Comments 4

Re: Why Is N64 So Hard To Emulate In 2025? Modern Vintage Gamer Investigates


I'm all in on recompilation. Playing Majora's Mask and OOT on my computer with major QOLs, widescreen and high framerates beats emulation and original hardware any day, IMO. MVG is pretty great though. Makes a lot of good videos and I found out about the recompilation stuff because of him. He is also a huge proponent of game preservation.

Re: Sega Appears To Be Reviving Ecco The Dolphin After 25 Years


... Or they could just be renewing their trademark which companies need to do to maintain them? Reading into this too much I think. As much as I love the series, I don't think a new Ecco would be commerically successful. I've seen far more people saying how much they disliked those games because of their difficulty than liked by a large margin sadly. The failed Kickstarter for a spiritual successor speaks for itself.