Comments 12

Re: "Only Zombies Buy Physical Games" Says Digital Code Retailer CDKeys


Despite being a digital-only gamer, combo of option 1 and 3: it's offensive to people who value physical games, but it shouldn't be taken seriously. It's just an extremely dumb marketing ploy by a company that's incredibly out of touch. Oh, but it's also not funny, since it's just too dumb to be funny. The exasperating type of dumb. It's best to not give them any kind of direct engagement.

Re: Coleco Chameleon Saga Draws To A Close As Creator Finally Pulls The Plug


So now he's giving us a sob story about how he got scammed by someone who prior to joining the project was just some random nobody? Gee, how believable.
Let's just say he's telling the truth. If that were the case how the hell did things progress so far that it became a total arf up? Isn't he the creator/manager/whatever?
I'm sorry, but right I'm only seeing this in two ways:
If he's lying, then he's a lying con-man whose desperate to save face.
If he's truly being honest, then he's incompetent, irresponsible, naive, and basically an idiot for leaving his baby with some random stranger.
Now then, if he's tellng the truth, I hope he can get some bit of money back. At least from selling the Jaguar moulds.

Re: Coleco Removes Its Name From The Chameleon Console, But Aims To Produce "New Products" In The Future


Things like this makes me cautious of any new company trying to sell people on a new console idea without so much as a completed, fully visible prototype.
For example, the Smach Zero. All renders, no prototypes. They keep speaking of recommendations from AMD and how they can create an amazing handheld with cool concepts. But nope, no one was buying into their BS, especially not worth the insane price they were asking for.

Oh well, at least now we have the upcoming GPD Win for portable PC gaming

Re: The Retro VGS Is Reborn As The Coleco Chameleon


I see it still comes with the same horrible controllers (Interworks Wii Pro controllers...the concept was great but the execution was crap).
I'm sorry, but I can't see this succeeding considering how ridiculously expensive it'll be and how expensive the games will be.

Re: Hardware Review: Neo Geo X Gold & Mega Pack Volume 1


Most of the reviews I've seen of this have been largely negative. Poor handheld build quality, stick on the handheld is too loud, the connector pin to dock the handheld looks easy to break, and emulation quality of the games is poor compared to the original console.