Comments 2

Re: Review: TapTo NFC Loading System - Gives MiSTer FPGA A Vital Physical Connection


I think this is cool but it would be funny to have two dozen NFC cards among your library of tens of thousands of games. Still, it is a nice middle ground. I feel like such an indecisive moron when I am browsing an entire NES romset (complete with protos and bootlegs and god knows what else) and scroll all the way to the bottom of the list without making a choice.

Re: I Spent $75,000 Documenting Japan's Gaming History, And It Was Quite The Ride


Great story! I've only been reading Time Extension for a few weeks but was surprised to see your name pop up, as your interview series has been my bedtime reader for quite a while now. It's always my backup book, something I'm always chipping away at. It's been mind blowing to scratch the surface on how much of this history is still not documented...or at least available in english.

Thank you John!