As a Brazillian who lived my childhood during the Zeebo's haydays, this is so fascinating. The entire console market history in Brazil is bats**t insane and you could write whole books just on TecToy as a company, let alone the whole picture.
Gran Turismo 6 should have been a ps4 launch title, it has the most (and best) content out of all games, and it suffered so much from being released for the ps3 after the ps4 was already out. GT4 is also magnanimous, takes all that made GT3 great and brings it to another level. No hate for GT7, it plays the best out of all of them but content is severy lacking, its almost a GT Sport+, ya know?
Comments 2
Re: The Quest To Preserve And Document Tectoy's Zeebo Console
As a Brazillian who lived my childhood during the Zeebo's haydays, this is so fascinating. The entire console market history in Brazil is bats**t insane and you could write whole books just on TecToy as a company, let alone the whole picture.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Gran Turismo?
Gran Turismo 6 should have been a ps4 launch title, it has the most (and best) content out of all games, and it suffered so much from being released for the ps3 after the ps4 was already out.
GT4 is also magnanimous, takes all that made GT3 great and brings it to another level.
No hate for GT7, it plays the best out of all of them but content is severy lacking, its almost a GT Sport+, ya know?
GT6 takes the pole imo