Comments 129

Re: SuperSega Back-Pedals With MiSTer FPGA, Aims For Lower Price


@ruiner9 “ by combining the cheaper FPGA chip with ‘the power on Linux done by an ARM core’ the new device will have a better chance of success.”

Sounds like the intent is to emulate some of the more powerful systems? It’s a shame, because we all know deep in our hearts that they had a functional Dreamcast FPGA core, but it was too beautiful for this world.

Re: 24 Percent Of Gen Z Brits Own A Classic Gaming System, While 74 Percent Say Retro Is "More Relaxing"


@dmcc0 - Maybe it’s that the goals and interface are less complex, regardless of the difficulty?
Animal Crossing on GameCube is super chill, has some holidays, but the daily life is peaceful. AC:NH feels like a grind! So many things to do, so many festivals and items to collect. And there’s several currencies, all with different purposes!

Pikmin 1 & 2, while stressful sometimes, is gentle and simple in its gameplay and presentation. In Pikmin 4, I am bombarded with messages from multiple crew members telling me to do things. It’s a great game, but there’s so much to do and so much going on that it can be overwhelming. It’s not an escape from the noise of the Internet, it just adds more noise.

Re: Lunar Remastered Won't (Currently) Include The Original English Voice Acting, But It's Been Offered "For Cheap"


I think they’re making the right choice taking out the English VA. Without the nostalgia goggles, the quality just isn’t up to modern standards. It feels at home on Sega CD, but feels outdated if they’re updating the rest of the game.
And this comment comes from someone who prefers the DiC dubs of Sailor Moon over the newer Viz dubs because it’s just what I grew up with.

Re: Worms' Original Creator Is Set To Release A New Director's Cut Next Year For Amiga


This is one of the rare times that I wish I had an Amiga. Getting to play one of my favorite games on the hardware it was designed for would be an experience. Playing Worms Armageddon on PS1 was great, but I always knew sacrifices were made to get it on the platform. I guess the true director’s cut requires the same hardware so you get the full experience the director intended.

Re: Review: MiSTer Pi - A $99 Gateway To FPGA Retro Gaming


@BulkSlash - I’ve been following the development through TimeExtension articles and even I thought “Oh cool! An FPGA add on for raspberry pi!” Maybe TakiUdon picked it as a nod to accessibility and low price point, a-la the RPi. Or maybe he just wanted to mess with people.

Re: Tamagotchi Sales Double As The UK Gets Its First Store


Last spring, my 9 year old daughter brought one home for a weekend as a class pet. They were using the fancy model with a color screen. She kept it alive and loved it so much she saved up her money for her own. She’s had it for 2 months and still enjoys it.