Comments 2

Re: Polymega Beta Units Are Out In The Wild, And Things Are Looking Pretty Impressive


You may not like the product but anyone that says scam is probably the same person who has a ton of illegally downloaded roms... Please is it pricey yes but it is also intriguing. I own most of these systems and to be able to have a one stop shop I would easily pay that price if it works the way they say it will. Anything retron is a joke. I have had 3 retron5's none have lasted more than a few play throughs. If they don't put a vulcan death grip on your cartridges they are so cheaply made they burn up the minute they get plugged in. Analog makes an awesome product but they are more than this and then some for one system. That just leaves pc and pi's. Again this system lets me put my original game disc in and save it to the system without having to have a slight background in pc's and shaky emulation. I agree with comments above why hate until we know. I thought the retron5 was a great idea until I got a hold of one.