But here, I voted for Everything or Nothing. It was so underrated back in the day. It was very fun to play and the original story was classic 007 (it even had Willem Dafoe and Heidi Klum in the cast, IIRC)
TBH, back in the day, I LOVED Lament of Innocence. It was one of the few PS2 games which I bought day one.
I played it recently (via the PS3 port) and it has hold up really well, IMO. It has great music too! It was exciting to see a 3D Castlevania on the PS2.
Comments 7
Re: Review: Aya Neo Air Plus - 2022's Best Steam Deck Rival Is Back
I just came here to say that those images of Killer Is Dead are nice!
Re: Soapbox: The Nintendo 64 Isn't Perfect, But I Still Love It
Body Harvest and Hybrid Heaven...wow, I haven't heard these titles in a long time.
They were two of my favorite games back in the N64 era!
Re: Poll: What's The Best James Bond Video Game?
I loved Goldeneye! One of my Top 10 Of All Time!
But here, I voted for Everything or Nothing. It was so underrated back in the day. It was very fun to play and the original story was classic 007 (it even had Willem Dafoe and Heidi Klum in the cast, IIRC)
Re: Guide: Got A Steam Deck? Here Are 20 Verified Classics You Should Play
Glad to see Killer7 on the list. A classic and one of my all time top ten.
Re: Best Castlevania Games - Every Castlevania Game Ranked
TBH, back in the day, I LOVED Lament of Innocence. It was one of the few PS2 games which I bought day one.
I played it recently (via the PS3 port) and it has hold up really well, IMO. It has great music too! It was exciting to see a 3D Castlevania on the PS2.
Re: Best Castlevania Games - Every Castlevania Game Ranked
@themightyant Same here. I really liked the three Lords of Shadow games, but the first one I think it is pretty underrated in the series.
Re: Welcome To Time Extension
Congrats! Another cool site to visit on a regular basis.
As already pointed out by @johncalmc and @BloodNinja, the colour scheme here is superb!