One time my father played a single round of Space Invaders with me on my Commodore Vic 20 in 1982.
I vividly remember Space Invaders was a cartridge that plugged in the back of the Vic 20 and not a cassette tape as my father would have never of had the patience to sit through a 5 minute loading screen in order to spend quality fun time with his son on Christmas day.
Yeah Space Invaders was the first ever game I ever played....I enjoyed some of the modern remakes on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
My father is still alive and I haven't talked to him in ten years.
@UK_Kev The Super NT and Mega SG are fantastic when you combine them with 8Bitdo M30 and SN30 controllers and plug in an Everdrive Pro and FXPAK Pro.......I like them that much I bought a 14 inch JVC BVM CRT professional monitor and got a DAC.....its luxury gaming.
Now I'm just waiting on a Pocket, Dock and Duo to ship from Analogue.....if they make a NeoGeo I'll grab that too!
In 5 years I'll pick up a MiSTer for Saturn, Dreamcast, N64, and Gamecube games after I'm finished with 8bit and 16bit games
I was interested in the Polymega in the beginning but Analogue and MiSter have all you need whether you want individual consoles or a all in one.
Comments 3
Re: Talking Point: What Was Your First Video Gaming Experience?
I've never seen a Voltmace Database console before or even heard of it.
My first computer was a Commodore Vic 20 and first console was a Atari 2600
Re: Talking Point: What Was Your First Video Gaming Experience?
One time my father played a single round of Space Invaders with me on my Commodore Vic 20 in 1982.
I vividly remember Space Invaders was a cartridge that plugged in the back of the Vic 20 and not a cassette tape as my father would have never of had the patience to sit through a 5 minute loading screen in order to spend quality fun time with his son on Christmas day.
Yeah Space Invaders was the first ever game I ever played....I enjoyed some of the modern remakes on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
My father is still alive and I haven't talked to him in ten years.
Re: Atari And Polymega Maker Playmaji Are Joining Forces
The Super NT and Mega SG are fantastic when you combine them with 8Bitdo M30 and SN30 controllers and plug in an Everdrive Pro and FXPAK Pro.......I like them that much I bought a 14 inch JVC BVM CRT professional monitor and got a DAC.....its luxury gaming.
Now I'm just waiting on a Pocket, Dock and Duo to ship from Analogue.....if they make a NeoGeo I'll grab that too!
In 5 years I'll pick up a MiSTer for Saturn, Dreamcast, N64, and Gamecube games after I'm finished with 8bit and 16bit games
I was interested in the Polymega in the beginning but Analogue and MiSter have all you need whether you want individual consoles or a all in one.