Seeing how the cables destroy the picture quality and especially the pixel art was like watching body horror, but with the pixel art being mutilated and deformed.
My PSP 2000 is there with me but it's in a borked shape. Its shell is in an awful shape, the analogue stick has crazy drift, the UMD drive is missing some parts, and the internal firmware and USB port are messed up. It would be easier and more practical to buy a new PSP than to fix it. It would essentially be like trying to build a new PSP.
I love Zelda II as the first Soulslike game. I won't be surprised if Hidetaka Miyazaki confesses that Zelda II is one of his inspirations for the Soulsborne games.
@RootsGenoa I know Toho made the film, and the real reason why the film never came out on DVD or Blu-ray was because there were some royalty disputes over someone involved with the film (forgot if it was the actors, director, or producers) and Toho.
But considering how Toho loves taking down Godzilla and Your Name. footage on YouTube (even if it's fair use), I worry this upload may not stay up for long.
It has to do with illegal CP being commonly distributed by criminals through filesharing sites. Specifically MEGA and Google Drive. So Facebook and Instagram is suppressing searches with either the words "Mega" and/or "Drive". I know MEGA was also banned in the Philippines for some time, which caused chaos for people who used it for less illegal purposes, so it was quickly unbanned.
I know Twitter had this problem too a couple of years ago.
@Hexapus I brought up theatrical Western animation, specifically.
I do know those retro anime films and many more, but the topic is in Renaissance Era Western animation.
And those films were darker and grittier than the Western animated films from years prior, when everyone in the West wanted to copy the Disney musicals.
It's a criminally underrated gem from the late-Renaissance Era of Animation, when Western animated films wanted to be more experimental and darker and edgier.
It's the same era that gave us films like this, The Iron Giant, The Prince of Egypt, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Osmosis Jones, Tarzan, The Road to El Dorado, Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Titan A.E., and Treasure Planet.
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within felt like it was cut from the same cloth as these films, but done in motion-capture 3D CGI instead of traditional 2D animation.
Shrek is another great example of a film from this era and style, but ironically, it's the very same film that ended this trend and gave birth to this current modern era of animation being more comedic, pop-culture-overdosed and kid-oriented. Because people took the wrong lessons from Shrek.
I miss this era of Western animation, when films were much grittier, more complex, and more mature. And when experimentation was at its peak. And when top-tier 2D animation was commonplace.
We still have some newer films that feel like this era, like the Spider-Verse films or Nimona.
I found an MSU-1 version of this game too. The endlessly looping and bitcrushed snippet "Wo Ai Beijing Tiananmen" was turned into the full version of the song in high quality CD audio. It's great, but it just doesn't have the same effect.
My only issue is that the ZL/ZR triggers are not analogue. I know Retro-Bit wasn't making a 3D Control Pad replacement, but it would've been great for modern PC games. And a 3D Control Pad replacement is just a neat bonus.
@isaymoo I know Shout! Factory had to break these standards because Toho mandated it for Weathering With You.
Weird, as every other 4K release of the film is region-free, including the UK and Australia releases, which use the exact same encoding as the US release. And again, the US uses the same region code as Japan, so even if they do that, they still have reverse-importers from Japan getting the cheaper US release.
And again, Toho forced Shout! Factory to violate the UHD Blu-ray standard. Hope this doesn't happen again for Suzume and for Godzilla: Minus One. Toho does have a history of essentially sabotaging international releases of their films. Like how the Parasite Eve movie was non-anamorphic letterboxed AND had hardcoded English subtitles on the US DVD. And how the Criterion Godzilla Showa-Era box set was barebones for most of the films, had hardcoded subs for the Japanese version of King Kong vs. Godzilla, and didn't use the better 4K remaster of that film too.
Toho also forced Tokyo Shock to essentially strip out all the bonus features they had in their US Blu-ray of Destroy All Monsters. Some of the early prints are the fully featured versions, and Toho got angry (even after putting out the stripped-out rerelease that Toho wanted), which ended their relationship with Tokyo Shock.
Not sure how Shout! had region-locking in those other releases.
@isaymoo There are some region-locked UHDs.
I know Lionsgate's 4K release of Fall was region-locked, apparently by accident.
Shout! Factory also put out some region-locked 4K UHDs with The People Under the Stairs, Brotherhood of the Wolf, and Weathering With You.
I don't know why the former two were region-locked (maybe it was an accident), but Weathering With You was region-locked due to mandates from Toho to prevent region-locking, which is weird as both the US and Japan are Region A.
@mike_intv Even turn-based WRPGs feel very different. To me, at least, JRPG and WRPG are no longer about from where they originated, but from which style of gameplay they have.
True, JRPG and WRPG styles did exclusively come from Japan and the West, respectively, but it is becoming less and less exclusive to each region as time goes on.
JRPG no longer exclusively means "RPG made in Japan", but rather "Japanese-style RPG". Forgive me for the food analogies, but it's like food. You would still call New York pizza Italian food, even though it's made in America, because it still primarily follows the Italian style of food. And even with some American DNA in New York pizza, it is still primarily an Italian style dish.
Personally, anything that can play CDs and has a digital output is the best option.
Many modern amps have digital inputs now, and CDs would sound purer and better with a digital signal.
There, the amp is the destination where the audio turns analogue rather than the player.
That said, the software may do some tomfoolery with the audio with DSPs that cannot be turned off.
The PS1 audio player apparently has none of that and is pure. But it would ideally be cleaner if it had a pure digital audio out.
Personally, I hope that we would cover more on a PS1 SPDIF mod for a pure digital audio out. Not just for music CDs, but also the purest audio out for PS1 games.
I know HDMI mods exist, and the PS1 can still simultaneously output digital and analogue AV. But it would be too complicated having an HDMI Audio Extractor (often shoddily made) taking that HDMI digital audio to SPDIF, while the analogue video outputs to a CRT. It would be safer for CRT fans would prefer having pure digital audio from an SPDIF mod than an HDMI mod.
That said, having an AVR take the HDMI signal and processing the digital audio, while the analogue video plays on the CRT, is more than great when you can get it working.
I don't know why some people still prefer analogue outputs for CDs, when many audiophiles also had LaserDisc players. And the digital audio portion of LaserDiscs used the same audio standard as audio CDs. To the point that you can essentially rip the digital audio track of a LaserDisc and losslessly burn it on a CD with little to no reencoding. (two CAV sides or one CLV side per CD)
From what I heard from people back in the day, most LaserDisc enthusiasts used a direct digital output with SPDIF cables, instead of using external DACs.
I hope this means the original version of Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII would be preserved and also given an English fan translation. It looks like the official remake Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis is making some changes to the story.
There was also a deleted subplot to Persona 1 that was instead released as a mobile spinoff. It does have an official port on Steam and Nintendo Switch, but it's Japanese-only. There were also similar mobile spinoffs to Persona 2, one each for Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment.
Lastly, the feature phone port of Final Fantasy IV has updated graphics in line with Final Fantasy IV: The After Years on WiiWare, and had an exclusive EX Dungeon that was never on any version before or after as well as exclusive items. This version is completely lost and it was only in Japan.
The Amiga still lives! In the Philippines, sound mixing for their local TV shows are made using old Amiga computers, even to this day. I am not kidding with this.
My only complaint is that there is no numpad. That said, I agree with @-wc-, I would prefer a separate NES/Famicom-style numpad. And to go with the NES-style mouse, I would love a Famicom-style mouse as well. I might even customise a tower PC case (preferably one with 5.25" ODD slots) to have a Famicom aesthetic to it. Even have text in both English and Japanese around the entire thing.
Dragon Quest IV is actually better on iOS and Android than on the DS.
For starters, they restored Party Chat for the international versions, and it's fully translated. Also, the graphics have been upscaled to HD, and the music is at a much better quality than the DS version. The music is still MIDI, but it sounds a lot better than what the DS soundchip could output.
And they also added quality-of-life enhancements and extra balancing.
Once you get past the fact that you have to play in portrait mode (vertical) and you have to play on a telephone with touchscreens and no gamepads (no big deal for turn-based RPGs of this nature), it's easily the best version of the game.
And the same goes for Dragon Quest V and Vi.
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes is pretty good on its own, but it falls in comparison to the original. It is practically the equivalent of a Disney live action remake. Don't get me wrong, some of them were good. But The Twin Snakes has many of the same flaws that the Disney live action remakes have.
A more lifeless palette and aesthetic in comparison to the original, for the sake of realism? Check. More monotonous acting to come across as less over-the-top and more realistic? Check. Baffling changes, additions and removals to elements from the original? Check. Changing up and removing the wrong elements, while adding in more baffling ones and keeping more outdated ones? Check.
@JackGYarwood If Disney used Monkey Island to bring back theatrical 2D animation, I would be really happy. If it were successful, it would be a win-win. They would make Monkey Island mainstream and popular with kids again, and Disney has revived mainstream Western theatrical 2D animation.
Sadly, I feel that this is all too inevitable considering Disney owns Lucasfilm (and by extension, LucasArts) now.
I'm pretty sure Disney would want to make as much money from their Lucasfilm purchase as possible.
And while Star Wars continues to be widely successful, and we eventually got a Willow Disney+ sequel series as well as Indiana Jones 5, I'm pretty sure we may get a Maniac Mansion or Monkey Island movie or Disney+ series at some point.
I loved Indiana Jones 5, the Disney+ Willow series, and some of the new Star Wars shows and movies (The Rise of Skywalker was the only one I really hated). But I'm begging Disney to not adapt Monkey Island into a movie or series.
And besides, Monkey Island is already a spiritual adaptation of the Pirates of the Caribbean theme park attraction, which already had great movie adaptations with Johnny Depp, and are the best Monkey Island adaptations out there.
The best I would accept is if Disney makes an official crossover between Monkey Island and Pirates of the Caribbean, maybe like a cute animated short where Captain Jack Sparrow meets Guybrush Threepwood. Or have Guybrush cameo in Pirates of the Caribbean 6, or have Captain Jack Sparrow cameo in a new Monkey Island movie.
I would've also added some Blu-rays here. Specifically the 4K UHD of the Sonic Movies (especially the SteelBook 2-Movie Collection and the Bonus Stage Edition of the first film), the UHD of both the 1993 and 2023 Mario movies, Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie on Blu-ray (with an upcoming 4K UHD announced too), and the Fatal Fury movie and OVA Blu-rays.
One of the best movies of the year. This is cinema. But as for Mattel-related movies this year, the Barbie movie is slightly better. But that says more about how great the Barbie movie was. I enjoyed Barbie more, but they are two very different films, and both excel in what they wanted to do.
@JJtheTexan The closest we have is Final Fantasy I getting an MSX2 port. The SEGA Master System was heavily based on MSX hardware, which makes it easy for MSX games to be ported to it. But the FF1 port was for MSX2, and not compatible with the original MSX.
Out of the 8-bit releases of FF1, the MSX is actually better than the original NES in terms of visuals, sound, and even bugfixes. The only problems are that the scrolling is not smooth, and there are loadtimes between areas, and going from battles to field or vice versa. Still hoping someone would port the Pixel Remaster translation to the MSX2 version.
None of the other Final Fantasy games were ported to MSX. Especially since FF3 was released the same year as Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, the very last MSX game, and actually released well after it had been discontinued.
I never heard of this game until Civvie 11 made a video about it.
Also, I heard of ZOOM Platform because they used to be the only way to get Duke Nukem 1 and 2 (until the upcoming Evercade release), Duke Nukem 3D (except for the Cursed Randy Version and the upcoming Evercade release) as well as Manhattan Project (except for the Xbox release).
Also, they are the only way to get the POSTAL 2: Fudge Pack (which has Eternal Damnation, the full version of A Week in Paradise, and A Very POSTAL Christmas) as well as Corkscrew RuLes!, the Russian-made expansion that only came out in Russia and Japan (in both versions too: Russian-only and English-with-Japanese-subtitles).
@Tobunari Nintendo only cares if you are either hosting ROMs or making emulators for current consoles. And the DS has not been a current console for a long time.
I know AI voices are popular nowadays thanks to memes, but I prefer the olden days of sentence mixing like in YouTube Poops. If YTP started using AI voices instead, it would not be as funny or soulful as sentence mixing.
It would be great if this could have more coverage like being officially licensed by Lucasfilm and released on Disney+ in addition to YouTube.
It would be great so Disney could potentially attract more modern attention to the older LucasArts games that have nothing to do with Star Wars.
Who is publishing this? Fox Interactive is now Disney. Argonaut owns the Croc IP but the first two games are owned by Disney. Did they get a deal with Disney for this?
I think it would be great if Disney added a games feature for Disney+, which allows you to stream old Disney/Fox/LucasArts games on your phone or TV. And even a Disney+ PC app that serves as a launcher to actually play the games without streaming. The phone and console versions would also allow you to download select games natively with no streaming.
Imagine if Disney+ had Battlefront II Classic with crossplay online multiplayer and 1080p/4K in all platforms. Or if the game feature for Disney+ would have Croc HD as a launch title.
Disney owns Croc, and they have worked with a ton of third parties in rereleasing their older games.
I hope Disney can work with someone like Night Dive or Aspyr to remaster the first two Croc games.
Comments 96
Re: "The Most Bafflingly Poor Products We Have Ever Reviewed" - Marseille's mClassic RGB Collection Fails To Impress The Experts
Seeing how the cables destroy the picture quality and especially the pixel art was like watching body horror, but with the pixel art being mutilated and deformed.
Re: Monster Hunter, Mortal Kombat And Resident Evil Director Paul W.S. Anderson Is Making A House Of The Dead Movie
Well, at least it's not Uwe Boll
Still baffled why SEGA got Paul W.S. Anderson here when his track record isn't that good.
Re: Did You Know You Can Play Time Crisis 5 On Your PC?
Time Crisis in VR would be amazing.
Re: Shadow The Hedgehog Almost Became A F***-Filled Swearfest
Vivziepop’s Shadow the Hedgehog
Re: This Dongle Lets You Use The Nintendo Wii Nunchuk As A USB Controller
This would be cool if it supports the Nunchuck's motion controls too.
The Nunchuck on its own can be used as an alternative to a flight stick.
Re: The Sony PSP Gets Upgraded For 2024
My PSP 2000 is there with me but it's in a borked shape.
Its shell is in an awful shape, the analogue stick has crazy drift, the UMD drive is missing some parts, and the internal firmware and USB port are messed up.
It would be easier and more practical to buy a new PSP than to fix it. It would essentially be like trying to build a new PSP.
Re: Miyamoto Has Admitted This Zelda Game Is "Bad"
I love Zelda II as the first Soulslike game.
I won't be surprised if Hidetaka Miyazaki confesses that Zelda II is one of his inspirations for the Soulsborne games.
Re: Someone Has Finally Found A Use For The NES Expansion Port
I wonder if it can also take a microphone for the Player II microphone on the Famicom controller…
Re: Sweet Home, The Movie That Inspired Resident Evil, Just Got Remastered
@RootsGenoa I know Toho made the film, and the real reason why the film never came out on DVD or Blu-ray was because there were some royalty disputes over someone involved with the film (forgot if it was the actors, director, or producers) and Toho.
But considering how Toho loves taking down Godzilla and Your Name. footage on YouTube (even if it's fair use), I worry this upload may not stay up for long.
Re: Random: Facebook And Instagram Suppressing "Mega Drive" Searches Over Child Abuse Fears
It has to do with illegal CP being commonly distributed by criminals through filesharing sites. Specifically MEGA and Google Drive.
So Facebook and Instagram is suppressing searches with either the words "Mega" and/or "Drive".
I know MEGA was also banned in the Philippines for some time, which caused chaos for people who used it for less illegal purposes, so it was quickly unbanned.
I know Twitter had this problem too a couple of years ago.
Re: Poll: Should Retro Game Remasters Carry Warnings About "Offensive" Content?
Having a skippable content warning is ultimately a much better solution than having to censor anything.
Re: The SNES Tripod Mount Is A Clever Accessory For Game Boy Camera Videography
I wonder if this tripod would work with the Super Famicom...
Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Arrives On Android Devices This Week
I'm hoping they also get around to porting this version to Steam and Switch.
The iOS version can already run on Apple TV and macOS.
Re: Best Ghostbusters Games Of All Time
They're back in town.
Re: The Making Of: Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within, Square's Groundbreaking Box Office Bomb
@Hexapus I brought up theatrical Western animation, specifically.
I do know those retro anime films and many more, but the topic is in Renaissance Era Western animation.
And those films were darker and grittier than the Western animated films from years prior, when everyone in the West wanted to copy the Disney musicals.
Re: The Making Of: Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within, Square's Groundbreaking Box Office Bomb
I loved this film.
It's a criminally underrated gem from the late-Renaissance Era of Animation, when Western animated films wanted to be more experimental and darker and edgier.
It's the same era that gave us films like this, The Iron Giant, The Prince of Egypt, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Osmosis Jones, Tarzan, The Road to El Dorado, Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Titan A.E., and Treasure Planet.
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within felt like it was cut from the same cloth as these films, but done in motion-capture 3D CGI instead of traditional 2D animation.
Shrek is another great example of a film from this era and style, but ironically, it's the very same film that ended this trend and gave birth to this current modern era of animation being more comedic, pop-culture-overdosed and kid-oriented. Because people took the wrong lessons from Shrek.
I miss this era of Western animation, when films were much grittier, more complex, and more mature. And when experimentation was at its peak. And when top-tier 2D animation was commonplace.
We still have some newer films that feel like this era, like the Spider-Verse films or Nimona.
Re: Sony's Lost NES Game, Super Sushi Pinball, Has Been Found And Preserved
Correction: Super Rescue didn't release internationally either, and its localised version is still considered lost.
Re: Random: Why Not Download One Of The Worst SNES Games Ever This Festive Season?
I found an MSU-1 version of this game too.
The endlessly looping and bitcrushed snippet "Wo Ai Beijing Tiananmen" was turned into the full version of the song in high quality CD audio.
It's great, but it just doesn't have the same effect.
Re: Review: Retro-Bit Sega Saturn 2.4GHz Wireless Pro Controller
My only issue is that the ZL/ZR triggers are not analogue.
I know Retro-Bit wasn't making a 3D Control Pad replacement, but it would've been great for modern PC games. And a 3D Control Pad replacement is just a neat bonus.
Re: "The Most Extensive Port I've Ever Done" - Fan-Made SNES Metroid Port Now Available
I hope someone does similar FF1, FF2 and FF3 ports with optional QoL changes. And maybe even the Pixel Remaster graphics too. As well as MSU-1 music.
Re: New Patch Makes Tails Playable In Sonic Jam's 3D 'Sonic World' Mode
His 3D model here looks extremely adorable.
Re: A Fanmade Enhanced Edition Of Icewind Dale II Has Just Been Released
I hope Beamdog hires these people to officially release Icewind Dale 2: Enhanced Edition in consoles, mobile and Steam/GOG.
Re: Super Mario Bros. (1993) Is Getting A New Worldwide Release In 4K
@isaymoo I know Shout! Factory had to break these standards because Toho mandated it for Weathering With You.
Weird, as every other 4K release of the film is region-free, including the UK and Australia releases, which use the exact same encoding as the US release. And again, the US uses the same region code as Japan, so even if they do that, they still have reverse-importers from Japan getting the cheaper US release.
And again, Toho forced Shout! Factory to violate the UHD Blu-ray standard. Hope this doesn't happen again for Suzume and for Godzilla: Minus One. Toho does have a history of essentially sabotaging international releases of their films. Like how the Parasite Eve movie was non-anamorphic letterboxed AND had hardcoded English subtitles on the US DVD. And how the Criterion Godzilla Showa-Era box set was barebones for most of the films, had hardcoded subs for the Japanese version of King Kong vs. Godzilla, and didn't use the better 4K remaster of that film too.
Toho also forced Tokyo Shock to essentially strip out all the bonus features they had in their US Blu-ray of Destroy All Monsters. Some of the early prints are the fully featured versions, and Toho got angry (even after putting out the stripped-out rerelease that Toho wanted), which ended their relationship with Tokyo Shock.
Not sure how Shout! had region-locking in those other releases.
Re: Super Mario Bros. (1993) Is Getting A New Worldwide Release In 4K
@isaymoo There are some region-locked UHDs.
I know Lionsgate's 4K release of Fall was region-locked, apparently by accident.
Shout! Factory also put out some region-locked 4K UHDs with The People Under the Stairs, Brotherhood of the Wolf, and Weathering With You.
I don't know why the former two were region-locked (maybe it was an accident), but Weathering With You was region-locked due to mandates from Toho to prevent region-locking, which is weird as both the US and Japan are Region A.
Re: Poll: Should Japanese-Made Role-Playing Games Still Be Called JRPGs?
@mike_intv Even turn-based WRPGs feel very different.
To me, at least, JRPG and WRPG are no longer about from where they originated, but from which style of gameplay they have.
True, JRPG and WRPG styles did exclusively come from Japan and the West, respectively, but it is becoming less and less exclusive to each region as time goes on.
JRPG no longer exclusively means "RPG made in Japan", but rather "Japanese-style RPG".
Forgive me for the food analogies, but it's like food.
You would still call New York pizza Italian food, even though it's made in America, because it still primarily follows the Italian style of food. And even with some American DNA in New York pizza, it is still primarily an Italian style dish.
Re: Best Music Videos Featuring Video Games
I know there was also a Black Eyed Peas music video that featured footage from POSTAL 2, one of my favourite games of all time.
Re: Random: Music Fans Are Modding Early PS1 Consoles To Use As CD Players
Personally, anything that can play CDs and has a digital output is the best option.
Many modern amps have digital inputs now, and CDs would sound purer and better with a digital signal.
There, the amp is the destination where the audio turns analogue rather than the player.
That said, the software may do some tomfoolery with the audio with DSPs that cannot be turned off.
The PS1 audio player apparently has none of that and is pure. But it would ideally be cleaner if it had a pure digital audio out.
Personally, I hope that we would cover more on a PS1 SPDIF mod for a pure digital audio out. Not just for music CDs, but also the purest audio out for PS1 games.
I know HDMI mods exist, and the PS1 can still simultaneously output digital and analogue AV. But it would be too complicated having an HDMI Audio Extractor (often shoddily made) taking that HDMI digital audio to SPDIF, while the analogue video outputs to a CRT. It would be safer for CRT fans would prefer having pure digital audio from an SPDIF mod than an HDMI mod.
That said, having an AVR take the HDMI signal and processing the digital audio, while the analogue video plays on the CRT, is more than great when you can get it working.
I don't know why some people still prefer analogue outputs for CDs, when many audiophiles also had LaserDisc players. And the digital audio portion of LaserDiscs used the same audio standard as audio CDs. To the point that you can essentially rip the digital audio track of a LaserDisc and losslessly burn it on a CD with little to no reencoding. (two CAV sides or one CLV side per CD)
From what I heard from people back in the day, most LaserDisc enthusiasts used a direct digital output with SPDIF cables, instead of using external DACs.
Re: Japanese Feature Phone Preservation Has Just Made Some Incredible Strides
I hope this means the original version of Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII would be preserved and also given an English fan translation.
It looks like the official remake Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis is making some changes to the story.
There was also a deleted subplot to Persona 1 that was instead released as a mobile spinoff. It does have an official port on Steam and Nintendo Switch, but it's Japanese-only.
There were also similar mobile spinoffs to Persona 2, one each for Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment.
Lastly, the feature phone port of Final Fantasy IV has updated graphics in line with Final Fantasy IV: The After Years on WiiWare, and had an exclusive EX Dungeon that was never on any version before or after as well as exclusive items.
This version is completely lost and it was only in Japan.
Re: The Smiths Have Just Got Their Own Unofficial Text Adventure Game For C64 & Oric
I like The Smiths.
Re: Best Amiga Games Of All Time
The Amiga still lives!
In the Philippines, sound mixing for their local TV shows are made using old Amiga computers, even to this day.
I am not kidding with this.
Re: What's Happening Over At Sega Forever, Sega's Dedicated Retro Channel?
Still hoping they port the Sonic Origins version of Sonic 3 & Knuckles to mobile.
Can they give us one last Sega Forever game?
Re: Review: 8BitDo Retro Mechanical Keyboard: Mario Teaches Typing
My only complaint is that there is no numpad.
That said, I agree with @-wc-, I would prefer a separate NES/Famicom-style numpad.
And to go with the NES-style mouse, I would love a Famicom-style mouse as well.
I might even customise a tower PC case (preferably one with 5.25" ODD slots) to have a Famicom aesthetic to it.
Even have text in both English and Japanese around the entire thing.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Ultima Game?
Underworld Ascendant is basically Disappointment in The Game of Life: Ultima Edition.
Re: Best NES Games Of All Time
Dragon Quest IV is actually better on iOS and Android than on the DS.
For starters, they restored Party Chat for the international versions, and it's fully translated. Also, the graphics have been upscaled to HD, and the music is at a much better quality than the DS version. The music is still MIDI, but it sounds a lot better than what the DS soundchip could output.
And they also added quality-of-life enhancements and extra balancing.
Once you get past the fact that you have to play in portrait mode (vertical) and you have to play on a telephone with touchscreens and no gamepads (no big deal for turn-based RPGs of this nature), it's easily the best version of the game.
And the same goes for Dragon Quest V and Vi.
Re: The Making Of: Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes - The Most Divisive Of Remakes
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes is pretty good on its own, but it falls in comparison to the original. It is practically the equivalent of a Disney live action remake.
Don't get me wrong, some of them were good. But The Twin Snakes has many of the same flaws that the Disney live action remakes have.
A more lifeless palette and aesthetic in comparison to the original, for the sake of realism? Check. More monotonous acting to come across as less over-the-top and more realistic? Check. Baffling changes, additions and removals to elements from the original? Check. Changing up and removing the wrong elements, while adding in more baffling ones and keeping more outdated ones? Check.
Re: Building The Ultimate Sega Dreamcast
I hope we get similar guides for the PSP, DS Lite and GBA as well.
And other home consoles too.
Re: Ron Gilbert Isn't Convinced A Monkey Island Movie Would Work
@JackGYarwood If Disney used Monkey Island to bring back theatrical 2D animation, I would be really happy.
If it were successful, it would be a win-win. They would make Monkey Island mainstream and popular with kids again, and Disney has revived mainstream Western theatrical 2D animation.
Re: Ron Gilbert Isn't Convinced A Monkey Island Movie Would Work
Sadly, I feel that this is all too inevitable considering Disney owns Lucasfilm (and by extension, LucasArts) now.
I'm pretty sure Disney would want to make as much money from their Lucasfilm purchase as possible.
And while Star Wars continues to be widely successful, and we eventually got a Willow Disney+ sequel series as well as Indiana Jones 5, I'm pretty sure we may get a Maniac Mansion or Monkey Island movie or Disney+ series at some point.
I loved Indiana Jones 5, the Disney+ Willow series, and some of the new Star Wars shows and movies (The Rise of Skywalker was the only one I really hated). But I'm begging Disney to not adapt Monkey Island into a movie or series.
And besides, Monkey Island is already a spiritual adaptation of the Pirates of the Caribbean theme park attraction, which already had great movie adaptations with Johnny Depp, and are the best Monkey Island adaptations out there.
The best I would accept is if Disney makes an official crossover between Monkey Island and Pirates of the Caribbean, maybe like a cute animated short where Captain Jack Sparrow meets Guybrush Threepwood. Or have Guybrush cameo in Pirates of the Caribbean 6, or have Captain Jack Sparrow cameo in a new Monkey Island movie.
Re: Round Up: The Best Retro Gaming Gifts - August 2023
I would've also added some Blu-rays here.
Specifically the 4K UHD of the Sonic Movies (especially the SteelBook 2-Movie Collection and the Bonus Stage Edition of the first film), the UHD of both the 1993 and 2023 Mario movies, Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie on Blu-ray (with an upcoming 4K UHD announced too), and the Fatal Fury movie and OVA Blu-rays.
Re: The Intellivision Amico Saga Is So Crazy I Made A Four-Hour Documentary About It
One of the best movies of the year.
This is cinema.
But as for Mattel-related movies this year, the Barbie movie is slightly better. But that says more about how great the Barbie movie was.
I enjoyed Barbie more, but they are two very different films, and both excel in what they wanted to do.
Re: If You Love The NES, You'll Want 8BitDo's Retro Mechanical Keyboard
I wish it had a numpad, but the Famicom one looks great.
Just hope they have a Famicom mouse to go along with it.
Re: Talking Point: What Was Your First Video Gaming Experience?
I was born in 2000 but my earliest gaming experiences were with the PS1.
Re: Dragon Quest II Is Being Ported To The Sega Master System
@JJtheTexan The closest we have is Final Fantasy I getting an MSX2 port. The SEGA Master System was heavily based on MSX hardware, which makes it easy for MSX games to be ported to it.
But the FF1 port was for MSX2, and not compatible with the original MSX.
Out of the 8-bit releases of FF1, the MSX is actually better than the original NES in terms of visuals, sound, and even bugfixes.
The only problems are that the scrolling is not smooth, and there are loadtimes between areas, and going from battles to field or vice versa.
Still hoping someone would port the Pixel Remaster translation to the MSX2 version.
None of the other Final Fantasy games were ported to MSX. Especially since FF3 was released the same year as Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, the very last MSX game, and actually released well after it had been discontinued.
Re: "Awful" FPS 'The Fortress Of Dr. Radiaki' Gets Digital Rerelease
I never heard of this game until Civvie 11 made a video about it.
Also, I heard of ZOOM Platform because they used to be the only way to get Duke Nukem 1 and 2 (until the upcoming Evercade release), Duke Nukem 3D (except for the Cursed Randy Version and the upcoming Evercade release) as well as Manhattan Project (except for the Xbox release).
Also, they are the only way to get the POSTAL 2: Fudge Pack (which has Eternal Damnation, the full version of A Week in Paradise, and A Very POSTAL Christmas) as well as Corkscrew RuLes!, the Russian-made expansion that only came out in Russia and Japan (in both versions too: Russian-only and English-with-Japanese-subtitles).
Re: DSReality Aims To Display Your Favourite DS Games As Holographic 3D Models
@Tobunari Nintendo only cares if you are either hosting ROMs or making emulators for current consoles. And the DS has not been a current console for a long time.
Re: Metal Gear's Snake And Roy Campbell Don't Like The Idea Of AI Replicating Their Voices
I know AI voices are popular nowadays thanks to memes, but I prefer the olden days of sentence mixing like in YouTube Poops.
If YTP started using AI voices instead, it would not be as funny or soulful as sentence mixing.
Re: PixelFX Working On HDMI Mod For PlayStation 2
@UK_Kev It's not pure digital, however.
Apparently, it uses an RGB video out.
Re: Mark Your Calendars! A New 'Day Of The Tentacle' Doc Is Dropping Later This Month
It would be great if this could have more coverage like being officially licensed by Lucasfilm and released on Disney+ in addition to YouTube.
It would be great so Disney could potentially attract more modern attention to the older LucasArts games that have nothing to do with Star Wars.
Re: Croc HD Is In Development, Says Argonaut Founder Jez San
Who is publishing this? Fox Interactive is now Disney.
Argonaut owns the Croc IP but the first two games are owned by Disney.
Did they get a deal with Disney for this?
I think it would be great if Disney added a games feature for Disney+, which allows you to stream old Disney/Fox/LucasArts games on your phone or TV. And even a Disney+ PC app that serves as a launcher to actually play the games without streaming.
The phone and console versions would also allow you to download select games natively with no streaming.
Imagine if Disney+ had Battlefront II Classic with crossplay online multiplayer and 1080p/4K in all platforms. Or if the game feature for Disney+ would have Croc HD as a launch title.
Re: The Making Of: Croc, 3D Platforming's Unsung Hero
Disney owns Croc, and they have worked with a ton of third parties in rereleasing their older games.
I hope Disney can work with someone like Night Dive or Aspyr to remaster the first two Croc games.