@Shiryu - Thank you for explaining. That sounds extremely maddening. I’m pretty weak when it comes to fighting games so there no way i would get through to the ending. Looking forward to your video.
@ruiner9 “ by combining the cheaper FPGA chip with ‘the power on Linux done by an ARM core’ the new device will have a better chance of success.”
Sounds like the intent is to emulate some of the more powerful systems? It’s a shame, because we all know deep in our hearts that they had a functional Dreamcast FPGA core, but it was too beautiful for this world.
@Crecca - I’m in the same boat, but when I look at TG16 game prices, they always feel pretty steep to me. Maybe it’s just because of the low install base in the US.
@MegaManFan The screen is beautiful. So much more reflective than the OG Gameboy. And something I forget having owned it for so long is that it comes with 24 games. Of those 24, you’ll probably enjoy over half, and love a quarter of em.
Judging by the posts on the playdate subreddit, shipping has been relatively quick. About a week to ship is what I’m seeing. There was a major backlog in the fall that finally got worked through.
@dmcc0 - Maybe it’s that the goals and interface are less complex, regardless of the difficulty? Animal Crossing on GameCube is super chill, has some holidays, but the daily life is peaceful. AC:NH feels like a grind! So many things to do, so many festivals and items to collect. And there’s several currencies, all with different purposes!
Pikmin 1 & 2, while stressful sometimes, is gentle and simple in its gameplay and presentation. In Pikmin 4, I am bombarded with messages from multiple crew members telling me to do things. It’s a great game, but there’s so much to do and so much going on that it can be overwhelming. It’s not an escape from the noise of the Internet, it just adds more noise.
I love this concept, but I’m not sold on the controls. Analog joystick for navigation and a dial for settings/adjustments. Just seems like stylus/touchscreen would be more intuitive, or even just a d-pad to hop between key points on the screen. Maybe I just don’t like analog sticks.
Final Fantasy 6 is so much better on home console. Difficult to hear the music in an arcade. And save points! What a godsend! Sure, theoretically you can beat the game on a single quarter, but I just can’t stand for 20+ hours!
I’d guess the tight development deadline for Majorca’s Mask kept this from being fully implemented. Or if it’s anything like the Gamecube voice commands, inconsistent response. “Milk. Milk. MILK! MIIIIILK!!!”
Like movies, games can allow us to experience lives outside of our own. Most games are unrealistic experiences (Yakuza, Metal Gear Solid) or fantasy (Mario), so I’m always happy to see games grounded in reality. (nods to Annapurna)
From my perspective, a multimedia music project with a dark/grimy aesthetic fits with how I perceived the Sega CD in the states (dark/grimy in comparison to the SNES). I’m more shocked that the band actually existed! It’s like a Claymation®️ Gorillaz.
@Daniel36 - I recently picked up the Genesis cart. Popped it in, was super intrigued, printed the manual, and still haven’t made the time to learn it. Looking forward to spending a few hours with it. This article has just increased my desire to learn it.
@bluemage1989 - Just to put it into perspective, most physical “accomplishments” are a “waste of time” as they don’t produce anything meaningful to the world at large. That being said, the accomplishments DO provide meaning to those performing and those interested in it, which I would argue is a benefit to the society.
Absolution is the only reason I backed Jetpack 2 on kickstarter many years ago. I played so much shareware Jetpack that I felt I owed the programmer something. I should probably also send some money to the Scorched Earth programmer.
I certainly hope the user’s body composition affect the player stats? I might be convinced to lift a dumbbell if it meant my character could throw a punch faster.
I think they’re making the right choice taking out the English VA. Without the nostalgia goggles, the quality just isn’t up to modern standards. It feels at home on Sega CD, but feels outdated if they’re updating the rest of the game. And this comment comes from someone who prefers the DiC dubs of Sailor Moon over the newer Viz dubs because it’s just what I grew up with.
Games on the Playdate are coming out at the perfect rate that I always have one active game going at a time. So far, I haven’t had a backlog problem, but this sale may screw that up.
This is one of the rare times that I wish I had an Amiga. Getting to play one of my favorite games on the hardware it was designed for would be an experience. Playing Worms Armageddon on PS1 was great, but I always knew sacrifices were made to get it on the platform. I guess the true director’s cut requires the same hardware so you get the full experience the director intended.
I didn’t know until recently that narrative driven non-bullet-hell shoot 'em ups were a thing until recently. Voidblasters on Playdate is similarly billed and I loved it! I’m now on the hunt for similar narrative non-bullet-hell shmups.
I’d give Visegunne a try but they don’t have it listed for Mac
@BulkSlash - I’ve been following the development through TimeExtension articles and even I thought “Oh cool! An FPGA add on for raspberry pi!” Maybe TakiUdon picked it as a nod to accessibility and low price point, a-la the RPi. Or maybe he just wanted to mess with people.
Last spring, my 9 year old daughter brought one home for a weekend as a class pet. They were using the fancy model with a color screen. She kept it alive and loved it so much she saved up her money for her own. She’s had it for 2 months and still enjoys it.
Woah! Picked this game up a month ago. It’s definitely pretty difficult. I’ve spent most of my play time wishing I were playing Rock & Roll Racing on SNES.
We got the 7800 instead of the NES, so I’ve got some nostalgia for it. But really only for Xenophobe, Dark Chambers, and that long joystick. Why aren’t they releasing the long joystick???
Comments 129
Re: You Can Now Witness One Of The Most Depressing Video Game Endings In English
@Shiryu - Thank you for explaining. That sounds extremely maddening. I’m pretty weak when it comes to fighting games so there no way i would get through to the ending. Looking forward to your video.
Re: You Can Now Witness One Of The Most Depressing Video Game Endings In English
@Shiryu - can you explain to me what a single frame move execution system is. I searched the internet but only found basic explanations of frames.
Re: You Can Now Witness One Of The Most Depressing Video Game Endings In English
@sdelfin - That may be my best bet. I probably won’t be able to make time for the game anyway.
Re: You Can Now Witness One Of The Most Depressing Video Game Endings In English
Don’t love wrestling games, but I do love Suda51’s work. So torn!
Re: SuperSega Back-Pedals With MiSTer FPGA, Aims For Lower Price
@ruiner9 “ by combining the cheaper FPGA chip with ‘the power on Linux done by an ARM core’ the new device will have a better chance of success.”
Sounds like the intent is to emulate some of the more powerful systems? It’s a shame, because we all know deep in our hearts that they had a functional Dreamcast FPGA core, but it was too beautiful for this world.
Re: Random: Distributor Koch Appears To Think The Intellivision Amico Is Still Coming
You will receive 1 empty Amico shell with “Intellivision” personally filed off by the Amico CEO.
Re: Three Years Later, And Hyperkin's PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 Clone Is Finally Coming Out
@Crecca - I’m in the same boat, but when I look at TG16 game prices, they always feel pretty steep to me. Maybe it’s just because of the low install base in the US.
Re: This New Space Invaders-Style Game Brings Some "Simple Shooty Fun" To Playdate
@MegaManFan The screen is beautiful. So much more reflective than the OG Gameboy. And something I forget having owned it for so long is that it comes with 24 games. Of those 24, you’ll probably enjoy over half, and love a quarter of em.
Re: Legendary's Live-Action Street Fighter Movie Has Found Its Director
There was a Twisted Metal tv show?!
Re: This New Space Invaders-Style Game Brings Some "Simple Shooty Fun" To Playdate
Judging by the posts on the playdate subreddit, shipping has been relatively quick. About a week to ship is what I’m seeing. There was a major backlog in the fall that finally got worked through.
Re: 24 Percent Of Gen Z Brits Own A Classic Gaming System, While 74 Percent Say Retro Is "More Relaxing"
@dmcc0 - Maybe it’s that the goals and interface are less complex, regardless of the difficulty?
Animal Crossing on GameCube is super chill, has some holidays, but the daily life is peaceful. AC:NH feels like a grind! So many things to do, so many festivals and items to collect. And there’s several currencies, all with different purposes!
Pikmin 1 & 2, while stressful sometimes, is gentle and simple in its gameplay and presentation. In Pikmin 4, I am bombarded with messages from multiple crew members telling me to do things. It’s a great game, but there’s so much to do and so much going on that it can be overwhelming. It’s not an escape from the noise of the Internet, it just adds more noise.
Re: This New Handheld Aims To Bring Back The Magic Of '80s Text Adventures
I love this concept, but I’m not sold on the controls. Analog joystick for navigation and a dial for settings/adjustments. Just seems like stylus/touchscreen would be more intuitive, or even just a d-pad to hop between key points on the screen. Maybe I just don’t like analog sticks.
Re: Random: "This Is Hilarious" - 'New' Iranian PS1 Consoles Cause Amusement Online
@NewBond - I think that was sort of the business plan of 3DO. Release console specs and companies got to manufacture their own versions of it.
Re: "An Absolute Genius" - Team17 Remembers The Studio's Late Co-Founder Martyn Brown
@KitsuneNight I was thinking the same thing. I’m gonna guess Surge.
Update: nevermind. Surge came after 1990. Also not even sure if it was ever released outside the US.
Re: Your Next Retro Emulation Handheld Could Cost You 35% More Than Usual
I appreciate the info. Actions of politicians will affect us all, eventually.
Re: This Kazooie Puppet Is Pure Nightmare Fuel, But It Just Sold For More Than $2,000
I think that buyer is assembling an amazing Halloween costume.
Re: SuperSega Refunds Are Still Missing As Creator "Cheats Death"
If y’all want a real treat, just read the headlines in chronological order to remind yourself how the saga unfolded. What a trip! https://www.timeextension.com/tags/supersega
Re: "Bravo, SNK! What A Greedy Company!" - King Of Fighters XIII Global Match's Steam Launch Has Upset Fans
@Sketcz - This is the article that helped me understand. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/10/explaining-how-fighting-games-use-delay-based-and-rollback-netcode/
Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?
Final Fantasy 6 is so much better on home console. Difficult to hear the music in an arcade. And save points! What a godsend! Sure, theoretically you can beat the game on a single quarter, but I just can’t stand for 20+ hours!
Re: Konami's Bizarre Arcade Racing Game 'Escape Kids' Is Heading To PS4 & Switch
Woah! It’s Super Off Road but without the machines!
Re: Sonic Galactic Is So Good "It Could Stand As An Official Sega Product"
2 levels in and it feels great to play.
Re: Modder Behind The Custom Sega Neptune Might Make The SNES PlayStation A Reality
Hrmm… if this happens, I’m looking forward to an intrepid developer giving us a Secret of Mana mod, creating the version intended for the CD add-on.
Re: Voice Commands Have Been Discovered In Zelda: Majora’s Mask
I’d guess the tight development deadline for Majorca’s Mask kept this from being fully implemented. Or if it’s anything like the Gamecube voice commands, inconsistent response. “Milk. Milk. MILK! MIIIIILK!!!”
Re: Fan-Made Classic 'Sonic Robo Blast 2' Comes To Sega 32X
@drypaphmrbro - Found it in the YouTube description. https://ssntails.srb2.org/srb32x/
Re: Fan-Made Classic 'Sonic Robo Blast 2' Comes To Sega 32X
Another item in the PRO column for why I should buy a flash cart. My 32x yearns for more games.
Re: Game Boy Dev Commemorates His Late Grandma In A Unique Way
Like movies, games can allow us to experience lives outside of our own. Most games are unrealistic experiences (Yakuza, Metal Gear Solid) or fantasy (Mario), so I’m always happy to see games grounded in reality. (nods to Annapurna)
Re: Random: Sega Is Reviving A Saucy Viz Mega Drive Ad For New Japanese Clothing Range
@Bod2019 I’m sure Johnny Fartpants is exactly as hilarious today as we was then.
Re: PS3 Emulation Comes To ARM64 Devices, Including The Raspberry Pi 5
@845H So that modders can make a PS3P handheld with an RPi? I give it 3 weeks till we see one.
Re: Flashback: Remembering Sega's Dismal Mega CD Debut, Wakusei Woodstock: Funky Horror Band
From my perspective, a multimedia music project with a dark/grimy aesthetic fits with how I perceived the Sega CD in the states (dark/grimy in comparison to the SNES). I’m more shocked that the band actually existed! It’s like a Claymation®️ Gorillaz.
Also, “bulbous-eyed chicken thing” is spot on.
Re: The Making Of: Powermonger, Bullfrog's Forgotten RTS Follow-Up To Populous
@Daniel36 - I recently picked up the Genesis cart. Popped it in, was super intrigued, printed the manual, and still haven’t made the time to learn it. Looking forward to spending a few hours with it. This article has just increased my desire to learn it.
Re: Mario 64 Speedrunning Declared "Dead" After Insane Feat From "The Greatest Speedrunner Of All Time"
@bluemage1989 - Just to put it into perspective, most physical “accomplishments” are a “waste of time” as they don’t produce anything meaningful to the world at large. That being said, the accomplishments DO provide meaning to those performing and those interested in it, which I would argue is a benefit to the society.
Re: Wizardry Co-Creator Shares Surprisingly Wholesome Story About A Video Game Pirate
Absolution is the only reason I backed Jetpack 2 on kickstarter many years ago. I played so much shareware Jetpack that I felt I owed the programmer something. I should probably also send some money to the Scorched Earth programmer.
Re: 36 Years After It Released, There Are So Many New Genesis Games Someone Has Built A Site To Track Them All
@mollipen - Thank you so much for setting this up! It’s nice to have a central listing for physical releases with links to the official site.
Re: Random: This $13,000 Set Of Scales Plays King Of Fighters '98
I certainly hope the user’s body composition affect the player stats? I might be convinced to lift a dumbbell if it meant my character could throw a punch faster.
Re: Lunar Remastered Won't (Currently) Include The Original English Voice Acting, But It's Been Offered "For Cheap"
I think they’re making the right choice taking out the English VA. Without the nostalgia goggles, the quality just isn’t up to modern standards. It feels at home on Sega CD, but feels outdated if they’re updating the rest of the game.
And this comment comes from someone who prefers the DiC dubs of Sailor Moon over the newer Viz dubs because it’s just what I grew up with.
Re: This Proto-GamesMaster TV Show Predicted Our Impending AI Hellscape 40 Years Ago
They make it sound so pleasant.
Re: Monster Hunter, Mortal Kombat And Resident Evil Director Paul W.S. Anderson Is Making A House Of The Dead Movie
@-wc- couldn’t agree more! Typing Crisis, Typing Enforcers, Mad Dog McTyper; the list goes on!
Re: Monster Hunter, Mortal Kombat And Resident Evil Director Paul W.S. Anderson Is Making A House Of The Dead Movie
House of the Dead has already been done. What we need now is a Typing of the Dead movie! No guns, just a keyboard tray and lightning-fast fingers!
Re: Panic Pushes "Pause" On The Playdate Stereo Dock
I will happily settle for a charging dock!
Re: "The Project Is A Complete Scam" - The Internet Isn't Convinced By The SuperSega FPGA Console
No voting option for “Totally a scam, but I still feel compelled to give them money out of desperate hope that it’s legit”? Cause that’s where I’m at.
Re: New Playdate Update Showcase Airs This Halloween
Games on the Playdate are coming out at the perfect rate that I always have one active game going at a time. So far, I haven’t had a backlog problem, but this sale may screw that up.
Re: Worms' Original Creator Is Set To Release A New Director's Cut Next Year For Amiga
This is one of the rare times that I wish I had an Amiga. Getting to play one of my favorite games on the hardware it was designed for would be an experience. Playing Worms Armageddon on PS1 was great, but I always knew sacrifices were made to get it on the platform. I guess the true director’s cut requires the same hardware so you get the full experience the director intended.
Re: New Mod Introduces Pikmin To The PC Port Of The N64 Classic Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
More games need Pikmin.
Re: Visegunne Is A Gorgeous-Looking Mecha Shmup That's Coming To Steam Soon
I didn’t know until recently that narrative driven non-bullet-hell shoot 'em ups were a thing until recently. Voidblasters on Playdate is similarly billed and I loved it! I’m now on the hunt for similar narrative non-bullet-hell shmups.
I’d give Visegunne a try but they don’t have it listed for Mac
Re: Review: MiSTer Pi - A $99 Gateway To FPGA Retro Gaming
@BulkSlash - I’ve been following the development through TimeExtension articles and even I thought “Oh cool! An FPGA add on for raspberry pi!” Maybe TakiUdon picked it as a nod to accessibility and low price point, a-la the RPi. Or maybe he just wanted to mess with people.
Re: Tamagotchi Sales Double As The UK Gets Its First Store
Last spring, my 9 year old daughter brought one home for a weekend as a class pet. They were using the fancy model with a color screen. She kept it alive and loved it so much she saved up her money for her own. She’s had it for 2 months and still enjoys it.
Re: The Mega Drive / Genesis Racer 'Combat Cars' Has Just Got A Promising New Fan Patch
Woah! Picked this game up a month ago. It’s definitely pretty difficult. I’ve spent most of my play time wishing I were playing Rock & Roll Racing on SNES.
Re: This FIFA 98 And Silent Hill Mash-Up Could Be The First "Survival Horror Football Game"
Reminds me of Mutant League Hockey.
Re: Review: Zero Zero: Perfect Stop (Playdate) - An Adorable Densha de Go! Tribute
I can totally see myself enjoying free mode when I want to relax. Like SlowTV, but I have some control.
Re: The Atari 7800+ Resurrects Another Classic Atari Console
We got the 7800 instead of the NES, so I’ve got some nostalgia for it. But really only for Xenophobe, Dark Chambers, and that long joystick. Why aren’t they releasing the long joystick???