@kgbkgb I wouldnt mind if Sega Sony and Nintendo took a leaf from Atari's book and started producing some of their older consoles again. Just with modern connectors. And maybe even re release games.
It might just be a small market but there would be a demand all the same.
@mariteaux Always found these kind of surveys rather dubious. The pool of surveyed people is teeny tiny and that somehow is supposed to be a representation of an entire nation ?
It's cheaper then a retrotink, it can do the usual scaling options. But it also acts as a passive HDMI adapter and just passes through av signals to hdmi. I got one and use it with my N64.
You dont need to switch your ps2 ( blind or otherwise) to component mode with one of those.
Disgusting. A disgusting state of affairs, any other words i could say wil be censored b the word filter. Not only disgusting but damaging to our ( the reto gamers) own goals because this sort of harassment and behavior will kill the good will and enthusiasm of other modders.
Who wil now think twice before entering this minefield. The behavior from vogons members is especially disgusting. Vogons has been instrumental in getting multiple projects off the ground and then some of them do this ?
That means only vogons can launch reto pc gaming projects ? Are they the arbiter for retro pc gaming or something ?
@Azuris Nah you don't even have to change it blind. Least I never had too I always set my ps2's to component mode when its hooked up with normal av cables and then hook it up with the adaptercomponent cable.
It helps that my tv has heaps of ports. And my ps2 is currently hooked up with an actual component cable.
Doing it blind is tircksy but doable
As described by benryves on reddit To change the component video settings blind:
Start the console with no disc inserted.
Wait 10 seconds to get to the main menu.
Press ↓, ╳
Wait 3 seconds to make sure you're in the configuration menu.
@avcrypt I have looked in to the SD loader but thats not quite what I want. I was hoping it could be used as a memory card natively but unfortunately, its more complicated then that.
So far it appears I'm still stuck on the action replay.
My Saturn is a skeleton Saturn so the least i have to modify it the better.
@Tasuki You mean setting it to component cable mode ? If so this is what you need to do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KFEQJ7ASlQ Those HDMI adapters only work if you set your ps2 to component mode.
While this is great, it would be even greater if Sega just stops fartarsing about and gives us a proper collection of these games.
all the Daytona versions and the Sega rally games on 1 collection
Daytona USA
Daytona Saturn edition
Daytona CCE
Daytona Dreamcast edition
Daytona 2
Sega rally arcade
Sega rally Saturn
Sega rally 2 arcade
Sega rally 2 Dreamcast
Sega rally 3 online arcade
Sega Rally 2006
Sega rally Revo
350 sounds about right. Even Amano's water colors wouldn't be worth 350k seperate. But probably worth several hundreds each regardless. And to buck the trend ( as usual) my first jrpg was Secret Of Mana.
I stil have a soft spot for the game Dont think I ever played this one.
@N64-ROX Which usually get separated. I need a expansion pack for my N64, cause one of my favorite games for the platform is Majora's Mask. One of the few games that needs it to operate. Because off course.
@GhaleonUnlimited Because the damn things these days are expensive regardless. As usual with retro gaming.
What was that about not being a retro company again Sega ? Clearly that exec was talking out of his arse.
Having said that Ecco, yay ? i guess. I never warmed up for the series but its great to see Sega finally mining their IP vaults, instead of Sanic's corpse ( which turned in to glue ) Or the increasingly thin Megadrive vault. ( which is also turning in to glue )
@BulkSlash It could be that Windows 12 course corrects since MS seems to follow the Star Trek pattern ( one good one bad one good one bad )* But I am not holding my breath.
Personally I would use steam os for gaming, and Mac OS or anything else.
We'll have to see how it all shapes up
( * the star trek movies had a pattern of the even numbered ones are the good ones, the uneven ones are the bad ones MS seems to follow a pattern of a good Windows followed by a bad one xp > vista 7> 8 10> 11 Yes thats the most nerdy comparison example i could think of.)
And another historic gaming figure is gone. We aren't just losing games and gaming history, we are losing people as well. And i doubt it's gonna get any better.
@Steel76 That's pretty much what I am hoping for. Im more familiar with Mac OS X than Linux, and not everything runs on a mac. If Steam OS can provide everything gamers need, the jump wil be that much easier.
@drypaphmrbro I've seen brings studios mess around with that. I got a gaming laptop im not using much ( ryzen 5 rtx vidoe card etc ) Should be a good test machine.
Personally i'm hoping Valve will make Steam OS available for desktops as well.
It would help a lot to unshackle myself from Windows.
Windows 10 is on a death march to end of support status , while Windows 11 is a spyware trap.
I don't like the direction Windows is going quite frankly.
Steam OS being its own thing and not invalidating 1200 steam games would be a huge help.
@Bod2019 I'd rather have the Analog3D then this thing. I could use my legit games on it.
I have found that I don't want emulation boxes with the entire library of games. Or a cut down emulation box with only certain games. I'd rather just play the games i own ( which is a bloody lot let me tell you)
Comments 677
Re: Random: "This Is Hilarious" - 'New' Iranian PS1 Consoles Cause Amusement Online
I wouldnt mind if Sega Sony and Nintendo took a leaf from Atari's book and started producing some of their older consoles again.
Just with modern connectors.
And maybe even re release games.
It might just be a small market but there would be a demand all the same.
Re: Which PlayStation Boots Fastest? (Here's A Hint: It's Not PS5)
The ps1's boot bios screen is the only screen i am even remotely nostalgic for
Re: 14 Percent Of North Americans Still Play Gaming Systems Released Before 2000
Always found these kind of surveys rather dubious.
The pool of surveyed people is teeny tiny and that somehow is supposed to be a representation of an entire nation ?
Lies, damn lies and ( dubious) statistics.
Re: "An Absolute Genius" - Team17 Remembers The Studio's Late Co-Founder Martyn Brown
Bit of a small departure but does anybody know what they are drinking in that picture ?
It's uh ...green ?
Re: Review: 8BitMods MemCard Pro 2 - Run PS2 Games And Manage Your Saves From This $50 Memory Card
If you cant get the mayflash adapter to work you may want to look in to this cheaper scaler option instead
It's cheaper then a retrotink, it can do the usual scaling options.
But it also acts as a passive HDMI adapter and just passes through av signals to hdmi.
I got one and use it with my N64.
You dont need to switch your ps2 ( blind or otherwise) to component mode with one of those.
Re: "There Is Only So Much I Can Take" - Creator Of Roland MT-32 Emulator MT32-Pi Calls It A Day
Well you know what they say about trolls, and feeding them.
Re: "There Is Only So Much I Can Take" - Creator Of Roland MT-32 Emulator MT32-Pi Calls It A Day
A disgusting state of affairs, any other words i could say wil be censored b the word filter.
Not only disgusting but damaging to our ( the reto gamers) own goals because this sort of harassment and behavior will kill the good will and enthusiasm of other modders.
Who wil now think twice before entering this minefield.
The behavior from vogons members is especially disgusting.
Vogons has been instrumental in getting multiple projects off the ground and then some of them do this ?
That means only vogons can launch reto pc gaming projects ?
Are they the arbiter for retro pc gaming or something ?
You'd think they'd know better.
A disgusting state affairs.
Re: Review: 8BitMods MemCard Pro 2 - Run PS2 Games And Manage Your Saves From This $50 Memory Card
That is why i posted this in comment 19
"Doing it blind is tircksy but doable
As described by benryves on reddit
To change the component video settings blind:
Start the console with no disc inserted.
Wait 10 seconds to get to the main menu.
Press ↓, ╳
Wait 3 seconds to make sure you're in the configuration menu.
Press ↓, ↓, ↓, ╳
Press →, ╳
Good luck."
Doing it blind is tricksy and you may need a few tries, but it should be doable.
Re: Review: 8BitMods MemCard Pro 2 - Run PS2 Games And Manage Your Saves From This $50 Memory Card
Nah you don't even have to change it blind.
Least I never had too
I always set my ps2's to component mode when its hooked up with normal av cables and then hook it up with the adaptercomponent cable.
It helps that my tv has heaps of ports.
And my ps2 is currently hooked up with an actual component cable.
Doing it blind is tircksy but doable
As described by benryves on reddit
To change the component video settings blind:
Start the console with no disc inserted.
Wait 10 seconds to get to the main menu.
Press ↓, ╳
Wait 3 seconds to make sure you're in the configuration menu.
Press ↓, ↓, ↓, ╳
Press →, ╳
Good luck.
Re: Review: 8BitMods MemCard Pro 2 - Run PS2 Games And Manage Your Saves From This $50 Memory Card
I have looked in to the SD loader but thats not quite what I want.
I was hoping it could be used as a memory card natively but unfortunately, its more complicated then that.
So far it appears I'm still stuck on the action replay.
My Saturn is a skeleton Saturn so the least i have to modify it the better.
Re: Review: 8BitMods MemCard Pro 2 - Run PS2 Games And Manage Your Saves From This $50 Memory Card
You mean setting it to component cable mode ?
If so this is what you need to do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KFEQJ7ASlQ
Those HDMI adapters only work if you set your ps2 to component mode.
Re: Review: 8BitMods MemCard Pro 2 - Run PS2 Games And Manage Your Saves From This $50 Memory Card
Do tell.
I already have a Saroo
Can't say I really like it, guess I prefer to use proper discs.
But what i was getting at, is modern saving options for the Saturn
Cause I'm still doing it the old school way.
Action replay and internal ram.
Re: Review: 8BitMods MemCard Pro 2 - Run PS2 Games And Manage Your Saves From This $50 Memory Card
Very intreshting, here is hoping the Saturn is next.
Whats wrong with it ?
Have you tried some of those hdmi converters ?
Or a line doubler, these can work as passive hdmi adapters as well.
Re: Daytona USA 2 Set To Make A Return In 'Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii'
While this is great, it would be even greater if Sega just stops fartarsing about and gives us a proper collection of these games.
all the Daytona versions and the Sega rally games on 1 collection
Daytona USA
Daytona Saturn edition
Daytona CCE
Daytona Dreamcast edition
Daytona 2
Sega rally arcade
Sega rally Saturn
Sega rally 2 arcade
Sega rally 2 Dreamcast
Sega rally 3 online arcade
Sega Rally 2006
Sega rally Revo
I'd buy it and i doubt i would be the only one.
Re: Broken Sword Collection Is Coming To Evercade
I am hoping that this is the start of a deluge of ps1 era titles coming the Evercade.
Re: Tokyo Xtreme Racer Hits Steam Early Access Later This Month, Costs $30
30 bux ?
Tempting, I may grab it.
Hope it wont stay in early acces for a decade or anything.
Re: Flashback: One Of Gaming's Worst Pads Almost Led To A Controller That Promised To Change Gaming Forever
Pretty sure they didn't went anywhere either.
Except the bin.
Re: Flashback: One Of Gaming's Worst Pads Almost Led To A Controller That Promised To Change Gaming Forever
Up is not jump.
Yes i had too.
I regret nothing.
Re: Yes, Knuckles Was Supposed To Sound Like He Was Swearing In Sonic Heroes
Well, he is full of shift anyway.
Re: Yes, Knuckles Was Supposed To Sound Like He Was Swearing In Sonic Heroes
He's a shifty fella he is.
Re: Random: You Can Now Play Doom Inside A PDF File, Because Of Course You Can
Let's see.
Can Doom run on a E ink reader ?
Or a compact mac ?
Or a Mac II ?
Can it run on a master system ?
Oh I know a PDP !
Those mini consoles should be able to handle doom as well.
Or run doom on a controller , the controller you hold yes.
That router looks doomable too.
Or a first gen iphone ?
Lots of stuff doom can run on yet
Re: Random: Someone Apparently Thinks Final Fantasy Mystic Quest's Art Is Worth $350,000
...That actually makes a lot more sense.
Re: Random: Someone Apparently Thinks Final Fantasy Mystic Quest's Art Is Worth $350,000
350 sounds about right.
Even Amano's water colors wouldn't be worth 350k seperate.
But probably worth several hundreds each regardless.
And to buck the trend ( as usual) my first jrpg was Secret Of Mana.
I stil have a soft spot for the game
Dont think I ever played this one.
Re: Oops, This Open Source N64 Expansion Pak Is Frying Consoles
Which usually get separated.
I need a expansion pack for my N64, cause one of my favorite games for the platform is Majora's Mask.
One of the few games that needs it to operate.
Because off course.
Because the damn things these days are expensive regardless.
As usual with retro gaming.
Re: Sega Appears To Be Reviving Ecco The Dolphin After 25 Years
What was that about not being a retro company again Sega ?
Clearly that exec was talking out of his arse.
Having said that
Ecco, yay ? i guess.
I never warmed up for the series but its great to see Sega finally mining their IP vaults, instead of Sanic's corpse ( which turned in to glue )
Or the increasingly thin Megadrive vault. ( which is also turning in to glue )
Re: Alan Emrich, Creator Of The Strategy Game Term '4X', Has Passed Away
I meant they are not getting any younger.
And that they are really going to die at a faster rate now.
But it would have been a bit crude to put it that way.
Re: Valve's Unshackling Of SteamOS Could Give Switch 2 Some Welcome Competition
I'm one of those loonies that actually LIKES Vista.
7 is just a buffed up Vista.
But the general acceptant view is vista BAD, 7 GOOD.
And I do like 7, it's solid.
Windows 10 is better then 11.
But that doesnt say much.
I only really use 10 because a lot of newer games wont run on 7 , otherwise I would go back to 7 and I was running 7 untill 2021.
Guess we wil be waiting for Nvidia support to get better.
I wil stil give bazzite a whirl on my MSI laptop see what happens.
PS: is he sporting an ipod these days ?
Re: Valve's Unshackling Of SteamOS Could Give Switch 2 Some Welcome Competition
The average person doesn't have the know how, or even cares.
They just want to Youtube and social media.
It may happen but I doubt it wil happen any time soon.
Re: Valve's Unshackling Of SteamOS Could Give Switch 2 Some Welcome Competition
It could be that Windows 12 course corrects since MS seems to follow the Star Trek pattern ( one good one bad one good one bad )*
But I am not holding my breath.
Personally I would use steam os for gaming, and Mac OS or anything else.
We'll have to see how it all shapes up
( * the star trek movies had a pattern of the even numbered ones are the good ones, the uneven ones are the bad ones
MS seems to follow a pattern of a good Windows followed by a bad one
xp > vista
7> 8
10> 11
Yes thats the most nerdy comparison example i could think of.)
Re: Alan Emrich, Creator Of The Strategy Game Term '4X', Has Passed Away
And another historic gaming figure is gone.
We aren't just losing games and gaming history, we are losing people as well.
And i doubt it's gonna get any better.
Re: Crazy Taxi Returns To AGDQ After 10 Year Absence With The Help Of A Live Backing Band
Could just turn the music off.
Re: Valve's Unshackling Of SteamOS Could Give Switch 2 Some Welcome Competition
Not too shabby.
I'm on team green though ( nvidia) and that seems to be more finicky with Linux.
But at least things are getting there.
( personally i'd rather stick with Windows 7 but thats untenable)
Re: Cancelled Sega Neptune Rises From The Dead, Gets Its Own Promo Video
Wise fwom your gwave.
And that price tag makes my wallet want to descend in to its gwave.
It's cool though.
Re: 8BitDo's Solution For Smartphone Retro Gaming Is Revealed
That's a solution ?
Easier to just have a random cheap phone holder, the phone can rest on it at an elevated height and you use a wireless controller.
They are 8 bux on Amazon.
Probably cheaper too.
Re: Here's How Dreamcast's "Phenomenal" GTA 3 Port Compares To The PS2 Original
Finally got a cdi file together and then I find out I got no cdr's, just dvd's.
Re: Valve's Unshackling Of SteamOS Could Give Switch 2 Some Welcome Competition
That's pretty much what I am hoping for.
Im more familiar with Mac OS X than Linux, and not everything runs on a mac.
If Steam OS can provide everything gamers need, the jump wil be that much easier.
Re: Valve's Unshackling Of SteamOS Could Give Switch 2 Some Welcome Competition
I've seen brings studios mess around with that.
I got a gaming laptop im not using much
( ryzen 5 rtx vidoe card etc )
Should be a good test machine.
Re: Valve's Unshackling Of SteamOS Could Give Switch 2 Some Welcome Competition
Personally i'm hoping Valve will make Steam OS available for desktops as well.
It would help a lot to unshackle myself from Windows.
Windows 10 is on a death march to end of support status , while Windows 11 is a spyware trap.
I don't like the direction Windows is going quite frankly.
Steam OS being its own thing and not invalidating 1200 steam games would be a huge help.
Re: "It Could Have Been Much Worse" - Retro Computer Museum Boss On "Devastating" Flood Damage
They are gonna needs lots of bags of rice then.
Re: My Arcade's OutRun Mini-Arcade Will Include The Legendary OutRunners
Because those are the cheapest most common screens
And these things are made to cost.
Considering its 50 bux, its budget is probably a fiver.
Having said that, i'd pick this up just for Outrunners alone.
Re: My Arcade's OutRun Mini-Arcade Will Include The Legendary OutRunners
I never used one but I am assuming its like the Neo Geo Mini in this regard.
Best hooked up with to a tv with hdmi and a game pad.
Re: My Arcade's OutRun Mini-Arcade Will Include The Legendary OutRunners
This could be good.
More arcade games, instead of the same tired worn out megadrive games, we have seen trotted so often the past 20 years or so.
Re: Punch-Out!!'s Characters Aren't To Blame For The Series's Hiatus After All
Permanently outraged people wil always find new and different ways to be outraged about something.
No matter how insignificant.
Re: Capcom And Bandai Namco Are Joining Forces For This Massive Handheld
No but i wouldn't use it in handheld mode either.
Just hook it up to a tv and never touch the handheld mode.
Like the Neo Geo X then.
Re: Capcom And Bandai Namco Are Joining Forces For This Massive Handheld
Getting shades of the Neo Geo X with this monster.
Re: This Stylish Case Allows You To Build The N64 Mini Of Your Dreams
Yeah, that tactile experience is just way better.
Its hard to explain, but its kinda like vinyl or CD.
A direct connection between you and the medium.
Re: After What Feels Like A Lifetime, Amazon Is Cancelling Mighty No. 9 3DS And Vita Pre-Orders
Ends with a whimper indeed.
Re: This Stylish Case Allows You To Build The N64 Mini Of Your Dreams
I'd rather have the Analog3D then this thing.
I could use my legit games on it.
I have found that I don't want emulation boxes with the entire library of games.
Or a cut down emulation box with only certain games.
I'd rather just play the games i own
( which is a bloody lot let me tell you)
Re: SuperSega Boss Puts His Beloved Lamborghini Up For Sale After All Pre-Orders Are Refunded
Hey now, that's an insult to the gas station clerk.
At least they do honest work.
Re: We're Not Getting Saturn And Dreamcast Minis, But We Are Getting More Sega Mini-Arcades
I'd love to see that happening.
That's the potential of the Evercade to see old games get ressurected in a legal way.
Seeing Capcom Evercade carts would also be great.