@RetroGames respectfully, how much experience do you have developing or porting games to SNES?
There is very little homebrew software for the SNES (not including ROMhacks) because there is essentially no modern development kit for it. As I understand it - and I am NOT a developer or coder - the console's architecture is not friendly to amateur devs.
Conversely, the Genesis / Mega Drive has a robust homebrew community with literally hundreds of games produced over the last few years. Similar stories for the Dreamcast, NES, Game Boy, and even Jaguar. Games can be much more easily created to support all these platforms.
For the SNES, you literally need to learn how to code in assembly - a tedious and challenging task even for more experienced devs. If you're porting from Mega Drive / Genesis, most of the art assets will need to be modified or rebuilt from scratch, as the Genesis / MD has a completely different resolution from the SNES.
I used to love the boutique publishers for making games available physically. Now I just cringe.
Practices like this have driven me out of the collector's market. I simply cannot justify spending this kind of money on what amounts to ~25MB of 30-year-old ROMs spread out onto way too many carts to maximize profitability.
SEGA made the right call. The Lynx was a powerful and way-ahead-of-its-time piece of hardware, but the ability to quickly and cheaply port Master System games to a handheld made a ton of sense.
This is great! I absolutely adore Steel Empire. I played dozens of hours on the 3DS. I guess I was one of the few who got their money's worth, since I recall from the time it came out that there was much grousing about the original price. I think it was $30 or $40? Anyway, glad I took a chance because it became one of my all-time favorite horizontal scrolling shooters.
I will definitely be pre-ordering the Nintendo Switch version. I'm awfully tempted by the multi-cart collector's edition, though...
You mean to tell me that Don Mattrick, the genius who completely botched the Xbox One launch, then fled Microsoft to drive Zynga into the ground, also nearly ruined the ending of Def Jam: Vendetta?
I will never understand how some people in this industry continue to fail upward.
I got my physical copy of this game last month from Strictly Limited. How strange it's not yet available on the eShop. I haven't played it yet, and now I want to wait - perhaps there's some big performance issue that needs a patch, which seems odd for a decades-old arcade title.
Great article! I wonder who owns the Daikatana IP these days. Seems ripe for re-release, particularly the Game Boy Color version, since it was never released officially in North America.
There are really only two possible correct answers here, and the poll results accurately reflect this.
I gave the Genesis / Mega Drive my vote, strictly based on the strength and variety of its library, but the Dreamcast is a really fantastic piece of hardware.
A shame that the controllers for both are pretty sub-par compared to most of their contemporaries.
I own several of these and I'm very happy with the lot of them. They look great and they're mostly a lot of fun to break out and play every so often. It's too bad the mini console era is apparently over; I'd love to see more obscure systems lovingly recreated in this manner.
The pricing of the first volume is... not aligned with what I am willing to spend, shall we say. They'll have to do a lot better in terms of pricing and game quality for me to consider it.
Honestly, I feel like pretty much all of the decent to good Taito arcade games are already available... we're not missing much.
I absolutely love this. I really hope the Toaplan collection and this version of Zero Wing come to Nintendo Switch as well. It would nicely complement the Mega Drive version already available there.
I find the term "JRPG" to be convenient yet somewhat overused, not unlike "metroidvania". Even though it is somewhat loaded and comes with the baggage of history attached to it, when a reviewer or publisher refers to a game as a JRPG, I instantly know what kind of experience I can expect.
Personally I love JRPGs and action / "Western" RPGs alike!
I'm not a lawyer, but it sounds to me like his defense is based partially on his belief that the plaintiff should have known better than to issue the loan to Intellivision and Tallarico?
Thank you Time Extension for giving Mr. Slopes' work the attention it deserves! I'm a longtime fan of the channel and I am looking forward to watching this in its entirety.
I have an Egret Mini II and I am very happy with it. Like others here, I balked at the price of the expansion, as I don't feel like it has any "must-have" titles on it that would even begin to justify the asking price.
You do have me intrigued about Riding Fight, though. I'd never heard of it, either, and now I want to try it! (Not for $60, though.)
It's pretty cool that the Nintendo Switch has become the best way to enjoy Neo Geo and Neo Geo Pocket games today. I have pretty much all of the NGPC games available for Switch, and the emulation is very nice. And, it's portable, too!
This is really astonishing! I would love to see the creator replace the Mario stuff with original characters, so he could offer a commercial release. It looks like a full game could be a fantastic homebrew game on a cartridge!
I'm a little disappointed this hasn't been announced for Nintendo Switch, but I'll still get it on PS5 anyway. I backed the R-Type Final 2 Kickstarter, and I'm glad Final 2 sold well enough to make Final 3 possible!
It's been reported Schwarzenegger asked developers of the video game adaptations of Last Action Hero to refrain from using guns in the game, because he didn't want gun violence being marketed to children.
I love stories like this, where Time Extension pours real journalistic effort into answering seemingly trivial questions. It's always a fascinating and satisfying glimpse into the little things that make our hobby so enjoyable!
I absolutely adore Ken and Roberta! They are legends, give great interviews, and they are by all accounts very nice people. They made some fantastic games, too!
@JackGYarwood if I may point out a minor yet significant typo: I believe the computer Ken is referring to when he talked about going to Japan was the NEC 9801, sometimes called the PC-98, not the "NES 9801." Lest someone confuse it with the Famicom xD
I have no problem with products like this, or with ordinary folks emulating older games, but it's pretty scummy for companies like this to be openly advertising with games like Super Mario Bros. 3, which they absolutely do not have the licensing rights to sell / distribute.
Among "classic" retro controllers, I'd have to say the SNES controller is my favorite. My most-used of the last five years is definitely the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, which is excellent. But once I got a PS5 last year, I was blown away by the DualSense. I dislike all prior PlayStation controllers, but this one is just so darn great. It feels like what Nintendo should have done years ago.
I love the designs of the handheld and the console, but if all they can do is play the same 1972-1989 era ROMs that are already widely available, I'm not sure these are worthwhile products.
Great list. Thanks to Hamster, I own most of these digitally, or else on one of my Neo Geo Mini cabinets. My absolute favorite is probably Neo Turf Masters, a.k.a. Big Tournament Golf (Augusta National Cease and Desist Order Edition).
Looks like a fantastic product, but it's hard for me to justify its intended use. There are much better versions of After Burner and Space Harrier that deserve a flight stick.
Great story! I already knew Rule of Rose is a "holy grail" among PS2 collectors, but I wasn't familiar with the backstory of its rarity.
It's hard to imagine something like this happening today. Not only is plagiarism exposed far more quickly and widely, making these kinds of false statements about a game and triggering political threats would probably result in a devastating lawsuit.
I don't think I received any of these for Christmas that year - I was a working adult in my 30s at the time - but of all the ones I've played, Fire Emblem: Awakening remains my favorite. Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition is pretty great, too.
VR has a lot of great possibilities for entertainment, industry, medicine, and commerce. Meta's vision for VR - shoehorning in everyday activities that are easily done on a flat screen - is dead on arrival.
I wish Carmack all the success in the world, and I eagerly await Meta's demise.
I have mixed feelings about these products. I think it's great giving folks an option to play original handheld carts on modern TVs... but I am not comfortable with permanently destroying older handhelds in order to do it.
It's not worth "upcycling" irreplaceable vintage hardware for the sake of convenience. I realize they say they are using "old and broken" consoles, but I suspect most or all of them could be repaired and made usable again. If a Game Gear can't be repaired by replacing the capacitors, it probably can't be used in a consolizer, either.
As an aside, I deeply dislike how 3D printed things look. I understand they aren't operating at a scale to afford "real" plastic shells, but 3D printing has those awful seams and rough surfaces. It always appears sloppy to me.
Comments 260
Re: Hands On: Xeno Crisis Continues Its Quest To Be Released On Every Gaming System Ever Made
@RetroGames respectfully, how much experience do you have developing or porting games to SNES?
There is very little homebrew software for the SNES (not including ROMhacks) because there is essentially no modern development kit for it. As I understand it - and I am NOT a developer or coder - the console's architecture is not friendly to amateur devs.
Conversely, the Genesis / Mega Drive has a robust homebrew community with literally hundreds of games produced over the last few years. Similar stories for the Dreamcast, NES, Game Boy, and even Jaguar. Games can be much more easily created to support all these platforms.
For the SNES, you literally need to learn how to code in assembly - a tedious and challenging task even for more experienced devs. If you're porting from Mega Drive / Genesis, most of the art assets will need to be modified or rebuilt from scratch, as the Genesis / MD has a completely different resolution from the SNES.
Re: Strictly Limited Games Announces Irem Volume 1-5 Bundle Collection
I used to love the boutique publishers for making games available physically. Now I just cringe.
Practices like this have driven me out of the collector's market. I simply cannot justify spending this kind of money on what amounts to ~25MB of 30-year-old ROMs spread out onto way too many carts to maximize profitability.
Re: The Atari Lynx Was Closer To Being A Sega Console Than You Think
SEGA made the right call. The Lynx was a powerful and way-ahead-of-its-time piece of hardware, but the ability to quickly and cheaply port Master System games to a handheld made a ton of sense.
Re: Playdate Sells 53,000+ Units, More Than Double Panic's Expectations
Good thing they didn't PANIC over sales expectations!
Re: Henk Rogers And Alexey Pajitnov Pick Their Favourite Versions Of Tetris
I have a Tetris Battle Gaiden SFC cart... it's alright, and playable enough without understanding Japanese.
My personal all-time favorite is Tetris DS for the Nintendo DS: packed to the brim with character and Nintendo charm.
These days I mostly play Tetris 99, though I do love me some Tetris Effect from time to time.
Re: 'Steel Empire Chronicles' Unveiled For PS4 & Switch
This is great! I absolutely adore Steel Empire. I played dozens of hours on the 3DS. I guess I was one of the few who got their money's worth, since I recall from the time it came out that there was much grousing about the original price. I think it was $30 or $40? Anyway, glad I took a chance because it became one of my all-time favorite horizontal scrolling shooters.
I will definitely be pre-ordering the Nintendo Switch version. I'm awfully tempted by the multi-cart collector's edition, though...
Re: "There Are No Guns In Hip Hop" - The Fight To Save Def Jam Vendetta's Ending
You mean to tell me that Don Mattrick, the genius who completely botched the Xbox One launch, then fled Microsoft to drive Zynga into the ground, also nearly ruined the ending of Def Jam: Vendetta?
I will never understand how some people in this industry continue to fail upward.
Re: Cannon Dancer's Digital Release Date Slips To April 13th
I got my physical copy of this game last month from Strictly Limited. How strange it's not yet available on the eShop. I haven't played it yet, and now I want to wait - perhaps there's some big performance issue that needs a patch, which seems odd for a decades-old arcade title.
Re: The Making Of: John Romero's Daikatana, The Game Boy Color Zelda Clone That Outscored Its Big Brother
Great article! I wonder who owns the Daikatana IP these days. Seems ripe for re-release, particularly the Game Boy Color version, since it was never released officially in North America.
Re: Museum Celebrates 30th Anniversary Of Super Mario Bros.: The Movie With Special Exhibit
I live a few miles away from this museum and visit at least once a year. Seems like a good reason to return!
Re: The Man Behind The $1 Million Vapourware RPG, Project Phoenix
Thank you for publishing this. Project Phoenix has become a cautionary tale for developers and backers alike, and this really pulls the curtain back.
Re: Classic Air-Combat Game Terminal Velocity Is Out Now On Nintendo Switch And PC
What a nice surprise! I'll be checking this out for sure.
Re: Metal Gear Voice Actor Explains Why Snake Ended Up In A Ford Focus Commercial
David Hayter is Snake. No disrespect intended to Mr. Sutherland; he's just one of those voices I will always link to the character.
Imagine replacing Jon St. John with Vin Diesel as Duke Nukem. Yeah, star power is great and all, but it wouldn't really be Duke Nukem anymore.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Sega System Of All Time?
There are really only two possible correct answers here, and the poll results accurately reflect this.
I gave the Genesis / Mega Drive my vote, strictly based on the strength and variety of its library, but the Dreamcast is a really fantastic piece of hardware.
A shame that the controllers for both are pretty sub-par compared to most of their contemporaries.
Re: Quake On The ZX Spectrum Is Now A Thing
If you'd like to try it yourself, the game comes on 735 casette tapes and takes approximately two years to load.
Re: Best Mini Classic Consoles
I own several of these and I'm very happy with the lot of them. They look great and they're mostly a lot of fun to break out and play every so often. It's too bad the mini console era is apparently over; I'd love to see more obscure systems lovingly recreated in this manner.
Re: Taito Egret II Mini Arcade Memories Vol. 2 Is Coming, Says Producer
The pricing of the first volume is... not aligned with what I am willing to spend, shall we say. They'll have to do a lot better in terms of pricing and game quality for me to consider it.
Honestly, I feel like pretty much all of the decent to good Taito arcade games are already available... we're not missing much.
Re: Iconic 'All Your Base' Meme Gets Added To The Arcade Version Of Zero Wing
I absolutely love this. I really hope the Toaplan collection and this version of Zero Wing come to Nintendo Switch as well. It would nicely complement the Mega Drive version already available there.
Re: "I Will Explain This Later" Says 50 Cent As He Drops Cryptic GTA Vice City Hint
It's probably NFTs, isn't it? Yeah, it's gotta be NFTs.
Re: Poll: Should Japanese-Made Role-Playing Games Still Be Called JRPGs?
I find the term "JRPG" to be convenient yet somewhat overused, not unlike "metroidvania". Even though it is somewhat loaded and comes with the baggage of history attached to it, when a reviewer or publisher refers to a game as a JRPG, I instantly know what kind of experience I can expect.
Personally I love JRPGs and action / "Western" RPGs alike!
Re: Ex-Intellivision Boss Tommy Tallarico Facing Lawsuit Over Office Furniture
I'm not a lawyer, but it sounds to me like his defense is based partially on his belief that the plaintiff should have known better than to issue the loan to Intellivision and Tallarico?
What a piece of work this guy is.
Re: The Intellivision Amico Saga Is So Crazy I Made A Four-Hour Documentary About It
Thank you Time Extension for giving Mr. Slopes' work the attention it deserves! I'm a longtime fan of the channel and I am looking forward to watching this in its entirety.
Re: Review: Taito Egret II Mini Arcade Memories Vol. 1
I have an Egret Mini II and I am very happy with it. Like others here, I balked at the price of the expansion, as I don't feel like it has any "must-have" titles on it that would even begin to justify the asking price.
You do have me intrigued about Riding Fight, though. I'd never heard of it, either, and now I want to try it! (Not for $60, though.)
Re: Best Neo Geo Pocket Color Games
It's pretty cool that the Nintendo Switch has become the best way to enjoy Neo Geo and Neo Geo Pocket games today. I have pretty much all of the NGPC games available for Switch, and the emulation is very nice. And, it's portable, too!
Re: Game Boy Classic Revenge Of The 'Gator Gets A Huge Fan-Made Overhaul
I really enjoyed the original game, especially its jaunty music. The color upgrade looks nice!
Re: "Awful" FPS 'The Fortress Of Dr. Radiaki' Gets Digital Rerelease
I have to admit, this is some pretty clever marketing by Zoom Platform. I had not heard of Zoom Platform before reading this post.
Re: New Mario 64 Project Pushes N64 Hardware With Stunning Results
This is really astonishing! I would love to see the creator replace the Mario stuff with original characters, so he could offer a commercial release. It looks like a full game could be a fantastic homebrew game on a cartridge!
Re: Granzella Games Releases R-Type Final 3 Evolved Debut Trailer
I'm a little disappointed this hasn't been announced for Nintendo Switch, but I'll still get it on PS5 anyway. I backed the R-Type Final 2 Kickstarter, and I'm glad Final 2 sold well enough to make Final 3 possible!
Re: Random: Why Acclaim Almost Killed This Arnold Schwarzenegger Video Game
It's been reported Schwarzenegger asked developers of the video game adaptations of Last Action Hero to refrain from using guns in the game, because he didn't want gun violence being marketed to children.
Re: Do Kyoto's Turtle Stepping Stones Have A Connection To Mario?
I love stories like this, where Time Extension pours real journalistic effort into answering seemingly trivial questions. It's always a fascinating and satisfying glimpse into the little things that make our hobby so enjoyable!
Re: Interview: Industry Icons Roberta And Ken Williams On How Colossal Cave Led To A Life Of Adventure
I absolutely adore Ken and Roberta! They are legends, give great interviews, and they are by all accounts very nice people. They made some fantastic games, too!
@JackGYarwood if I may point out a minor yet significant typo: I believe the computer Ken is referring to when he talked about going to Japan was the NEC 9801, sometimes called the PC-98, not the "NES 9801." Lest someone confuse it with the Famicom xD
Re: Aya Neo Is Moving Into Low-Cost, Android-Based Emulation Handhelds
I have no problem with products like this, or with ordinary folks emulating older games, but it's pretty scummy for companies like this to be openly advertising with games like Super Mario Bros. 3, which they absolutely do not have the licensing rights to sell / distribute.
Re: Someone Is Trying To Erase This Obscure Japanese Video Game From The Internet
Commence Streisand Effect!
Re: Hands On: We Went To Japan To Play M2's Amazing 'SenXin Aleste'
I misread the headline as "SeXin Aleste" and I thought it was some kind of eroge. >_<
Re: Random: Italy's Most Wanted Mafia Boss Loves Donkey Kong Country 3
@Herna I laughed at this far more than I probably should have
Re: Random: Did This '80s Furniture Commercial Inspire Super Mario 64?
Pretty neat find of that old TV ad, but I don't really see this inspiring Super Mario 64 at all... Mario was trying to kiss Peach, for one thing!
Re: Poll: So, What's Your Favourite Controller Of All Time?
Among "classic" retro controllers, I'd have to say the SNES controller is my favorite. My most-used of the last five years is definitely the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, which is excellent. But once I got a PS5 last year, I was blown away by the DualSense. I dislike all prior PlayStation controllers, but this one is just so darn great. It feels like what Nintendo should have done years ago.
Re: Intellivision CEO "Working On" Announcement For Terminally Delayed Amico Console
The best thing about the Amico is the wealth of content it has provided from noted Tommy Tallarico critic Pat the NES Punk.
Re: Atari And MyArcade Are Launching A New Home Console This Year
I love the designs of the handheld and the console, but if all they can do is play the same 1972-1989 era ROMs that are already widely available, I'm not sure these are worthwhile products.
Re: Best Neo Geo Games
Great list. Thanks to Hamster, I own most of these digitally, or else on one of my Neo Geo Mini cabinets. My absolute favorite is probably Neo Turf Masters, a.k.a. Big Tournament Golf (Augusta National Cease and Desist Order Edition).
Re: Review: Mega Drive Mini 2 Cyber Stick - An Indulgence Few Will Get To Appreciate
Looks like a fantastic product, but it's hard for me to justify its intended use. There are much better versions of After Burner and Space Harrier that deserve a flight stick.
Re: How A Plagiarised Review Turned 'Rule Of Rose' Into A PS2 "Video Game Nasty"
Great story! I already knew Rule of Rose is a "holy grail" among PS2 collectors, but I wasn't familiar with the backstory of its rarity.
It's hard to imagine something like this happening today. Not only is plagiarism exposed far more quickly and widely, making these kinds of false statements about a game and triggering political threats would probably result in a devastating lawsuit.
Re: The Making Of: GoldenEye 007 - 39 Facts You (Probably) Didn't Know About The FPS Classic
I usually raise an eyebrow at any post or video that claims to include gaming facts I probably don't know, but this one absolutely delivered. Bravo!
Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game Of Christmas 2012?
I don't think I received any of these for Christmas that year - I was a working adult in my 30s at the time - but of all the ones I've played, Fire Emblem: Awakening remains my favorite. Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition is pretty great, too.
Re: John Carmack Has Resigned From Facebook Parent Meta
VR has a lot of great possibilities for entertainment, industry, medicine, and commerce. Meta's vision for VR - shoehorning in everyday activities that are easily done on a flat screen - is dead on arrival.
I wish Carmack all the success in the world, and I eagerly await Meta's demise.
Re: Poll: Which Old-School AV Connection Is Your Favourite?
Must be a lot of European folks voting in the poll! As an American, I hadn't even seen a SCART connector in person until a few years ago.
Re: Interview: How Gamebox Systems Is Breathing New Life Into Old Hardware
I have mixed feelings about these products. I think it's great giving folks an option to play original handheld carts on modern TVs... but I am not comfortable with permanently destroying older handhelds in order to do it.
It's not worth "upcycling" irreplaceable vintage hardware for the sake of convenience. I realize they say they are using "old and broken" consoles, but I suspect most or all of them could be repaired and made usable again. If a Game Gear can't be repaired by replacing the capacitors, it probably can't be used in a consolizer, either.
As an aside, I deeply dislike how 3D printed things look. I understand they aren't operating at a scale to afford "real" plastic shells, but 3D printing has those awful seams and rough surfaces. It always appears sloppy to me.
Re: The Making Of: GTA London, Rockstar's Daring Detour Into The Swinging Sixties
Great stuff! It's funny, I commented on an earlier GTA story that I was curious to learn more about GTA London, and poof here it is!
Re: The Making Of: Grand Theft Auto, The Start Of The 370-Million-Selling GTA Franchise
Thanks for sharing this. Really interesting stuff! I am curious about the story behind London 1969, the mostly-forgotten GTA spinoff.
Re: The Making Of: Red Alarm, The Virtual Boy's Answer To Star Fox
Please keep this content coming to Time Extension! I love reading stuff I missed when it was new, or re-reading evergreen stories years later.