

A goon that's gaming since 1996

Comments 129

Re: "These Short Games Mean Nothing To Me" - Retro-Bit Translator Denies Wrongdoing In "Baffling" Rant


Another very different thing is to have authorization from the licensee Extreme to use all the material we needed from other official version published under their license, as is the case of the Switch versions of Gleylancer (2021) and Assault Suits Valken (cannot remember the release year, but it had English and Japanese language selector), which Retro-bit themselves encouraged me to do whenever I wished to or saw fit (directly copying the text from the Switch version) and I've deeply done when the pre-existing Switch translation of those two games said the same thing to what I translated, or I liked more how they put it to how I put it. Or simply, because I wnated to unify emblematic phrases or expressions according to what things between both versions. It turns out that there's huge similarities between the English Switch version of Gleylancer and the text of the Mijet fan-translation: a lot of phrases match entirely, a lot phrases contain small bits about a phrase so it matches, and some phrases seem to be made from scratch.
Let's say I took the best of my translation and the Switch translation (according to my own criteria) for the games Gleylancer and Assault Suits Valken, but as it is giving the sensation that the Switch translation of Gleylancer published in 2021 is written on the base of Mijet changing the font for a finer one, and changing parts of the text from that base at the same time I consider said change improves it or that they want to differenciate from the Mijet translation to not infringe its copyright, the logical result of taking the best of my translation and the best of the Switch translation of Gleylancer will be that parts of phrases and some other entire phrase, depending on the star, of luck, will match with the text of Mijet fan-translation for Mega Drive.

(Screenshots with the differences in text)

Re: "These Short Games Mean Nothing To Me" - Retro-Bit Translator Denies Wrongdoing In "Baffling" Rant


I'll try to translate what he said on my own, Spanish is my mother tongue. I may accidentally leave curses uncensored, if I do, mods feel free to edit my post or let me know.
I'm at work right now, so I may not be able to translate the entire post and the reply mentioned by @LuigiBlood in one go.

No, I'm the pasha of Retro, also called Rod Mérida, also called Crackowia, also called La Meca del Clásico (The Mecca of Classic).
And yes, I'm the translator of Retro-bit for these four cited games.
I've translated all the text of all four translations from Japanese to English by myself, directly reading from the emulator (or when I wasn't able to beat the damn f****** difficult games watching a f****** longplay). I've spent years of my life studying written Japanese self-taught, practicing kanji, learning about Japanese grammar and vocaculary. I know a f****** lot of romhacking and I've translated RPGs from English to Spanish frequently comparing with the Japanase text with lengthy text. These short games don't mean anything to me compared to that. I don't need to copy some f****** phrases from another translation.

So no, I've made the 4 translations from scratch, reading directly from the emulator or a longplay, writing everything on a Word document and then breaking my head to put it within the ROM byte by byte in a f****** limited space, sometimes changing pointers, many other without changing them, creating in some cases an expanded double character chart by byte that would allow me to write almost double wothout needing to move a miserable pointer, in some games I've had to fight with a debugger to detect a ROM starting point of routines and made other parts of the ROM jump to find out in what point I have to put a jump to mew code at the same time I needed it to do all this or to add Latin writing system, I've done all that breaking my head for weeks.

Re: 24 Percent Of Gen Z Brits Own A Classic Gaming System, While 74 Percent Say Retro Is "More Relaxing"


I've been meaning to ask for a while, especially in this site. What does retro really mean?

The DS and Wii are retro for me, but some people say they aren't despite the fact the former is already 20 years old and the latter will be next year.
In my mind, the Wii U and 3DS are also retro by virtue that they're already 10 years old, don't get active support from Nintendo and their online services have ceased.

Perhaps we should say "legacy" instead of retro.

Re: Why Famitsu's 'Perfect' Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Review Highlights "The Sorry State Of Preservation"


Is it me or are we selective on what we choose to preseve?

I heard Nintendo Power magazines are being preserved.

Meanwhile, here in Mexico we had the magazine Club Nintendo, which was also a historically relevant magazine as it was one of the pioneers for gaming in general not only in Mexico, but also in Latin America back in the 90s. Yet I haven't heard of anyone preserving the issues or anyone complaning they haven't.

Re: Sega Admits It Doesn't Know How Many Games It Owns


Ok, that explains the "we're not a retro company" quote to an extent (even if it came from a different division), but let me ask a simple question:

How can a company not know what they own? Don't you have someone/a department to keep track of it?

I mean, I'm not surprised there are parts of SEGA games that SEGA themselves don't own, just look at the whole mess that is the music in Sonic 1, 2 and 3, and as far as I know, the music in the Streets of Rage games is owned by Yuzo Koshiro. But to get to that point, that shows you really couldn't care less about your own history

Re: It's A Christmas Miracle, SuperSega Now Claims Sega Is Totally OK With Its FPGA Console


I just read the letter and...
What kind of legal department would use slashes (/) in two consecutive words?

What kind of legal department starts that many paragraphs with the same word, let alone said word being "Please"?

Please understand that some of our legal team employees/associates behind the false takedown requests intentionally made false reports in order to commit crimes in the names of your group members for no reason.

Who even wants to be associated with this chap? If anything, I want to see them do the opposite, that is make good deeds and finish the console because at this point this chap needs as much help to clean his reputation as possible.

Sega Europe Legal Department

Shouldn't it say Sega Europe Limited?

If you cannot see this is just nonsense, then I don't know how to convince you, and probably deserve to lose money if you paid for it.
However, this time I'll give him this: he either finally wrote proper English or paid someone/for something to proofread for him.

Re: To The Shock Of Absolutely Nobody, Sega Is Trying To Shut Down The SuperSega FPGA Project


but production will not be stopped unless Sega is prepared to cover "cost, expenses and what consumers paid."

Wait, does that mean he and his Lamborghini cannot cover that? /s
Is he expecting SEGA to pay for his blunder?

This also confirms the fraud transactions of the taken money from those who "pre-reserved with commitment" (still wondering what the hell that means) was on purpose.

Sadly, like most good things, it has to come to an end (referring to the hilarity this project has brought)

Re: "Absolutely Horrid" - Is Nintendo Switch Online's Emulation Really That Bad?


Even if I own the original hardware for some of the games (but not CRTs), I still fail to notice any difference that makes the NSO versions unplayable.

But there are things that are certainly noticeable, such as the stable framerate in Banjo-Tooie (the only times I noticed it dropped to the lows of the N64 original was when I used the plant cannons in Cloud Cuckooland (the last world) and I believe in the cutscenes of Tower of Tragedy, neither of which affected gameplay itself). That and the audio/video sync of the opening of Mario Tennis.
Nothing on NSO has been a dealbreaker for me, beyond the inability to do button mapping for each game individually.

Say what you want about the Wii U Virtual Console, but button mapping for games individually was a winner in my eyes. And yes that's including the N64's C-Buttons.

Re: If Nothing Else, SuperSega's Latest "Review" Should Convince You To Keep Your Wallet Shut


Before I go on with my thoughts, that screengrab is perfect. The only thing missing on it is the dog looking at the camera.

I'm no professional by any means and with all due respect, a couple of things.

-I thought it was general knowledge that if you receive a product not in mint condition, you start making questions from the get-go. What's with that ac adapter not properly packaged?

-Who tf makes a review in a not secured/controlled area? What I mean by that is, who let the kid be on the same room?

-Video reviews usually have multiple, set cameras, you know.

-If you're a reviewer you're supposed to know what you're doing. With that in mind, how the hey you cannot tell when a button doesn't respond to the prompt at the title screen to make you think you're actually playing during the attract mode, let alone twice and on a split screen for no reason?
Not to mention, you (the first reviewer) clearly have never inserted a disc on a disc drive before.

-How appropriate that the second review has very low volume. I actually thought it was completely mute.

We may get a bad news for us

That sums up this whole spectacle. This is nothing but bad news after bad news for this project leader and his Lamborghini.

By the way, shouldn't it say "We may get bad a news for you"?

Thank you very much, I needed a dose of laughter today.

Re: Talking Point: With Sonic's Movie Series Set To Cross A Billion Dollars At The Box Office, It's A Shame His Creator Doesn't Get Credit


Maybe he doesn't want credit? Maybe? Or maybe they leave it ambiguous on purpose. Who knows?

@Serpenterror In my weird mind, that photo should have everyone but Yuji Naka removed (yes, maybe even Bomberman as he's not a character Naka was involved in his creation).

I'm pretty sure that's how big he feels/felt.

@Lorfarius According to Wikipedia, Yu Suzuki would be the closest to that. He's credited as designer of it, at least of the arcade version.

Re: SuperSega Explains Why It Produces Such "Crappy" Videos, Says It's Afraid Analogue Will Steal Its Ideas


@Azuris As a bilingual guy in Spanish and English, this is my immediate reaction reading his texts, especially now that he showed his car: He can afford a Lamborghini but not better equipment and someone/something to proofread his s***?

Anyway, about the Q&A, I'm sure nobody wants to steal anything from this cluster****. I have to admit though, these news about the failures of the project are making my days.