I’m play the SegaCD version on my Genesis mini right now and I’m trying to figure out why I love it so. Maybe it’s because of the super simple systems in the game and me not wanting to think very hard right before bed 😆. I do hope the modernized versions at least have descriptions of items and equipment.
Can’t wait to try this out. Even to this day I play games like Popful Mail and Lunar with 16-bit anime cutscenes and voice acting (regardless of quality) and get excited that things like that existed back then. I just never got to play them.
Did they model the US version off the Genesis Mini??? I don’t recall “High Definition Graphics” being printed on the original Genesis. And image searches are backing me up on this.
I did roll my eyes when I first read “mobile app”, but I have give this new CEO a bit of praise for finding creative ways to get games out the door without the hardware. The hardware was inside you(r pocket) the whole time!
@samuelvictor Thank you for putting into words why the gameplay felt so difficult. As a kid, I played it for the sillynes and lack of other games, but died all the time! I can still hear him say “what could possibly go wrong?”
These are the stories I love seeing on this website! @TwistC - My suggestion: mount it on your wall like a taxidermied deer head. Give it the glory it deserves!
There was obviously a curse placed on that statue. They disturbed Sonic’s slumber and released the curse. I hope the Sega Forever team survives whatever plague Sonic has put upon them.
@ParadoxFawkes I think IceWhale is using that statement very broadly. Just moving your activities away from cloud hosted solutions (streaming movies, file storage, web hosting) takes you out of the data harvesting business models. Kinda like making an argument to go “off-grid” to hide from “big brother.” It’s true, but takes a lot of work and time.
If I had know about this when it came out, pretty sure one of my student loan checks would’ve been used to purchase it. Could not have resisted the temptation.
I’ve been playing a lot of diagonal-isometric games (earthbound, Mario RPG) with a d-pad and it’s been driving me insane trying to walk diagonally. This looks like my salvation.
Great article! I just tried out the ROM hack and that interface is 90’s TO THE X-TREME!!! I got the chance to play it 2 times at my friend’s house growing up and I didn’t remember it being so bold looking. But I guess everything was like that?
So happy to see this game get some love and attention! My kiddos recently pulled it off my shelf and have been playing it (and accidentally overwrote my game 😭). The heavier themes go right over their heads; they just love running around, cleaning up messes, and talking to wacky characters.
@Mattock1987 I’ve got mine in order. They’re really embracing the indie dev scene and sent out about 500 units last year to indie devs. Quite a bit of fun demos have been posted, just wish I could play em.
Comments 129
Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Arrives On Android Devices This Week
I’m play the SegaCD version on my Genesis mini right now and I’m trying to figure out why I love it so. Maybe it’s because of the super simple systems in the game and me not wanting to think very hard right before bed 😆. I do hope the modernized versions at least have descriptions of items and equipment.
Re: This Game Boy SP-Style Smartwatch Is Powered By FPGA
I did not see any mention of the size. As cool as it is, it seems just too tiny!
Re: The Best Christmas Video Game Commercials
I hope Sega Santa visits my house this year!
Re: Sega Force Mega Is A New (Old) Magazine You Can Pre-Order Now
Just got a shipping notification! That was quick.
Re: Sega Force Mega Is A New (Old) Magazine You Can Pre-Order Now
This’ll go great next to my handful of Sega Vision.
Re: I've Just Resurrected This Zelda Scratch Card Game From 1989
Mad props to you for this undertaking!
Re: English Translation Patch For PC Engine CD-ROM² RPG 'Far East of Eden: Ziria' Released
Can’t wait to try this out. Even to this day I play games like Popful Mail and Lunar with 16-bit anime cutscenes and voice acting (regardless of quality) and get excited that things like that existed back then. I just never got to play them.
Re: These Mega Drive / Genesis Watches Cost $800 Each
@Vellosia Ahhh. I suppose “high definition” was a relative term back then
Re: These Mega Drive / Genesis Watches Cost $800 Each
Did they model the US version off the Genesis Mini??? I don’t recall “High Definition Graphics” being printed on the original Genesis. And image searches are backing me up on this.
Re: Intellivision Admits It Doesn't Have The Funds To Make The Amico
I did roll my eyes when I first read “mobile app”, but I have give this new CEO a bit of praise for finding creative ways to get games out the door without the hardware. The hardware was inside you(r pocket) the whole time!
Re: Gears Of Rage Brings "Mode 7-Like" Scaling To Sega Genesis / Mega Drive
Maybe I’ve not paid attention before, but have other 16-bit games used scaling effects for camera movement like this?
Re: Atari Is Open To Pitches For A New Bubsy Game
@samuelvictor Thank you for putting into words why the gameplay felt so difficult. As a kid, I played it for the sillynes and lack of other games, but died all the time! I can still hear him say “what could possibly go wrong?”
Re: Second-Hand Nintendo 64DD Offers Up Some Welcome Surprises For New Owner
Anyone know how you interface with it? Was someone able to make those using the N64 controller??? That would make it extra impressive!
Re: CIBSunday: Time Crisis 4 (PS3)
I’m obviously an American because my first thought was “why isn’t that gun con covered in bright colors?” Guess they don’t have that law in Japan.
Re: Random: Rotted Skull Of 3DO Doom's Cyberdemon Sells On eBay For Over $1000
These are the stories I love seeing on this website!
@TwistC - My suggestion: mount it on your wall like a taxidermied deer head. Give it the glory it deserves!
Re: What's Happening Over At Sega Forever, Sega's Dedicated Retro Channel?
There was obviously a curse placed on that statue. They disturbed Sonic’s slumber and released the curse. I hope the Sega Forever team survives whatever plague Sonic has put upon them.
Re: 'Lightweight Personal Server' ZimaBlade Is A Retro Gaming Powerhouse
@ParadoxFawkes I think IceWhale is using that statement very broadly. Just moving your activities away from cloud hosted solutions (streaming movies, file storage, web hosting) takes you out of the data harvesting business models. Kinda like making an argument to go “off-grid” to hide from “big brother.” It’s true, but takes a lot of work and time.
Re: The Making Of: Steel Battalion, The Ultimate Hardcore Mecha Experience
If I had know about this when it came out, pretty sure one of my student loan checks would’ve been used to purchase it. Could not have resisted the temptation.
Re: Random: Maybelline Enlists Chinese Pop Star Hua Chenyu To Promote Its 'Official Game Console'
What on earth is a “decompression pulley?” It’s already got volume buttons on the side.
Re: Round Up: Every Game Showcased At The First-Ever Playdate Community Direct
Glad you’ve got someone working the Playdate beat. It’s such a fun console but I have a hard time keeping up with the indie scene.
Re: 8BitDo Is Updating The Legendary Neo Geo CD Controller
I’ve been playing a lot of diagonal-isometric games (earthbound, Mario RPG) with a d-pad and it’s been driving me insane trying to walk diagonally. This looks like my salvation.
Re: Metroid Is (Unofficially) Coming To The Sega Genesis / Mega Drive
I really need to splurge on an everdrive so I can try out all these homebrews.
Re: Playdate Sells 53,000+ Units, More Than Double Panic's Expectations
@Christopher_Jones The surfing game is honestly the best use of that crank. That game will get you onboard.
Re: Classic Air-Combat Game Terminal Velocity Is Out Now On Nintendo Switch And PC
Oh sweet! I loved this game as a kid but never had the full game. Lots of shareware in my childhood.
Re: Best Beat 'Em Ups Of All Time
My life is better knowing there’s a Sailor Moon beat-em up.
Re: The Full Story Behind Sega Channel, Sega's Precursor To Game Pass
Great article! I just tried out the ROM hack and that interface is 90’s TO THE X-TREME!!! I got the chance to play it 2 times at my friend’s house growing up and I didn’t remember it being so bold looking. But I guess everything was like that?
Re: The Making Of: Chibi-Robo - How Miyamoto Saved A Cult Hit From The Scrapheap
So happy to see this game get some love and attention! My kiddos recently pulled it off my shelf and have been playing it (and accidentally overwrote my game 😭). The heavier themes go right over their heads; they just love running around, cleaning up messes, and talking to wacky characters.
Re: Retro Fan Creates Potential Solution For Costly Nuon Controllers
Wow! And I thought I knew all the weird media/game crossover tech of the late 90s. Missed this one completely.
Re: Playdate Launch Pushed Back To 2022 Following "Frustrating" Hardware Difficulties
@Mattock1987 I’ve got mine in order. They’re really embracing the indie dev scene and sent out about 500 units last year to indie devs. Quite a bit of fun demos have been posted, just wish I could play em.