Comments 7

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want From A New Castlevania?


I'm going to say the most unpopular thing I can say in this thread that isn't political or religious.

I liked the 64 installments of castlevania and would love to see another 3d platformer in that vein, but obviously with all the improvements that came with understanding 3d gaming better (like solid camera controls).

To all of you, I'm sorry, please don't hate me.

Re: Talking Point: Are Video Games Linked To Physical Places In Your Memory?



Holy smokes. You just reminded me of another one with parallels to your story.

My grandmother had to have an operation, so my mother took me back east with her during a summer in high school, and to convince me that being gone for over a month in summer wouldn't be that bad, we picked up a game boy advance and castlevania: circle of the moon.

I beat the game twice while I was there, and still connect the game to my grandparents' house.

Thank you. I wouldn't have even thought of that if you hadn't shared your experience.

Re: Talking Point: Are Video Games Linked To Physical Places In Your Memory?


Here's an odd one for you.

I was in 9th grade. My father and I went to a college basketball game in the neighboring town, 40-ish minutes away. I always loved when we did that, as it gave me binding time with him and got me out of school on those days.

On our way back home, I remember playing Fantasy zone on my game gear as we drove across the gap of western united states, while we listened to Capercaillie (yep, a band from your side of the ocean).

I kept thinking it'd be just another list memory to time, but instead the whole thing formed a moment.

I still can recall what stretch of the drive we were on and always connect that game with that stretch of interstate...