Comments 396

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?


I bought Cyberpunk 2077 used recently for the Xbox one.
After inserting the game and the xbox copying 441 mb of the contents of the disk it suddenly told me there was an update.

A 60 gig update, that replaced the entire contents of the disk .
That sort of thing is absolutely deranged.
The disc is nothing more than a dongle.

( i own the gog version of cp2077 i bougth the console version cause it was cheap and wanted to see how it did on last gen console hardware
not my ryzen 5 rtx gaming pc)

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?


Until you factor all the predatory DLC and micro transactions in.
It's a lot less great then.

Or that most AAA games are trashfires that need fixing day one, if they ever get fixed.

Yes, Gollum I see you slinking away !

Sega only cares about Sonic and the Megadrive games.
It's like the rest of their legacy doesnt exist anymore.
They have gotten slightly better at it.
But Sega still has a heavy Megadrive bias.

And i am quite frankly really sick of seeing the same 16 bit corpses getting dragged around.

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?


Because it devoured batteries like nobodies business.
The best way to play for any period of time was tethering it to a power outlet negating any and all of its positives.

It could and would devour the price tag of a new game

I had Game Gear back in the day and didn't like it because it devoured batteries at a frightening rate.

Re: Interview: The Company That Brought Resident Evil Back To PC Wants To Resurrect More Capcom Classics


I'm not picking on you or anything.

I'm just saying that somebody has to do it first and lead the pack.
And its GOG in this case.
Hopefully eventually other companies wil follow their lead.

Gog is also a subsidiary of CDprojektRED.
Whether that's reasssuring or not i leave up in the air
CDPR often feels one miss step away from collapse.
Especially after CP2077.

Re: For The First Time In A Decade, A Nintendo World Championships Gold NES Cart Is Up For Sale


It's honestly just a romhack, not even a proper game.
The only notable thing about it is that there are only a handfull of them and they go for an exorbitant price.

If anything its no more than a footnote and a flex for "collectors" cause no normal person would ever own any of these.

if there suddenly were thousands of them its : importance"would suddenly fade
odd that.

Re: Has Your SNES Pad Seen Better Days? Don't Worry, A Fix Is Coming



Not quite.
I'm using Samuari Shodown as a reference

Y is A
X is Pause
The shoulder buttons do nothing
B and A are also kick and punch
Start pauses .

Let's see what it does in SF Turbo II
Select is start.
The shoulder buttons are punches.
Start is also a punch.
But so is Y.
A, B and X are kicks.

The convertor doesnt map buttons one on one.
From what i gathered it emulates that weirdo 6 button controller.
And it's layout changes for each game.
In most beat em ups you can remap the controls though.

But in other games, like Need For Speed, it's more of a puzzle.

The mapping is actually also in the manual here

Re: Has Your SNES Pad Seen Better Days? Don't Worry, A Fix Is Coming


It wasn't cheap but it works quite well

I got the grey and purple one.
The button layout is s bit funky since the 3DO controller is actually a 5 button controller.
Or a 7 button, if you count the "start and select" buttons, but after a while you get used to it .

A proper Snes controller is just that much more better.

Re: Review: SAROO - A $60 Sega Saturn Flash Cart That's Worth Every Penny


Got my hands on a Saroo.
After some fidgetting and using Martonx72's modded firmware not the "offical" one it works fine.

No hiccups so far.
It actually loads faster then some games ( Sega Rally is more response and i managed to improve my lap times)

There is also this thing
Which I like in concept but it's a hacked up proper Saturn console.
I'd rather the open source community tackled the idea of a hardware clone
Like the NuXT here

My saroo is also a black see through which fits nicely with my Skeleton Saturn.
The whole thing lights up like a christmas tree from the 80's , and it delights the 10 year old in me.