Where can we get one in the UK the link goes to amazon uk and shows a japanese import at a really high price. I am looking forward to mine have ordered some Sanwa buttons ready and new Seimitsu stick upgrade. Hopefully more games will be up soon to download. Some people have already hacked it and downloaded different console games id rather keep it pure neogeo.
I love the Japanese model more it just looks better than the western model but it's a pass with some heavy japanese rpg games that cant be translated . Also don't forget about import fee's they can be a nasty surprise. Great review though very well done.
Comments 4
Re: Feature: Jason Brookes Talks Super Famicom, Import Gaming And Super Play
I used to buy Superplay back in the day the covers where always amazing and detail inside the magazine's i wish i still had them all.
Re: Hardware Review: SNK Neo Geo Arcade Stick Pro - Better Than The Capcom Home Arcade?
Where can we get one in the UK the link goes to amazon uk and shows a japanese import at a really high price.
I am looking forward to mine have ordered some Sanwa buttons ready and new Seimitsu stick upgrade.
Hopefully more games will be up soon to download.
Some people have already hacked it and downloaded different console games id rather keep it pure neogeo.
Re: Hardware Review: Should You Import The Japanese Mega Drive Mini?
I love the Japanese model more it just looks better than the western model but it's a pass with some heavy japanese rpg games that cant be translated . Also don't forget about import fee's they can be a nasty surprise. Great review though very well done.
Re: Feature: How Rik Mayall Helped Bring Anarchy To Nintendo UK
i am going to miss him so much in Bottom he is so funny get bottom on dvd you will love it. The young ones was so great back in the day as well.