Comments 396

Re: Resident Evil 2 Arrives On GOG Later This Month


At this rate Nemmie will come collecting in October.
His calendarnating skills aint too best though.

Of the three classic ps1 Resi Evils I always liked 2 the best, bigger world.
More secrets, more types of zuvembies* to blow up.
More gross monsters to tackle.
More to unlock.
And the N64 versions is one of those amazing impossible ports.
A great version of a great game.

Re: Sega's Spirit Is Alive And Well In DDI Rally And Super Retro GP


I dont see any Steamdeck compatibility on its steam page but you might as well grab it.
The system requirements are not massive, and I don't think a console version wil be forth coming any time soon.

The controls are very twitchy though, and the game does feel like a work in progress , some really barebones menu and options screens.
But it looks like it has promise.

Re: Sega Rally 2's PC Port Is Now Playable On Modern Computers


That sounds an awfull lot like the Evercade.
Which right now is making all the right moves.

I would also trust Blaze more to do the right thing then having Sega fartarse around as usual.
Blaze got Capcom and Crystal dynamics on board for one,along with big IP's

And who knows they might be courting Sega and convincing them to move beyond the umpteenth sonic and Megadrive collection to be shat out sooner rather than later.

Re: Review: Tomb Raider Collection 1 (Evercade) - No-Frills Emulation Of Lara's Essential Adventures


As the saying goes: just because you don't see the appeal, doesn't mean there is no market for it.

The Evercade is all about physically owning games, in an age where games are becoming more and more ethereal and can be taken away from you on a whim.
You own nothing and will be happy.

With the Evercade you at least have a physical cartridge that's not beholden to internet servers or subscriptions.
No predatory DLC.
No micro transaction garbage.
No day one patch cause the game is so broken.
No bolted on multiplayer.
Just you and the game.

it also has collections of games, which separately on their original platform, like the Toaplan collection. Would set you back a shocking amount of money instead of 20 bux.

The Evercade serves a niche and it serves it well.

I don't like Tomb Raider personally
I never did.
I always felt the series was running on fumes with an increasingly ancient engine, pushed to its limits by the third game.
With horrible jagged graphics and busted shopping trolly controls.
And I still feel that way to this day.
The series is not for me
It is however a high profile and popular series, which will raise the profile of the Evercade, and put more eyes on it.
And hopefully more 32 bit games.

And that can only be a good thing.

Re: Star Fox Will Take Advantage Of The New Super FX 3 Chip, Will Feature Rumble Support


The super FX chip is mentioned nowhere on the box
unlike Doom
or StarFox

Argonaut is also responsible for Croc Croc 2 (obviously ) Buck Bumble, Malice among others.
It ceased to be in 2004.

Re: I Just Reshelled My Dreamcast, And You Should Too


Translucent consoles are cool.
Wether official or via an aftermarket shell like here.

I happen to have a Skeleton Saturn, with a pico psu.
Coupled with a Saroo it lights up like a christmas tree.

Kinda tempted to reshell my DC, it needs a few mods anyway.
A pic PSU a RTC mod and a Noctua fan.

@Gs69 Best you can do is post links to a file host.

Re: New SNES Hardware Is Coming This Month From Columbus Circle


So, now they are cloning the Hyperkin Supaboy ?

But these machines are limited by the size of the cartridge and the Snes carts are bloody huge
The Supaboy, as chunky as it is, is about the same height as a Snes cart.

I'd rather its all flush and internal like a Gameboy.
Either way any machine like that would have to to be at least 2 to 3 cm taller. ( 2 inches)
And these things are chunky as is.
The Supaboy is portable but not exactly pocketable, it makes the Game Gear and Nomad look svelte.

Re: One Of The Last Major Gaming Magazines, Game Informer, Has Closed After 33 Years


Oddly enough as one magazine falls another one, wises fwom its gwave.
NAG a gaming magazine from South Africa of all places has risen from its ashes.
And they have an archive

And in my opinion its always cool to see gaming from a perspective that's not the UK or the USA.

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?


The ps 1 had pack in bundles but they came pretty late
There is this
With a second controller a memory card and Crash 3

and this

With Tombraider 4
No memory card.

as well as

But all these are very late in the lifespan of the machine most of them are the psONE redesign.
And appear to be EU only
But the ps1 did have pack in titles
Just not in the USA it seems
It seems to be mostly a Europe thing.

Re: Sega Forever, Sega's Dedicated Retro Channel, Appears To Be Dead


On to retromags !

As for the feature it has been ages since i last saw it it was an EGM EGM2 or a Gamepro from 1994, because they talked about Mortal Kombat II a lot.

It was partially a showcase, part walkthrough.
I remember them talking about how expressive the sprites were while showcasing Edgar.
And rafting section while getting confronted by Ultros.

Re: Sega Forever, Sega's Dedicated Retro Channel, Appears To Be Dead


@Sketcz Some google fu later and i didnt find anything about the controller.
But i did find a cool interview with Kenji Tosaki about the Saturn and DC controller design

Which explains why the 3D pad has a break away cable

An article about prototype DC controllers

But nothing about a mirrored Saturn controller.
Console Variations doesnt have it listed[type][0]=3&activeSortLabel=rarity_score&order=asc

It possible it was just a botched marketing mock up
Marketing firms aren't exactly on the ball especially not with consoles in the early days.
The infamous back cover of the NES box comes to mind.

Re: Sega Forever, Sega's Dedicated Retro Channel, Appears To Be Dead


Gee, who didn't see this coming ?
Sega Forever was always a low ball, low rent, low effort affair.
Dragging out most of the usual corpses around but this time on mobile.

It always reeked of bandwagon jumping and desperation.
If Sega cant be bothered to make an effort for it, why should we the consumers ?
Because it was free ?

Re: SNK Vs. Capcom's Promotional Artwork Has Been Censored To Cover Mai's Modesty


I didn't write that mini essay just for the hell of it.
I am on @Sketcz 's side here, its the censorship I oppose too, because personally I don't give a toss about how much you can see of Mai's cleavage.

If this slides, what else will slide ?
What else is going to be censored ?
Where wil the line be drawn ?

They gonna tinker with the graphics and gameplay next ?

Or are they gonna get really dystopian and release a "sanitized"version and charge extra for the "adult" version ?

....god i hope i didn't just give them an idea.

Re: SNK Vs. Capcom's Promotional Artwork Has Been Censored To Cover Mai's Modesty


@Tasuki @Sketcz

Social media was a mistake.

That is not the point.
The point is that its nonsensical censorship
Ina game where two characters beat the hell out of each other which is un touched and the main Mai sprite is untouched as well.

The censorship is so small it makes you wonder what the point is, it nearly falls under the radar.

But, and this wil sound paranoid, if they are willing to censor this, what else wil they snip and nip and tuck ?
What other compromises will there be ?

That is the point, where will the line be drawn ?

( Cause personally I don't care about how much of Mai's cleavage we get to see but i do care about censorship and being silenced )

Re: Here's Why ModRetro's Chromatic Doesn't Play GBA Games


More or less agree there.
I dont really like handheld gaming either the controls are cramped, or the screen is too small.
Or impossible to see in the case of the original GBA.

And I just prefer the console experience with screen and controller in hand.

So if they do make a GBA console I'd be interested

( that hyperkin monster doesnt count that thing is just fugly)