Comments 77

Re: 3 Cities, 17 Stores - Our Epic Retro Gaming Hunt Across Japan


17 stores across 3 cities, and ya ended up with a dozen or so Goemon games lol, the ideal haul.

Any neat Neogeo Pocket Color stuff? I have about a dozen games, not going for a complete collection (especially not with Japan having a game list more than twice as long as US/EU) but the system has really captured my fancy recently and I'm curious if they're more common over there.

Re: Evercade Alpha Is A Bartop Arcade System Packed With Capcom Games


Uggggghhh I'm very conflicted on this. On one hand, I've always wanted Arcade1Up to make a Mega Man Power Battle Cab (to the point where I've almost bought the crappy myarcade nes arcade), and this is a really sick design.

But on the other hand, what's probably going to be $300-$350 for the deluxe edition (might as well for Sanwa) is the price of a full sized (well, 3/4 scale) Arcade1Up and that doesn't get you much more than what Arcade1Up's Countercades offer. 8 inch screen, only 1 set of arcade controls vs 1Ups' 2, yes it's compatible with Evercade carts (and I have none) but the 1Ups are easily softmoddable.

Idk if I'm preordering or not but dang that's expensive.

Re: "Arcade Archives 2 Neo Geo" Will Bring SNK's Classics To PS5 And Xbox Series S/X


Rollback would be cool but the only ACA SNK games I've bought have been on Switch, I don't have much of a reason to buy on PS/Xbox since at that point I can just emulate on pc or play them off my NeoGeo Mini.

While I appreciate ACA and them keeping arcade titles on console, what I really want is for SNK to get Digital Eclipse back to do an "SNK 50" or at the very least a NeoGeo collection like their 40th. There's no reason why I should be able to pay $50 for 40 NeoGeo games in the form of the Mini but then have to pay $8 per game on console.

Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It


One of their recent releases, Overlord: Escape From Nazarick, was a game that I was really hoping would get a Western release but I was really let down to see that it was LRG handling the release.

On the topic of overpriced fodder, OEFN released in Japan with a regular physical edition and a "limited" edition. The limited edition included the game in the original Switch case, an acrylic display piece, an art "book" (no more than just a stapled brochure) and the soundtrack of the game (nothing exceptional but it's decent) all in a nice, compact box.

LRG also had a limited edition of said game for preorder recently, except they replaced the acrylic display, arguably the item of most value in the original, with a simple keychain. The rest was the same except for the box, and the art book wasn't even translated.

They wanted $75 for this in February, or $40 for the $30 (oftentimes $12) game on its own. Not only that, but shipping charges weren't included, and the release date was this OCTOBER. Mind you, this game released nearly TWO YEARS ago in all territories digitally and they were completely silent on if there would be a Western physical release.

Even though I'm a pretty big Overlord fan myself, I never picked up the game digitally or physically due to my backlog, but once I saw the LRG preorder go up, I checked ebay and got the Japanese limited edition; brand new, in the US, with better contents, for $60, free shipping.

Tldr, while I appreciate the original goal and sentiment of LRG, it's sad that they have devolved into selling overpriced FOMO fodder when most people just want physical copies of their games, and that was my personal experience of it.

Re: $38 'FlippyDrive' ODE Lets You Keep Your GameCube's Optical Drive


@belmont For me personally, my modded Wii is a complete mess: the shell is destroyed, the software installed is all over the place, and it's just gotten kinda tiring to set up and use. The GameCube is super easy for me and this mod would make it even better since I wouldn't have to pay $80 for any game I want to play.

I've got a decent second TV with composite input that my GameCube looks great on, but really it just comes down to me trying to justify my GameCube purchase lol. Granted I got it for dirt cheap, but I still want to use it.

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