@shgamer fiddling around with my new purchase. my biggest problem in programming in basic is the buttons for some characters are in different places to my old spectrum plus. Finding the " was fun!!
Lovely piece of emulated hardware tho.
Damn, I am an old fart that has always loved technology (I work in IT now) But even I wasn't aware of these '3" flippy disks' Are they like floppy disks but a bit more flippant? Sorry Jack, good informative piece but I could not help myself
@Deuteros If you have Spotify the Rez and Tetris effect soundtracks are on there. I believe they used to be available on Bandcamp to purchase too.
But, damn its pricey but very tempted myself. I would love both but no way can I justify that sadly. it would have to be the vinyl.
@Gs69 I cant see them somehow managing to combine their Megadrive emulator with a Amiga emulator and then combining the 2 versions of software to play the Megadrive music?
STOP!!! With the showing me good games
OK I have bought yet another of your recommended games (Don't tell the misses) I am really enjoying it. So much to go through too, I have gone through about the first 10 games so far. Also it currently is on Steam in the UK for only £18 pounds. happy days. Now stop it @Damo!
@slider1983 No worries! I think at the time they said it was the more iconic look being the most popular and best selling of the range. I bought one as soon as it came out when I saw it could play even the expanded memory and expanded CPU 1200 software. Zool plays lovely in AGA on it too
@PinballBuzzbro Yeah that makes sense buddy. I do have all the games via MAME too, but I like to have all my best games in one dashboard e.g. Steam and love the online leader board thing. Oh well!
@slider1983 Good morning again Slider. I do not know if you are getting slightly confused. The A500 mini is emulation only. It runs Amiberry. The CPU is not quite up to Pi4 levels of speed but it is capable of speeds many many times faster than any other model of Amiga
Hence why it can run any Amiga model easily. It is not taking advantage of any Amiga hardware here, it simply has been put in a classic mini shell based on the 500 as that is the most recognisable model.
Here is a link to a pretty good write up on the hardware https://www.retro32.com/a500-mini/190420224064-the-ultimate-a500-mini-faq-usb-whdload-workbench-adf-guide
Does anyone know why these have always been exclusive to PlayStation and now Switch? I wonder if they have lost money by not making them available on other formats? I would love to have the option to buy them for my PC maybe via steam. Or hell even on my Series x.
Well. I bought it and I like it! It does need work but its a good game. lovely different display options too. A real bargain for the price and hopefully more to come as it is in early access.
@Pally356 I believe that Dune 2000 was a remastered version of Dune 2? Had the original Dune2 on the Amiga but had an early 30mb hard drive so I didn't have to do the disk swaps. And I still have Dune 2000 stashed away somewhere but no cd drive to play it! Oooh don't I sound posh having had a 30mb Hard drive
Oh, I so wanted it to be better. I found the 'Pixels' way too chunky for my liking, I am playing on a modestly sized monitor, 32" and the large pixels make it very garish and difficult to see. Also, is there no online leader boards? I could only see local scores. Genuinely interested to hear others views.
Hmmm, this is now 22 years later and to be honest this looks more clunky than the original classic. The original Rez had amazing music so this will have to go some to be as iconic too. I will reserve judgement of course and it did pique my interest but, maybe because of various updates via HD, VR etc it just looks so far a bit cheap. Hopefully it will prove me wrong because it love these sort of games. BRING BACK CHILD OF EDEN!!!!
bloomin' consoles and your exclusive games. That is a number of console only releases I've read about today. what a shame one of my fav shmups hasn't been announced for P.C. booo! (Sob) On the flip side it does look brill
Brilliant Piece Damien. I have always been a massive fan of Mizuguchi. It is honestly amazing how his games have stood the test of time. I originally had the game on the Dreamcast, then XBox360, then Oculus Quest 2 and finally through Steam. I think it is my most bought game! Now if only they update Child of Eden, but apparently I read here somewhere that is down to Ubisoft? Keep up these great articles
Comments 31
Re: Review: The Spectrum - Does Sir Clive Sinclair's Legacy Proud
@slider1983 I agree 100%, id of loved a Spectrum plus myself but this is doing a pretty good job with the emulation and with added USB.
Re: Review: The Spectrum - Does Sir Clive Sinclair's Legacy Proud
@slider1983 We had pretty much the same conversation with the Amiga 500/1200
Re: Review: The Spectrum - Does Sir Clive Sinclair's Legacy Proud
@slider1983 I have Déjà vu here, but it does play 128k games and with the improved Yamaha chip sound. Just not in a 128k case
Re: Review: The Spectrum - Does Sir Clive Sinclair's Legacy Proud
@shgamer fiddling around with my new purchase. my biggest problem in programming in basic is the buttons for some characters are in different places to my old spectrum plus. Finding the " was fun!!
Lovely piece of emulated hardware tho.
Re: Review: The Spectrum - Does Sir Clive Sinclair's Legacy Proud
Woohoo, I bought one and am just off on my way to collect it now, happy weekend for me!
Re: Tim & Geoff Follin's Development Disk Archive Has Now Been Preserved
@ruiner9 Agreed. Thank goodness for these people preserving our game and game music history and normally for the pure love of it and not profit.
Re: Tim & Geoff Follin's Development Disk Archive Has Now Been Preserved
Damn, I am an old fart that has always loved technology (I work in IT now) But even I wasn't aware of these '3" flippy disks' Are they like floppy disks but a bit more flippant?
Sorry Jack, good informative piece but I could not help myself
Re: Tetris Effect And Rez Studio Enhance Celebrates 10 Years With New Book And Vinyl Project
@Deuteros If you have Spotify the Rez and Tetris effect soundtracks are on there. I believe they used to be available on Bandcamp to purchase too.
But, damn its pricey but very tempted myself. I would love both but no way can I justify that sadly. it would have to be the vinyl.
Re: Review: The Bitmap Brothers Collection 2 (Evercade) - We Got The Right Versions This Time
@Gs69 As a proud old ex owner of 2 Amiga 1200's I fully understand and wholeheartedly agree with you!
Re: Review: The Bitmap Brothers Collection 2 (Evercade) - We Got The Right Versions This Time
@Gs69 I cant see them somehow managing to combine their Megadrive emulator with a Amiga emulator and then combining the 2 versions of software to play the Megadrive music?
Re: Review: UFO 50 (Steam) - An Indie Masterpiece Bursting With Fictional NES Nostalgia
STOP!!! With the showing me good games
OK I have bought yet another of your recommended games (Don't tell the misses) I am really enjoying it. So much to go through too, I have gone through about the first 10 games so far. Also it currently is on Steam in the UK for only £18 pounds. happy days. Now stop it @Damo!
Re: Super Skidmarks Comes Pre-Loaded On The Amiga A600GS
@slider1983 No worries! I think at the time they said it was the more iconic look being the most popular and best selling of the range. I bought one as soon as it came out when I saw it could play even the expanded memory and expanded CPU 1200 software. Zool plays lovely in AGA on it too
Re: Taito's Run & Gunner 'Crime City' Is Heading To Switch & PS4
@PinballBuzzbro Yeah that makes sense buddy. I do have all the games via MAME too, but I like to have all my best games in one dashboard e.g. Steam and love the online leader board thing. Oh well!
Re: Super Skidmarks Comes Pre-Loaded On The Amiga A600GS
@slider1983 Good morning again Slider. I do not know if you are getting slightly confused. The A500 mini is emulation only. It runs Amiberry. The CPU is not quite up to Pi4 levels of speed but it is capable of speeds many many times faster than any other model of Amiga
Hence why it can run any Amiga model easily. It is not taking advantage of any Amiga hardware here, it simply has been put in a classic mini shell based on the 500 as that is the most recognisable model.
Here is a link to a pretty good write up on the hardware https://www.retro32.com/a500-mini/190420224064-the-ultimate-a500-mini-faq-usb-whdload-workbench-adf-guide
Re: Taito's Run & Gunner 'Crime City' Is Heading To Switch & PS4
Does anyone know why these have always been exclusive to PlayStation and now Switch? I wonder if they have lost money by not making them available on other formats? I would love to have the option to buy them for my PC maybe via steam. Or hell even on my Series x.
Re: Super Skidmarks Comes Pre-Loaded On The Amiga A600GS
@slider1983 As in exactly what the A500 mini is?
Re: 'Utopia Must Fall' Is A Stylish Vector-Based Shooter Inspired By Missile Command
Well. I bought it and I like it! It does need work but its a good game. lovely different display options too. A real bargain for the price and hopefully more to come as it is in early access.
Re: 'Utopia Must Fall' Is A Stylish Vector-Based Shooter Inspired By Missile Command
It looks interesting but has this not been done very similarly with Missile command Recharged? I will still look it up tho
Re: Bubble Bobble's Definitive Console Port 'Final Bubble Bobble' Gets Japanese Reissue
UK here and I loved my NES copy.
Re: Super Skidmarks Comes Pre-Loaded On The Amiga A600GS
Damn, why did I not know about this system?! Is it comparable to my mini 1200? It looks like it has a lot more grunt with extra memory etc?
Re: Can You Match These Consoles With Their Controller Ports?
That was a great quiz, I enjoyed that with my Sunday morning coffee!
Re: 'SuperSega' FPGA Console Will Play Genesis, Master System, Saturn And Dreamcast Games
@Sketcz Well spotted! I'd love to play my old MegaCD games decently rather than the slightly rubbishy emulation out their currently.
Re: The Amiga Is Getting A Dune II Remaster From One Of The Original Developers
@Pally356 I believe that Dune 2000 was a remastered version of Dune 2? Had the original Dune2 on the Amiga but had an early 30mb hard drive so I didn't have to do the disk swaps. And I still have Dune 2000 stashed away somewhere but no cd drive to play it! Oooh don't I sound posh having had a 30mb Hard drive
Re: Review: Devil Blade Reboot (Steam) - An Utterly Essential Shmup
Oh, I so wanted it to be better. I found the 'Pixels' way too chunky for my liking, I am playing on a modestly sized monitor, 32" and the large pixels make it very garish and difficult to see. Also, is there no online leader boards? I could only see local scores. Genuinely interested to hear others views.
Re: Sega Announces The Return Of Jet Set Radio, Crazy Taxi, And More
I am a spoilt Muddy Funster, i am interested in the "and more..."
Good stuff though so far
Re: Rez Clone 'Amp' Will Allow You To "Rhythmically Engage" With Enemies in 2024
Hmmm, this is now 22 years later and to be honest this looks more clunky than the original classic. The original Rez had amazing music so this will have to go some to be as iconic too. I will reserve judgement of course and it did pique my interest but, maybe because of various updates via HD, VR etc it just looks so far a bit cheap. Hopefully it will prove me wrong because it love these sort of games. BRING BACK CHILD OF EDEN!!!!
Re: Shmup Revival 'Truxton Extreme' Is Coming To PS5 Next Year
bloomin' consoles and your exclusive games. That is a number of console only releases I've read about today. what a shame one of my fav shmups hasn't been announced for P.C. booo! (Sob)
On the flip side it does look brill
Re: The Making Of: Rez - Tetsuya Mizuguchi's Timeless Masterpiece
Brilliant Piece Damien. I have always been a massive fan of Mizuguchi. It is honestly amazing how his games have stood the test of time. I originally had the game on the Dreamcast, then XBox360, then Oculus Quest 2 and finally through Steam. I think it is my most bought game! Now if only they update Child of Eden, but apparently I read here somewhere that is down to Ubisoft? Keep up these great articles
Re: Cannon Dancer's Digital Release Date Slips To April 13th
Boooo. Too expensive and no pc???
Re: Flashback: The Day Sega Took Over An F1 Race, And Ayrton Senna Lifted A Sonic Trophy
Aww great days and happy early GP memories for me. And also Williams and McLaren fighting for the championship. Was a very long time ago
Re: Atari Acquires The Rights To Arcade Classics 'Berzerk' And 'Frenzy'
Add them to Atari 50 collection, you know you want to! (They wont though..)