Comments 34

Re: "I Refuse To Sell This Sh*t" - MiSTer Pi Maker Praised For Classy Reaction To Production Hiccup


@Razieluigi Well also there's this cool feedback loops between emulation and FPGA too. So the community gets better features and understanding of the hardware as more people take interest. There's also cases where FPGA research lead to people being able to repair original hardware (like arcade boards). I think that's kind of the genesis of using FPGA for gameplay.

I know I'm mainly into consoles, but Amiga and other computer cores are very important as well.

Re: "I Refuse To Sell This Sh*t" - MiSTer Pi Maker Praised For Classy Reaction To Production Hiccup


@Scollurio It's pretty simple.. you get HDMI or VGA digital output (without modding a console) and pretty decent accuracy and it supports most USB controllers. And you can dump all your roms on a SD card or pull from your home network with RetroNAS. So it's just really convenient and can also be more economical based on what you want. I mean Emulation is fine too. Just two different approaches.

Re: SuperSega Wants To Answer Your Questions About Its All-In-One FPGA Console


I've got some questions:
1. How did you get the permissions from Sega for branding?
2. Is this emulation or FPGA? The Dreamcast FPGA seems like kind of a stretch.
3. Is the optical drive a part that's commonly available?
4. Will you end up using 8bitdo or some other USB controller? And if so, how will the VMU work?
5. Can you try and meet up with someone like Bob (RetroRGB) at a convention and demo it with him?

Re: Some Capcom Staff Thought Marvel Crossovers "Tarnished Street Fighter"


I grew up playing Street Fighter II Tournament Edition at Walmart and I didn't know about these games until I played X-Men vs Street Fighter on PS1. That game was awesome. They both seemed polished to me (at the time and years later). I see from looking at MAME how many versions of Street Fighter there are though. So I can kind of see it from the Japanese point of view here. But in the end, classic Capcom is awesome and these comic characters only made it more so.

Re: Creator Of PS1 Emulator DuckStation Threatens To "Shut The Whole Thing Down" Following License Change


@vrubayka I sure hope so because the developer is kind of forcing the matter. We'll see what comes out of it. I hope the name is clearly different too. But realize that any further enhancements to Duckstation can't be just carried over to that forked project. They'd technically have to be discovered on their own and contributed separately (and if they coincidentally are the same then the author of Duckstation has some legal rights to try and take down the other fork). That's assuming that the other forked project ends up being sold or packaged for commercial use - which is what the author didn't want going forward with his contributions. This is a lot of trouble no-one needed. And for what?

Re: Creator Of PS1 Emulator DuckStation Threatens To "Shut The Whole Thing Down" Following License Change


@vrubayka It goes against open source - where multiple people contribute and all of the code is open for others to use in their own projects to build on top of. Playing PS1 games is cool, but what if I wanted to build another emulator and base how the controls work on the code in this project? Maybe I learn how to make that better (say less lag) and come back and contribute to this project.

Re: Creator Of PS1 Emulator DuckStation Threatens To "Shut The Whole Thing Down" Following License Change


@bluebonics See this is why we can't have a conversation.

It always goes:

1. Developer (or company or group of people or whoever) does something community doesn't like
2. Community speaks up in comments/etc.. someone in the group takes it too far (or sometimes - if you go for the conspiracy theories - is just claimed to have by the Developer)
3. Developer rushes to discuss a death threat to bypass the real discussion ("look here.. I'm under threat.. I'm now totally justified")
4. Community turns on itself in reaction and we can never get back on track to discuss the real issue because we're too distracted

@bluebonics C'mon man.. don't be the problem.

Re: The TrimUI Brick Takes Inspiration From The Analogue Pocket


No offense to the author, but this doesn't have anything to do with the Analogue Pocket (and doesn't seem to be inspired from it). It's emulation, it doesn't take a cart, the dpad and buttons look different (it has 3 lower buttons in a different position), the screen form factor is different. I guess it comes in black and white and it's somewhat slim with a narrow bezel (unlike the Game Boy Pocket that all of these inherit design from). But are we going to call everything that looks like a Game Boy pocket Analogue-Pocket-like now?

The RGB light at the top is also a negative feature for me personally. Other than that, it looks okay and I hope the feel of the buttons is equal to a Game Boy and isn't tactile domes.

Re: Creator Of PS1 Emulator DuckStation Threatens To "Shut The Whole Thing Down" Following License Change


@BLAZINOAH because he changed the license even after people adopted use of the software for distribution.. basically doing a rugpull. And he's trying to use these "threats" to get the conversation or pushback quelled. Well that's not how this works. I can appreciate the effort, but we don't owe him just like he doesn't owe us. And he if wants to step aside that's fine. We shouldn't have to walk around on pins and needles to keep some guy happy so we get updates on software he now wants closed off and under a strict license.

Re: "I Am Tired Of Receiving Death Threats Over A Video Game" - FPGA Dev Explains Why Mortal Kombat Is Skipping MiSTer


@845H It's more accurate than MAME is why people want it. The FPGA core authors are essentially recreating the physical hardware through code into a digital representation (not saying there's no emulation happening, but it's closer to being cycle accurate). The users hook it up to an arcade cab with a jamma connector and hopefully get the authentic experience (meaning all the same glitches the original hardware had). MAME is still awesome and we should support that too, but just saying that both solutions have a place.

Re: Fresh From Revealing The Pocket Mini, GoRetroid Has Unveiled the Retroid Pocket 5


@MarioBrickLayer I mean I just don't trust them because they've pulled that trick on the last two versions and got me. So just be patient. Btw.. I own the 4 (which I use up through PS1) and the 4 pro (which I just use for GameCube and PS2) and they're both great. The 4 pro can emulate PS2 pretty well (it's not great, but it's passable). I'd get the next one after I see some time pass with it. If you get someone's 4 pro that they're getting rid of, it's a great handheld.