Comments 12

Re: Interview: "We’ve Certainly Made Mistakes" - Limited Run's Boss On Winning Back The Trust Of The Community


Highly doubt I'm buying from LRG again. It takes a year+ to get a game out and it's a crapshoot whether it will have all the updates. Radiant Silvergun took well over a year to ship and even though it's because Live Wire wanted to make a MIDI version of the soundtrack (awesome), LRG still had to approve that and to make things worse, it was a physical exclusive (not awesome). It's really scummy to lock an exclusive feature behind a physical release AND announce it after pre-orders closed.

Both LRG and Live Wire could have made good on their public images by announcing it at the start and pushing a patch to digital copies once it was ready to go.

Re: What's Happening With Forever Entertainment's 'Panzer Dragoon II Zwei' Remake?


@NinChocolate This makes a lot of sense, I think this is what I couldn't put my finger on regarding why Forever's remake is bad. Another good example that respects the original feel (at least from what I've played so far) is Aspyr's Jedi Power Battles remaster. I know they don't have the best reputation and there's at least one glaring bug in JPB, but the gameplay absolutely looks and feels like the original, but in HD clarity.

Re: What's Happening With Forever Entertainment's 'Panzer Dragoon II Zwei' Remake?


"This confirmed to us that over half of the original 31-person Panzer Dragoon Remake team at MegaPixel Studio have since left the studio or been laid off"

Good. I don't mean good in that people lost their jobs; that always sucks. I mean good in that Panzer Dragoon Remake was not a good game at initial launch, felt like an early Early Access version. When the final patch was released, whenever that was, I went back to the game and it stil felt soulless, still felt like something was missing. I never played the original, but even just watching videos and comparing, the original seemed like it would have been much more fun to play.

Re: Birdcage Looks Like A Frantic Fusion Of Radiant Silvergun And Ikaruga


I'm with -wc-, where is the Ikaruga inspiration? Graphics looks akin to something from the SNES, but with an FX chip (and processing speed). That's a whopping **two** generations before Ikaruga and Dreamcast.

RSG had genius-level enemy placement, I'm only seeing a sword here, but I'll keep an eye on it.

Re: 34 Years After Release, A 13-Year-Old Has Just "Beaten" NES Tetris


@Poodlestargenerica For a short time, I used to pay attention to the top players and aspire to be them. All that did was make me miserable for seeing my own mistakes. I quickly changed that to simply wanting to be better than my previous self, despite getting older and older (I was 13 decades ago). This allowed me to not stress that much about not being perfect and acknowledge that I may never reach that point, which in turn allowed me to appreciate videos like this.

As far as advancing civilization in a meaningful way: these players strive to be absolutely perfect. If humans didn't have that drive to better themselves to the point where there's nothing more to improve upon, civilization wouldn't be where we are today in science, sports, technology, etc. (ignore the chaos, that's a whole separate issue).

Re: Review: Aya Neo Air 1S - Wipes The Floor With Switch And Steam Deck, At A Price


Even if I was in the market, 1-2 hours is a deal breaker. Kind of crazy they think it was worth putting to market like that.

Side note: Damien's Apple loyalty is showing. "Apple has arguably pulled the same trick in more recent times with its iPhone and iPad lines." Ahem, Apple's design principles is exactly why I chose Android 14 years ago and still use Android today (tablets included) while checking in with iOS occasionally to see if they have a shot at pulling me away, lol.

Re: 'The Tetris Effect' Author Claims Apple Adapted His Book Without Permission


Did anyone commenting read the part about the Tetris Company going out of their way to tell Ackerman they'd sue him if he tried to make a movie or TV series and refused to license out for the book, yet just one year later, they make their own movie that's very similar to the book?

Come on, fiction or history, it's obvious Tetris Company got the inspiration for the movie from the book. Timeline of events is way too coincidental (and again, making every effort to stop Ackerman from doing it himself after he sent them a copy).

Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Command


@arekdougy Assault was very good, but people wanted more flying missions (as you already know glancing at comments) and whenever I returned to the game, which was often, I always went straight for the flying missions if I wanted to kill time and nothing more.

The vehicle combat was fine, just... wasn't what I wanted. Wing riding was fun though, wish that ridiculous concept was fleshed out just a little more. Lol.