(no relation to Monster Hunter 4)

Comments 12

Re: Talking Point: Are Video Games Linked To Physical Places In Your Memory?


  • 1
  • MH4

I associate ARMS (one of my favorite games) with a famous US beach called Myrtle Beach. My family was on a long road trip vacation when the game launched, and my dad drove me from where we were staying to a GameStop to grab a copy of ARMS that I had been saving my money for. I played it nonstop across the rest of that trip, and I have several great memories of the game that happened while we were still in that area.

So to answer the question, yes, certain games do bring to mind certain locations for me.

Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying


  • 5
  • MH4

The Super Game Boy I bought a while back stopped working last week, heh. Luckily, my SNES and Game Boy Advance still work... but for how long?

I’m glad I’m blessed with such a rich retro catalogue. My father lets my siblings and I use his NES, SNES, Genesis, 64, GameCube, PS2, GBA, and Atari. We still buy “new” games for most of them. I’m glad I’m able to use them while they still run.

Re: Hardware Classics: Uncovering The Tragic Tale Of The Philips CD-i


  • 7
  • MH4

I really want one of these, if not to make fun of it with my siblings. Making memes and jokes about Hotel Mario and Link: The Faces of Evil is very commonplace between my friends and I, so being able to experience the “magic” of one of these cherished classics would be hilarious.

Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console


  • 9
  • MH4

I don’t trust crowdfunding. I just don’t. As cool as some ideas are, and as genuine as some products are, and as successful some things can be, it’s hard to tell who’s legit and who’s not.

Genuine entrepreneurs who use crowdfunding platforms probably hate consumer practices like mine, where I wait for something to actually get crowdfunded before buying it (for example, Tadpole Treble for the Wii U by Matthew Taranto).

So I guess you should only crowdfund people you trust, is what I’m getting at.