I dislike Western (mostly American) retro gaming culture ruining the Japanese market. The Japanese was mostly about playing games and often selling them for reasonable prices. American gaming is just about consuming as much as possible. Hoarding, collecting, flipping and bragging about it in Youtube videos. It's quite sad.
Comments 3
Re: The Truth About Retro Game Hunting In A Post-Pandemic Japan
@gingerbeardman that's Sapporo, all the way in the north of Japan where most tourists don't go.
@Yousef- the hobby used to be retro gaming. Now it's retro collecting, which of course is not sustainable.
Re: The Truth About Retro Game Hunting In A Post-Pandemic Japan
I dislike Western (mostly American) retro gaming culture ruining the Japanese market. The Japanese was mostly about playing games and often selling them for reasonable prices. American gaming is just about consuming as much as possible. Hoarding, collecting, flipping and bragging about it in Youtube videos. It's quite sad.
Re: Hardware Review: The Terraonion Mega SD Is A Truly Next-Gen Flash Cartridge
@Anti-Matter Don't worry. I was a fanboy too.
Until I made enough money so I could buy multiple consoles and realized all of them have great exclusives. One day you will also be able to do that.