Mvs housed every single game and the aes did not,and while i have an aes i also built something similar to this that my mvs is in but i used cherry oak,also a 4 slot in cherry oak to transform my mvs 1 slot into a 4 slot,this is pretty too but i prefer mine.My custom cab is also unlike any ever seen.When i get bored i make some pretty cool stuff,just takes a little time and skill.
Comments 2
Re: More Tantalising Polymega Details Emerge From GDC 2019
@Rhaoulos steep price will not justify commercial failure,cheap hardware would so that comment just makes no sense.
Re: Hands On: Analogue Interactive's Wooden Neo Geo MVS
Mvs housed every single game and the aes did not,and while i have an aes i also built something similar to this that my mvs is in but i used cherry oak,also a 4 slot in cherry oak to transform my mvs 1 slot into a 4 slot,this is pretty too but i prefer mine.My custom cab is also unlike any ever seen.When i get bored i make some pretty cool stuff,just takes a little time and skill.