bros.
Anyway, this is an interesting find and I hope a subbed version soon comes to fruition. The only reason I know of Onyanko Club is thanks to the Game Center CX segment of "A Waste of Color", which featured the song "Sailor fuku wo nugasanaide".
I usually try to game on real hardware, whether it's a console game (particularly N64 or GC) or a handheld game (GB/GBA). I have a couple of systems still working, but unfortunately no CRT TV for that legit experience on consoles.
Comments 129
Re: New Luigi's Mansion Mod Gives The Game A Pikmin-Themed Makeover
I do wonder who/what replaces King Boo and his Bowser skeleton.
Re: Ratalaika Games Is Bringing Two More SNES Games To The West For The First Time
About the Sasuke issue, is that because of the Naruto character or the Japanese TV show adapted to the west as Ninja Warrior?
Darn you, Ratalaika. You keep getting my money on classic games. First with Avenging Spirit/Phantasm, then with Shockman 2 and 3 (missing 1 and Zero), and recently with Aero the Acro-Bat 2 and Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (missing Aero 1 and the upcoming Rascal Rival Revenge).
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Gets A New Design, Is "Closing In" On 200 Pre-Orders
I understand this project is based in Spain, but couldn't anyone proofread their statement? This will only add to the ever growing list of sketchy stuff behind this project.
Re: Random: Here's The Story Of Why Capcom's SNES Aladdin Game Didn't Feature A Sword
Interesting. After reading the story all I could think of that scene from the Simpsons.
"Whenever the sword isn't on screen, all of the other characters should be asking "Where's the sword?"."
Re: The Making Of: The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, Capcom's SNES Classic
@slider1983 @Tryffel True, I forgot about that. Mostly because Capcom couldn't be bothered to make a Switch version.
Re: The Making Of: The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, Capcom's SNES Classic
Really hope Capcom and Disney can work out a deal to re-release The Magical Quest trilogy and some of their other gamer such as DuckTales or Chip n Dale: Rescue Rangers.
I have the GBA version of The Magical Quest, but I'd love to have it on Switch.
Re: Former President Of Puyo Puyo Creator Compile Making A "Groundbreaking" Puzzle Title For Switch And PC
Will it be rebranded as Kirby or Dr. Robotnik If comes to the west?
Re: "You Don’t See Sega Enough" - Sega’s Transmedia Boss Wants To "Elevate" The Brand
He's really called Scarpone? Makes me think Scarface and Al Capone had a kid.
Re: Taito's 'Violence Fight' Is Heading To Switch & PS4 This Week
Thank you AVGN for making me aware of Violence Fight.
Re: Unreleased Yoshi's Egg Remake For Nintendo DS Breaks Cover Online
If the music sounds like HeartGold/SoulSilver, Black/White and Black2/White2 I'd be on board.
Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?
Maybe I'm not understanding well, but I have 2 ideas of "Bad Nostalgia".
1. When I played something I didn't like or outright hated back on its day, played very recently and I still hated it, if not even more than back then.
Something like Sonic Spinball on the SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis falls on this category.
2. When I enjoyed something as a kid and played recently and I realized it probably wasn't as good as I remembered.
Donkey Kong 64 comes to mind, it was one of my favorite games on the N64 back in the day, but when I did my triple playthrough in 2021 (Wii U Virtual Console version on January, American N64 version on June, Japanese N64 version on October), I realized how tedious it can get. Maybe the fact that I also played other Rare collectathons on the same months didn't help matters either: N64 Banjo-Tooie on January, American N64 Banjo-Kazooie on June and Japanese N64 Banjo-Kazooie on October.
And yes, I 100% all of them except the Japanese Banjo-Kazooie due to the language barrier in Grunty's Furnace Fun.
Then there are games I didn't quite like as a kid but as an adult I really enjoy. Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures and Yoshi's Story are examples of this.
Re: Meet The $16,500 "Nintendo Game Boy Bike" Which Comes With Its Own Cartridge Key And Cheat Codes
What's the use of a screen on a bike? Legit question.
Re: Jaleco's 'Saiyūki World', 'Magic John', & 'Pizza Pop!' Are Coming To Nintendo Switch
You had me on Pizza Pop!
This is a game I've been interested in trying ever since I saw Arino play it on Game Center CX back on 2017.
Re: Review: Flipper Zero - This Viral Hacker's Toolkit Doubles As A Handy Amiibo Storage Device
I just want an affordable amiibo backup option so I can use mine interchangeably between Smash for and Ultimate.
Re: Review: UFO 50 (Steam) - An Indie Masterpiece Bursting With Fictional NES Nostalgia
This game sounds like Action 52 done right.
If I were an active Steam user, I'd totally get it. Right now all I can do is be hopeful it cones to Switch.
Re: Sega's Rent-A-Hero Is Making A Comeback With The Addition Of Web3 Nonsense
That's a lot of commitment and faith in a theme associated to a game that most likely will die before you know it.
Re: AI, Please Leave Our Favourite Video Games Alone
The Mario 64 one looks like the AI doesn't know if it wants to turn it into Yoshi's Woolly World or Yoshi's Crafted World.
I actually freaked out a bit when AI Chain Chomp jumped towards AI Mario, even though I was expecting it.
Re: This Is Why You Should Never Store Your Retro Game Collection In A Shed
The most damage my collection has suffered due to their environment/natural causes are the batteries of my DS phat and New 3DS XL getting swollen.
The DS one is a goner, that's why I don't use it these days, while the New 3DS XL one happened this year during the heat wave that hit Mexico. Thankfully the latter recovered and it's still usable, but I should consider the idea of a replacement.
Strangely didn't happen to the battery of my DSi XL despite being in the same place and conditions.
Re: A Bunch Of King Of Fighters Games Are Currently 50% Off On Switch, Xbox One, And PS4
As a Switch only owner, I'll take advantage of this and get 94, 95, 96, 98 and 99. The rest I already own.
Re: Tetris Forever Is Missing An Interesting Entry, Claims Satellaview Preservationist
Why is he asking Nintendo? Shouldn't he direct his "request" to Digital Eclipse (as mentioned in the article) or The Tetris Company?
Re: F-Zero-Inspired G-Zero World GP Is Now Available For Your Game Boy Color
@KingMike more than that, G-Zero has also been metioned as a competition in the Star Fox and X universes in one of the endings of Star Fox Command (where it is also shown briefly) and in one of the tunnel races of X-Scape. Both games were developed by Q-Games.
Re: Old Enough To Remember The Original Game Boy? Then Think About Screening For Cancer, Says Charity
You know, the boxes they come in also state that my Switch games and amiibo figures could give me cancer. I didn't get cancer (or get Corrupted) by my Dark Samus amiibo, neither did my best friend who went with me when I got it.
All jokes aside, I'm sure this has good intentions, but could've been conveyed in a better way.
Re: Promising Fan Project 'Pocket Fighter EX' Was Cancelled "Because Unity Betrayed Its Devs"
I would've given a go to the full release. Guess I'll settle with what he's done. Though I'm not sure if calling it Pocket Fighter EX is the best idea when a game called Pocket Fighter already exists. That's the Japanese name of Super Gem Fighter: Mini Mlx.
Re: "The Game That Surpassed Super Mario" Is Available In The West For The First Time
But then again, this claim includes single screen zones and black holes.
Anyway, I played it a bit and I can see why Japanese like it despite it being a kusoge. Had it been released in the west, it probably would've been AVGN material at most.
Re: The "Worst PlayStation RPG Ever" Is Getting A Fan Translation
I mean, maybe it's me but I feel Japanese players in particular are fond of certain kusoge such as Atlantis no Nazo and Takeshi no Chosenjou.
I don't know the reason, but Game Center CX may have played a part on it, especially the latter.
Re: Random: Was Hudson Copying Sega's Homework With Adventure Island III's Palm Trees?
Hopefully this doesn't turn into another "Kumo dev steals Tequila Works/Rime trees".
Re: Street Fighter 6's Season 2 Crossover Might Pave The Way For Capcom vs. SNK 3
If they ever make a Capcom vs. SNK 3, I hope they include Mega Man (either classic or X), B.B. Hood, Phoenix Wright, Viewtiful Joe, Ralf Jones, Blue Mary, Tizoc, and Akari Ichijou.
Re: Satellaview Platformer 'Cyber Citizen Shockman Zero' Comes To Consoles This July
Nice, I was legitimately wondering why they didn't release it on consoles back when they did they did the cartridge release of 2017. I'm glad the complete series will now be easily available, though.
Re: Anniversary: 25 Years Ago, One Of The Worst Video Games Of All Time Hit The N64
To me, with how butthurt Warner Bros. were during development, it feels like they didn't even knew what they wanted in the first place.
Re: PC Engine Devs Celebrate Hudson Soft's 50th Anniversary In Special Event
For what little I've played of the PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 (mostly via the Wii U Virtual Console) and as a Nintendo-only owner, I feel this is a console that would have a place in my collection if I owned anything about it.
Re: Feature: The Forgotten Satellaview Sequel To Famicom Detective Club
@TransmitHim On the topic of Satellaview games being reused. I'm not sure it's a game, but the modern version of Chrono Cross includes Radical Dreamers.
Re: Someone Is Trying To Bring Super Mario 64 To The GBA
Great, now can someone turn the Yoshi's Story GBA tech demo into an actual GBA game. And no, Yoshi's Universal Gravitation doesn't count.
Re: Is It Time To Change The Narrative On The Sega Saturn?
My narrative on the Saturn is a positive one.
Despite having not played one or not knowing anyone who has one or has owned one, I don't think it's a bad system. I just think its "relative failure" is due to SEGA fighting with themselves.
Re: The Truth About Retro Game Hunting In A Post-Pandemic Japan
@jojobar One the one hand, I understand what you mean and where you're coming from.
On the other hand, I'd say it depends on the game.
Sure, text heavy games such as RPGs, VNs or Life Sims will most likely be avoided, but trust me a non-RPG/Party Mario game will never be a problem if it's in Japanese.
Most of my Japanese N64 games I can play without understanding what it says due to my little knowledge of Japanese and my previous experience with the western versions.
In the case of the Pokémon Stadiums, I cannot understand what it is being said/displayed, but with my previous experience with the western version, I can understand the Pokémon moves since I remember the animations, sounds, lightning, effects and types of the moves to know what is effective against who.
If I ever play any of the Pokémon versions in Japanese, I believe I won't have any issues, either.
One intance where language did put a stop on my playthrough was in the Japanese version of Banjo-Kazooie. I could play the game no problem, but once I arrived to Grunty's Furnace Fun (the last challenge before the final boss), I couldn't progress anymore.
Then, there's the Ouendan games on the DS, where I have no idea what the characters are saying on their stories, but the gameplay itself is not bound by language.
Re: Limited Run Games Apologises For Shipping 3DO Games On CD-Rs
@eltomo my guess is they buy the physical publishing/distribution rights. Which I totally understand, but come on! Companies like Konami or Atlus/SEGA are big enough to self-publish, why they keep going to LRG?
Imagine if Unicorn Overlord were a LRG release.
Re: The Truth About Retro Game Hunting In A Post-Pandemic Japan
The only ones I haven't played from my Japanese bunch are Shiren the Wanderer 2, Doubutsu no Mori and Doraemon due to the language barrier; ergo, I don't undertand the context of the dialogues, but I'm starting to learn Japanese slowly but surely.
I haven't played Hey You, Pikachu due to a lack of VMU, and when I do get one, I still probably won't be able to play it.
Re: The Truth About Retro Game Hunting In A Post-Pandemic Japan
Man, I miss the year 2021. That's the year my N64 collection grew from just Conker's Bad Fur Day and a busted Japanese Pokémon Stadium 2 (Pokémon Stadium 1 for the west) to almost 30 games in the span of less than 365 days.
Around February, someone was selling loose Japanese N64 games in my area, I got about 18 games for about 5000 Mexican Pesos (about $250 back then) in three different bunches.
I got Smash Bros., Mario Kart 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Kirby 64, Yoshi's Story, Pokémon Snap, Pokémon Stadium (the Japanese one that has only 41 of the original 151 Pokémon), Pokémon Stadium Kin Gin (Pokémon Stadium 2 for the west), Hey You, Pikachu! (no VMU), Mario Tennis 64, Doubutsu no Mori (Animal Crossing), Bomberman Hero, Shiren the Wanderer 2, Donkey Kong 64, Banjo-Kazooie and 1080° Snowboarding.
That same year I also found cheap American copies of GoldenEye 007 with some issues, Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64, Blast Corps, Ridge Racer 64, an expensive copy of Banjo-Tooie and a Japanese copy of the first Doraemon game on N64.
Oh, and the guy who sold me the Japanese games was also a technician and fixed my Pokémon Stadium 2 and GoldenEye 007.
Coincidence or not, my N64 collection started to grow on January 2021 when I finally decided to get a working controller and give the system the attention I had neglected it all these years. That year I also got an Expansion Pak, a Rumble Pak with the battery cover and one of the rarities of my collection: the official N64 Game Drawer for 24 games. That's where I have my Japanese games.
Some Japanese games I regret not getting are the 2 versions of Super Mario 64 (the 1996 launch version and the 1997 Shindou Pak Taio version, which was the version used for Super Mario 3D All-Stars on the Switch), Mario Golf 64, the Mario Party trilogy, the Shindou Pak Taio version of Wave Race 64, Star Fox 64, F-Zero X, Star Wars Episode I Racer and Ocarina of Time.
But I suppose I'll get my chance another day.
Other retro gaming highlights of that year include getting the screws to open Nintendo games and systems from the same guy to fix my Gamecube on my own that was pending since 2006, finding copies of WarioWare: Twisted!, Banjo-Pilot, Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, Smash Bros. Melee, Sonic Gems Collection and Sonic Riders GC.
Re: This Essential GameCube Upgrade Is Now Available "For Free"
I need to check, my GC is from Christmas 2001, so it has the Digital AV Out. Along my belongings there's also the black GC my cousin got in Christmas 2004-2005 (cannot remember the exact year, but I'm sure it was brand new as the box was sealed and had its manuals and pamphlets), and I'm pretty sure it also has the Digital AV Out.
Re: BAFTA Poll Declares Lara Croft The Most Iconic Video Game Character
I'll take she'd make the top 10, but the most popular? Nah.
Mario, Sonic, Pac-Man, Pikachu and I'd even say Steve (what a generic name) would outrank Lara Croft.
Re: Donkey Kong-Esque Platformer 'Mouser' Heading To Switch & PS4
Shouldn't it be UPL's answer?
Anyway, never heard of this game, but it looks like something that might be right up my alley along with Donut Dodo. Will give it a go once I habe money.
Re: 'Infinite Mario 64' Lets You Play Super Mario 64 Until The End Of Time
I'd probably get bored pretty quickly. Super Mario 64 is a game I revisit every once in a while, not every day.
Re: Arcade Archives' Nintendo eShop World Record Might Be Unbeatable
My collection only has the 20 Nintendo ones, the 2 Tetris: The Grand Master games, VS. Castlevania by Konami, City Connection by Jaleco, Qix by Taito, King & Balloon by Namco plus on the NEOGEO side I have Real Bout Fatal Fury 1 and 2 as well as The King of Fighters '97, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003. Not a bad collection and it will only continue to grow until that goal of 800 games is hit and new releases stop (hopefully not as there are a couple of games I'd like to see such as SNK vs. CAPCOM: Chaos or Sheriff)
Re: This Bug In Rare's 'It's Mr. Pants' Was Too Funny To Fix
I wonder what it actually should sound like.
Re: In Memory Of Memory Cards
How can I miss something I still use everyday? At the end of the day, SD cards and microSD cards are memory cards at face value. We just had to use proprietary ones back then, but not anymore.
Good thing my Gamecube Memory Cards are still operational after 22 years.
I had a Controller Pak for my N64, but never really used it, the only game I ever owned that needed one was Mario Kart 64 and even then, I couldn't care less about Time Trials.
Every other game in my collection saved to the cartridge itself.
Re: Twin Galaxies Restores Billy Mitchell's Donkey Kong Scores To "Historical Database"
Billy Mitchell probably cheated at the court. Pretty ad hoc for him.
Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game Of Christmas 2013?
On Christmas 2013, it was my Wii U Mario & Luigi Deluxe Set (which means I was playing New Super Mario Bros. U + New Super Luigi U), which I got funded by my savings and my dad's help.
And then a few days later I found Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition for about $25 and the Wii Remote Plus bundle of Mario & Sonic Soxhi 2014, which if I recall correctly, was actually cheaper than the standalone game or Wiimote for some reason, not that I'm complaining. Of course I also got funds for the eShop and got NES Remix and Kirby Super Star on the Virtual Console.
I was also playing some Wii games I got but couldn't play due to busted hardware, like Kirby's Return to Dream Land and Metroid Prime: Trilogy.
From there, I built my Wii U collection over the following months with Sonic Lost World, LEGO City Undercover, Game & Wario, Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros. for Wii U (GC Controller and adapter bundle).
No 3DS for me until mid-2017, though.
On an off-topic question, does this mean we can finally call the 3DS and Wii U retro?
Re: A Bunch Of Data East Games Have Vanished From The Switch eShop
Hopefully they go to the Arcade Archives series.
Re: "Lost" TV Drama Based On 'The Mysterious Murasame Castle' Preserved Online
It better have Takamaru shouting "Rushoken" the same way he does in Smash Bros.
Anyway, this is an interesting find and I hope a subbed version soon comes to fruition. The only reason I know of Onyanko Club is thanks to the Game Center CX segment of "A Waste of Color", which featured the song "Sailor fuku wo nugasanaide".
Re: FIFA Cover Stars - Every Athlete From 1993 To 2022
Ah, yes. My favorite soccer player: Some hands.
In all seriousness, whose hands are those?
Re: Poll: Handheld Or TV - How Do You Play Retro Games?
I usually try to game on real hardware, whether it's a console game (particularly N64 or GC) or a handheld game (GB/GBA). I have a couple of systems still working, but unfortunately no CRT TV for that legit experience on consoles.