I voted that I’m in between, because I feel that I am influenced by nostalgic memories to some degree but I wouldn’t say that’s the main or primary reason I play retro games. Instead I would say I’m after a certain feeling of fun and excitement that’s not exactly a “memory” but definitely was easier to access when I was a kid. I agree with those saying retro games are simply more fun. They are quicker to get into, faster paced, shorter (a good thing - many modern games are far too long), easier to understand and play (simpler controls, for example) but at the same time usually much more challenging. There’s a long list of further complaints which I won’t type out since I’m sure everyone on this site already knows and agrees with most of it. I will say I do play a lot of indie games and I find Nintendo’s games to be pretty good still, so there are a few bright spots in the gaming landscape still I’d say.
@-wc- I expected Virtual On and Steel Battalion… it will be a sad day when my Steel Battalion controller quits working… because nothing like that will ever be made again.
Personally I think a fair compromise might be striking his scores based on submitted video tapes, while reinstating his scores which were done on verified hardware or in front of live audiences. The man was not a complete fraud, as many of his impressive scores were achieved in live settings where he couldn’t possibly have cheated. I think he just got a little lazy and cut corners a few times, which is bad but I don’t think warrants completely striking him from the history books.
I mean I’m there for this but that sprite is still some of the most blatant… uh… borrowing from a classic game that I’ve seen. Oh well! Konami sure isn’t making a new one so go for it!
@-wc- lol, yes. I was never that good but I was competitive and could definitely hold my own with all my friends at pretty much any game. I had a couple of friends who I considered better than I was but I was probably in the top five or so of players I knew…. And then the internet came out and I realized I was garbage!
@Fighting_Game_Loser I also hope it’s something new. Remakes, collections and remasters would be welcome, but an original game would be most exciting. I would take a sequel to one of their popular titles or if we’re really lucky a whole new IP!
One of my very favorite developers. Their business structure was like an indie studio before that existed. I think the time is perfect for them to come back. It’s possible for them to make games just like they used to with digital distribution and the modern indie scene . We’ve all suffered for lack of Treasure games!
@-wc- this is me! I have this repeated conversation with my wife where I tell her I’m done with modern games, I’m just going to focus on the retro stuff from now on, and there’s this new retro device maybe I’ll get that… but I never pull the trigger because there always seems to be something just a little wrong with it and also there’s a new one coming out in four months so maybe I’ll just wait for that one… meanwhile I keep buying more and more games for Switch. This has been going on for like three years now, lol.
I saw this on the eshop a day or two ago and I didn’t know what it was. I thought the graphics looked cool but I held off because I was suspicious lol. Now that I know what it is I think I’ll give it a shot!
@themightyant uhg I just felt a shiver of dread. You could be right. Mana is known for its coop, right? Therefore online multiplayer. Therefore live service. It’s such a square-Enix thing to do.
I mean they brought a lot of excellent games which otherwise would have likely received no western release at all. They had outstanding packaging of course. And although they took a lot of liberties with the localizations, usually the result was perfectly acceptable to me, or even good. For example, the Lunar games on Playstation actually have really charming, funny scripts. I'm not sure those games would have been so fun and memorable with a more faithful localization (but one's mileage will vary of course). They brought over Alundra too, which is one of my all-time favorite games.
@Poodlestargenerica Yeah Working Designs also infamously reworked the difficulty of this game on PlayStation. The PlayStation version is really difficult in an annoying way, because all the cool weapons are too difficult to acquire and keep. The Saturn version (and the Japanese PlayStation version I believe) are considerably easier. Working Designs obviously thought that releasing the game in its original state would make it unsatisfactory to American gamers since they would "finish" the game in only a few hours. Overall I love Working Designs but their approach to difficulty balance was not my favorite thing about them.
I’ve known for a little while about the film Son of Dracula (because one of my other big interests is horror films), and it was pretty clear that the name Alucard came from that film as part of the general pulling from Universal horror that the early series is known for. I’m glad to see that fact start to get some publicity.
Beyond that I did assume the character was inspired by Vampire Hunter D. There are two VHD films, and the second one in particular (subtitle”Bloodlust”) is really excellent (the first one is quite dated). I assume there’s a considerable overlap between the users of this site and interest in vintage anime. But if anyone has not seen that film you really owe it to yourself to check it out this Halloween season. It’s the best not-Castlevania anime never made. It smokes the Netflix show in my opinion.
I’m a semi professional artist (I work in traditional media). This is just beautiful work. I really like the pixel art riff on Norman Rockwell. The ultra precise realism that he was evidently capable of despite limited palettes and low resolution is amazing. I feel like contemporary pixel artists don’t usually go for that style.
@BLAZINOAH absolutely, I am already experimenting with this in my hobby games. In the near future pixel art programs like Aseprite will have AI helpers specifically trained to do this.
Viable is a funny word. Does it mean it will be impossible to turn a profit with pixel art games? (That would be highly doubtful) Or does he simply mean that the percentage of players interested in that style will be trending down? (That’s more plausible).
Ultimately pixel art is popular because it looks good and it looks good because it employs art techniques that are well established. “Broken color” techniques have been a staple of painting for over 150 years. Artists discovered that these techniques enhance the visual interest of an image because the viewer becomes actively (subconsciously) involved in “completing” the image. Pixel art can work the same - our imaginations are more activated by the ambiguous graphics and people find that satisfying. At the same time, pixel art is very orderly. The whole image is constrained to a grid. It also represents maximum intentionality because it is pixel-level attention being paid to the art. So ambiguity, imagination, the grid, and enormous amounts of artistic intentionality, all combining. This is like modernist art! See Paul Signac or Chuck Close for comparisons.
So in that aesthetic sense I think pixel art will always be interesting and viable and there will always be games coming out with a pixel aesthetic.
Those who like Cybernator should check out Front Mission: Gun Hazard. It’s Japan-only but there’s a translation patch available. It’s very similar and is just an excellent game.
Steel Battalion is a thing of beauty. I do own it, and I found it to be extraordinarily difficult. I don’t think I ever got past like the fourth or fifth mission. But what a game! In any game the controller sits in between the player and the game, conditioning the whole experience. Most games try to make this as transparent as possible so that you don’t notice the controller but I think very interesting things happen when the controller itself is part of the design process. See also racing games with good steering wheel controllers, that Dreamcast fishing game, guitar hero, the best wii games, flight sims when you play them with a well made flight stick, etc.
This is a great list. Honestly the N64 doesn’t have the deepest library but it still has some outstanding high points. Ocarina of Time is still one of my favorite games.
I was born in 1986. Sometime before I can remember my brother got an NES. Pretty much my earliest memories are playing Super Mario with him. This would have been 89/90. He showed me the secret mushroom, where to go down the pipes, which blocks had power ups. Eventually I could get all the way through. My imagination filled in details in the scenery that weren’t really there. It was all very vivid for me. Another game we played a lot was Kid Niki, a game which not many people seem to remember. It was brutally hard but the graphics and imagery, with these weird colorful ninjas and stuff really stayed with me. In that game I always felt like I was having a great run if I made it to the little house by the river. That’s like halfway through level one FYI! That’s how hard that game was, but I played it over and over.
Lol, this story is kind of funny to me. I mean I'm glad the guy is alive, but other than that it's sort of a story of two villains. Who is more evil, armed robbers or scalpers? Hmmm... I'm going to have to think about that...
This is my favorite of the Shinobi games personally. I didn't really play this series back in the day for whatever reason, and when I did rediscover them a while later, this is the one that really stood out to me. It holds up really well.
I mean, my games stay in a glass cabinet/shelf thing in my house and I don't think receive any direct sunlight at all. Ambient sunlight from windows, bouncing off walls and stuff may gradually damage the games, but it will take a long time I should think.
Maybe someone will make a translation and post a new version with subtitles. Pretty interesting, but I probably won't watch the whole thing until I can understand more of what's being said. But this is a very interesting historical find!
@Razieluigi yeah, I think this is the right interpretation of these comments. I would love for these classic Saturn games to get rereleased though. Especially Burning Rangers. I bought the Panzer Dragoon remake from a few years back and I was hoping they’d do the sequel but it looks like that isn’t happening. The Saturn library has got to be the most difficult to access library of any major system…
I backed this kickstarter and I bought the first three books (and I’ll be buying the upcoming vol 5 too). They are so important and interesting. My favorite thing about them is the way the various interviews bring out the culture and atmosphere (maybe nowadays we would say the “vibe”) of the early Japanese industry. A time when a handful of people sitting around a makeshift office and making up crazy stuff to stick in the game could produce a classic.
I remember this well. A very sad and disturbing story. I had never heard of water poisoning before this and obviously no one at that radio station had either and none of the contestants either for that matter. It’s easy to point fingers after the fact but I think the most likely explanation is that every person involved was ignorant of the danger had no idea what they were doing.
I don’t think it’s correct to say this game is forgotten. I remember it quite well, in particular I remember the ads in magazines which they reprint here. The camera was the issue with this game. But I would say Croc is definitely in the top 10 of 3D playformer characters on the PlayStation, maybe even the top 5. (The PS1 did not have too many mascot platformers in my opinion). I think a lot about old 3D platformers… they were such interesting games precisely because the rules had not been codified yet. It would be great if some of these lesser games could get rereleased. I’m sure the rights make it unlikely but I would love to see a collection of some of these titles. Individually they would have to be budget priced but I think a collection of three or four games could sell for $30-40 comfortably.
I cannot recall if I knew about this. I believe I knew you could freeze the spikes in Ganon’s tower, which is basically the same idea. Don’t the ice arrows have an application in the Twin Rova fight? I thought in the beginning of the fight the twins were weak to the opposite element… but maybe I’m completely misremembering that. I know you mainly use the mirror shield. Anyway, it’s cool to see more discoveries. This game really holds up well I think.
I’ve been playing around with ChatGPT for a few months and it’s very fascinating technology (and a little scary, when you imagine it getting a lot better very quickly). One of my first thoughts was that this would be incredible tech to integrate into an RPG, like elder scrolls 6. I’m excited to see this first step in that direction.
I loved JSR (Jet Grind Radio, as we knew it over here at the time) when it first came out. However recently I tried to play it and found it really hard to go back to. The controls felt very awkward for some reason... not really sure how I managed to beat it back in the day. Anyway, I would still welcome a new one.
What are the odds that Sega conducts this poll, makes a big deal about announcing the results, and then never mentions it again or acts on it? It’s gotta be at least 50/50 right?
At any rate, I would absolutely love a Saturn mini.
This is probably the biggest problem with the all digital future. Film and music face a similar danger. What will happen to all these things when the digital platforms shut down? It’s not an easy problem. Piracy is not a perfect solution, but it may be the only thing we’re left with.
My own ranking would be 1. SNES 2. NES 3. Game boy because it’s historic, although I rarely go back to these games. 4. N64 5. GBA After that it’s debatable but anyway… For me GameCube is a bit high on this list and NES is way too low.
@darrenhupke This book (and the Capcom one) look cool. I've been building a collection of books about game history, especially ones cataloging and evaluating the games themselves. Do you have them available for sale somewhere or is it only available through kickstarter?
On a different note, I imagine this is an awful lot of work - do you put these together on your own? Do you have any issues getting permissions, etc? Or is it basically a fair use thing? I ask because I've been thinking about trying to put together a book cataloguing Zelda-clones, which is one of my personal gaming obsessions lol.
I would like to see a 3D game but with less of a character-action focus. A 3D adventure game like Castlevania by way of Fumito Ueda. That’s what I think would be the most interesting.
Interesting to read this. Although MGS3 is a good game, I still prefer the first MGS on PlayStation. They never figured out how to improve on that game or even match it. At this point the ship has sailed. I do still find MGS3 to be a very good game. I’ll never forget the moment the music comes in as you climb the long ladder.
So I’m not sure I can separate place and time, which is why I was one of the minority that voted “not sure”. But I have many strong memories/associations with certain games which often include place but are not exclusively about place, if that makes sense.
My guess is that GTA6 is set in Vice City (this is already all but confirmed by leaks and persistent rumors... but as far as I recall it has not been officially confirmed yet) and 50 Cent will portray the main character. Who knows - his involvement may be even bigger than that. I actually thought the more grounded first part of San Andreas, which dealt (in a gamey way) with the actual life of street gangs was one of the most interesting things the series ever did. It would be super cool if GTA6 went in that direction, with 50 maybe helping the writers to keep it authentic. Obviously that is just pure speculation on my part though.
Comments 133
Re: Going Back In Time - Do You Play Retro Games To Reconnect With Your Past?
I voted that I’m in between, because I feel that I am influenced by nostalgic memories to some degree but I wouldn’t say that’s the main or primary reason I play retro games. Instead I would say I’m after a certain feeling of fun and excitement that’s not exactly a “memory” but definitely was easier to access when I was a kid. I agree with those saying retro games are simply more fun. They are quicker to get into, faster paced, shorter (a good thing - many modern games are far too long), easier to understand and play (simpler controls, for example) but at the same time usually much more challenging. There’s a long list of further complaints which I won’t type out since I’m sure everyone on this site already knows and agrees with most of it. I will say I do play a lot of indie games and I find Nintendo’s games to be pretty good still, so there are a few bright spots in the gaming landscape still I’d say.
Re: Gaming's Best 'Leftfield' Control Interfaces, Ranked
@-wc- I expected Virtual On and Steel Battalion… it will be a sad day when my Steel Battalion controller quits working… because nothing like that will ever be made again.
Re: "Can I Tell You How Happy I Am?" Says Judge After Settlement Of Billy Mitchell Vs Twin Galaxies Case
Personally I think a fair compromise might be striking his scores based on submitted video tapes, while reinstating his scores which were done on verified hardware or in front of live audiences. The man was not a complete fraud, as many of his impressive scores were achieved in live settings where he couldn’t possibly have cheated. I think he just got a little lazy and cut corners a few times, which is bad but I don’t think warrants completely striking him from the history books.
Re: 'The Transylvania Adventure Of Simon Quest' Is Basically A New Castlevania
I mean I’m there for this but that sprite is still some of the most blatant… uh… borrowing from a classic game that I’ve seen. Oh well! Konami sure isn’t making a new one so go for it!
Re: 34 Years After Release, A 13-Year-Old Has Just "Beaten" NES Tetris
@-wc- lol, yes. I was never that good but I was competitive and could definitely hold my own with all my friends at pretty much any game. I had a couple of friends who I considered better than I was but I was probably in the top five or so of players I knew…. And then the internet came out and I realized I was garbage!
Re: Interview: Ziggurat Interactive On Its Passion For Bringing Old Games Back From the Dead
@sdelfin I love the tenchu series, especially the early games (say, 1-4). A collection or something would just be awesome.
Re: Treasure Wants To "Make Something" Next Year
@Fighting_Game_Loser I also hope it’s something new. Remakes, collections and remasters would be welcome, but an original game would be most exciting. I would take a sequel to one of their popular titles or if we’re really lucky a whole new IP!
Re: Treasure Wants To "Make Something" Next Year
One of my very favorite developers. Their business structure was like an indie studio before that existed. I think the time is perfect for them to come back. It’s possible for them to make games just like they used to with digital distribution and the modern indie scene . We’ve all suffered for lack of Treasure games!
Re: Review: Anbernic RG35XX Plus - A Welcome Upgrade
@-wc- this is me! I have this repeated conversation with my wife where I tell her I’m done with modern games, I’m just going to focus on the retro stuff from now on, and there’s this new retro device maybe I’ll get that… but I never pull the trigger because there always seems to be something just a little wrong with it and also there’s a new one coming out in four months so maybe I’ll just wait for that one… meanwhile I keep buying more and more games for Switch. This has been going on for like three years now, lol.
Re: Classic Chinese RPG Xuan Yuan Sword: Mists Beyond The Mountains Out Now On Switch
I saw this on the eshop a day or two ago and I didn’t know what it was. I thought the graphics looked cool but I held off because I was suspicious lol. Now that I know what it is I think I’ll give it a shot!
Re: The Mana Series Returns With 'Visions Of Mana', Coming In 2024
@themightyant uhg I just felt a shiver of dread. You could be right. Mana is known for its coop, right? Therefore online multiplayer. Therefore live service. It’s such a square-Enix thing to do.
Re: Molyneux On Fable 3's Shortcomings: "It May Have Been My Fault"
Well, I think the whole Fable series is an exercise in missed potential, so...
Re: 18 Wheeler Director Got A Driver's License In Order To Work On The Game
I enjoyed this game a lot. I think it’s high time for a rerelease!
Re: Sega Saturn Version Of Silhouette Mirage Now Playable In English
I mean they brought a lot of excellent games which otherwise would have likely received no western release at all. They had outstanding packaging of course. And although they took a lot of liberties with the localizations, usually the result was perfectly acceptable to me, or even good. For example, the Lunar games on Playstation actually have really charming, funny scripts. I'm not sure those games would have been so fun and memorable with a more faithful localization (but one's mileage will vary of course). They brought over Alundra too, which is one of my all-time favorite games.
Re: Sega Saturn Version Of Silhouette Mirage Now Playable In English
@Poodlestargenerica Yeah Working Designs also infamously reworked the difficulty of this game on PlayStation. The PlayStation version is really difficult in an annoying way, because all the cool weapons are too difficult to acquire and keep. The Saturn version (and the Japanese PlayStation version I believe) are considerably easier. Working Designs obviously thought that releasing the game in its original state would make it unsatisfactory to American gamers since they would "finish" the game in only a few hours. Overall I love Working Designs but their approach to difficulty balance was not my favorite thing about them.
Re: Flashback: Making A Monster: The Many Influences Behind Castlevania's Alucard
I’ve known for a little while about the film Son of Dracula (because one of my other big interests is horror films), and it was pretty clear that the name Alucard came from that film as part of the general pulling from Universal horror that the early series is known for. I’m glad to see that fact start to get some publicity.
Beyond that I did assume the character was inspired by Vampire Hunter D. There are two VHD films, and the second one in particular (subtitle”Bloodlust”) is really excellent (the first one is quite dated). I assume there’s a considerable overlap between the users of this site and interest in vintage anime. But if anyone has not seen that film you really owe it to yourself to check it out this Halloween season. It’s the best not-Castlevania anime never made. It smokes the Netflix show in my opinion.
Re: Shining Force And Landstalker Artist Yoshitaka Tamaki Has Passed Away
Alundra is one of my all time favorite games. Sad news. I wish there was more appreciation of these games today… especially Alundra I guess, lol.
Re: 10 Years On, Sega Saturn 'Princess Crown' Translation Project Appears To Have Faltered
This with a proper translation on a Saturn Mini would be a dream come true.
Re: A Tribute To Rick Parks, The Artist Behind 'Eye Of The Beholder' And 'Lands Of Lore'
I’m a semi professional artist (I work in traditional media). This is just beautiful work. I really like the pixel art riff on Norman Rockwell. The ultra precise realism that he was evidently capable of despite limited palettes and low resolution is amazing. I feel like contemporary pixel artists don’t usually go for that style.
Re: Talking Point: Will Hand-Drawn Pixel Art Still Be Viable In Ten Years Time?
@BLAZINOAH absolutely, I am already experimenting with this in my hobby games. In the near future pixel art programs like Aseprite will have AI helpers specifically trained to do this.
Re: Talking Point: Will Hand-Drawn Pixel Art Still Be Viable In Ten Years Time?
Viable is a funny word. Does it mean it will be impossible to turn a profit with pixel art games? (That would be highly doubtful) Or does he simply mean that the percentage of players interested in that style will be trending down? (That’s more plausible).
Ultimately pixel art is popular because it looks good and it looks good because it employs art techniques that are well established. “Broken color” techniques have been a staple of painting for over 150 years. Artists discovered that these techniques enhance the visual interest of an image because the viewer becomes actively (subconsciously) involved in “completing” the image. Pixel art can work the same - our imaginations are more activated by the ambiguous graphics and people find that satisfying. At the same time, pixel art is very orderly. The whole image is constrained to a grid. It also represents maximum intentionality because it is pixel-level attention being paid to the art. So ambiguity, imagination, the grid, and enormous amounts of artistic intentionality, all combining. This is like modernist art! See Paul Signac or Chuck Close for comparisons.
So in that aesthetic sense I think pixel art will always be interesting and viable and there will always be games coming out with a pixel aesthetic.
Re: Best SNES Games Of All Time - Super Nintendo Games You Must Own
Those who like Cybernator should check out Front Mission: Gun Hazard. It’s Japan-only but there’s a translation patch available. It’s very similar and is just an excellent game.
Re: The Making Of: Steel Battalion, The Ultimate Hardcore Mecha Experience
Steel Battalion is a thing of beauty. I do own it, and I found it to be extraordinarily difficult. I don’t think I ever got past like the fourth or fifth mission. But what a game! In any game the controller sits in between the player and the game, conditioning the whole experience. Most games try to make this as transparent as possible so that you don’t notice the controller but I think very interesting things happen when the controller itself is part of the design process. See also racing games with good steering wheel controllers, that Dreamcast fishing game, guitar hero, the best wii games, flight sims when you play them with a well made flight stick, etc.
Re: The Shatterhand & Power Blade-Inspired 'Prison City' Is Coming To Nintendo Switch
This looks right up my alley.
Re: Best Nintendo 64 Games Of All Time
This is a great list. Honestly the N64 doesn’t have the deepest library but it still has some outstanding high points. Ocarina of Time is still one of my favorite games.
Re: Talking Point: What Was Your First Video Gaming Experience?
I was born in 1986. Sometime before I can remember my brother got an NES. Pretty much my earliest memories are playing Super Mario with him. This would have been 89/90. He showed me the secret mushroom, where to go down the pipes, which blocks had power ups. Eventually I could get all the way through. My imagination filled in details in the scenery that weren’t really there. It was all very vivid for me. Another game we played a lot was Kid Niki, a game which not many people seem to remember. It was brutally hard but the graphics and imagery, with these weird colorful ninjas and stuff really stayed with me. In that game I always felt like I was having a great run if I made it to the little house by the river. That’s like halfway through level one FYI! That’s how hard that game was, but I played it over and over.
Re: Flashback: The Horrifying 'Scalper Shooting' That Typified The PS3's Chaotic Launch
Lol, this story is kind of funny to me. I mean I'm glad the guy is alive, but other than that it's sort of a story of two villains. Who is more evil, armed robbers or scalpers? Hmmm... I'm going to have to think about that...
Re: Anniversary: Sega's Shinobi III Is 30 Years Old
This is my favorite of the Shinobi games personally. I didn't really play this series back in the day for whatever reason, and when I did rediscover them a while later, this is the one that really stood out to me. It holds up really well.
Re: Poll: Are You Concerned About 'Sun Fade' Ruining Your Retro Game Collection?
I mean, my games stay in a glass cabinet/shelf thing in my house and I don't think receive any direct sunlight at all. Ambient sunlight from windows, bouncing off walls and stuff may gradually damage the games, but it will take a long time I should think.
Re: Best Light Gun Games Of All Time
No Area 51? The game was iconic! But anyway, this is a good list. I would choose the first Point Blank but that’s only a quibble.
Re: One Of The World's Most Famous Game Boys Is Retiring From Active Duty
I did get to see it. It was interesting I guess, a curiosity for sure. There was other cool stuff on display at the store too.
Re: A Bunch Of Unseen Nintendo Space World 2000 Footage Has Been Posted Online
Maybe someone will make a translation and post a new version with subtitles. Pretty interesting, but I probably won't watch the whole thing until I can understand more of what's being said. But this is a very interesting historical find!
Re: Sonic Boss Doesn't Rule Out Possibility Of A New Burning Rangers Or Nights Game
@Razieluigi yeah, I think this is the right interpretation of these comments. I would love for these classic Saturn games to get rereleased though. Especially Burning Rangers. I bought the Panzer Dragoon remake from a few years back and I was hoping they’d do the sequel but it looks like that isn’t happening. The Saturn library has got to be the most difficult to access library of any major system…
Re: I Spent $75,000 Documenting Japan's Gaming History, And It Was Quite The Ride
I backed this kickstarter and I bought the first three books (and I’ll be buying the upcoming vol 5 too). They are so important and interesting. My favorite thing about them is the way the various interviews bring out the culture and atmosphere (maybe nowadays we would say the “vibe”) of the early Japanese industry. A time when a handful of people sitting around a makeshift office and making up crazy stuff to stick in the game could produce a classic.
Re: Good-Feel Reveals Its 'Ganbare Goemon' Spiritual Successor In Japanese Direct
Looks great. Fingers crossed it comes out here!
Re: Flashback: The Woman Who Died Trying To Win A Nintendo Wii
I remember this well. A very sad and disturbing story. I had never heard of water poisoning before this and obviously no one at that radio station had either and none of the contestants either for that matter. It’s easy to point fingers after the fact but I think the most likely explanation is that every person involved was ignorant of the danger had no idea what they were doing.
Re: The Making Of: Croc, 3D Platforming's Unsung Hero
I don’t think it’s correct to say this game is forgotten. I remember it quite well, in particular I remember the ads in magazines which they reprint here. The camera was the issue with this game. But I would say Croc is definitely in the top 10 of 3D playformer characters on the PlayStation, maybe even the top 5. (The PS1 did not have too many mascot platformers in my opinion). I think a lot about old 3D platformers… they were such interesting games precisely because the rules had not been codified yet. It would be great if some of these lesser games could get rereleased. I’m sure the rights make it unlikely but I would love to see a collection of some of these titles. Individually they would have to be budget priced but I think a collection of three or four games could sell for $30-40 comfortably.
Re: Random: Fan Discovers Hidden Function For Ocarina Of Time's "Useless" Ice Arrows
I cannot recall if I knew about this. I believe I knew you could freeze the spikes in Ganon’s tower, which is basically the same idea. Don’t the ice arrows have an application in the Twin Rova fight? I thought in the beginning of the fight the twins were weak to the opposite element… but maybe I’m completely misremembering that. I know you mainly use the mirror shield. Anyway, it’s cool to see more discoveries. This game really holds up well I think.
Re: Square-Enix Remaking The Portopia Serial Murder Case As A Free AI Tech Demo
I’ve been playing around with ChatGPT for a few months and it’s very fascinating technology (and a little scary, when you imagine it getting a lot better very quickly). One of my first thoughts was that this would be incredible tech to integrate into an RPG, like elder scrolls 6. I’m excited to see this first step in that direction.
Re: Rumour: A New Jet Set Radio Is In The Works
I loved JSR (Jet Grind Radio, as we knew it over here at the time) when it first came out. However recently I tried to play it and found it really hard to go back to. The controls felt very awkward for some reason... not really sure how I managed to beat it back in the day. Anyway, I would still welcome a new one.
Re: It's Official! Sega Poll Reveals Fans Want The Sega Saturn Mini Next
What are the odds that Sega conducts this poll, makes a big deal about announcing the results, and then never mentions it again or acts on it? It’s gotta be at least 50/50 right?
At any rate, I would absolutely love a Saturn mini.
Re: Museum Celebrates 30th Anniversary Of Super Mario Bros.: The Movie With Special Exhibit
I live near this place and have been there several times, but not since the pandemic. This makes me want to get back there.
Re: EA Is Wiping Mirror's Edge From Digital Existence
This is probably the biggest problem with the all digital future. Film and music face a similar danger. What will happen to all these things when the digital platforms shut down? It’s not an easy problem. Piracy is not a perfect solution, but it may be the only thing we’re left with.
Re: Best Nintendo Systems - Every Nintendo Console, Ranked By You
My own ranking would be
2. NES
3. Game boy because it’s historic, although I rarely go back to these games.
4. N64
5. GBA
After that it’s debatable but anyway… For me GameCube is a bit high on this list and NES is way too low.
Re: New Book Looks At Namco's Amazing Contribution To PlayStation
@darrenhupke This book (and the Capcom one) look cool. I've been building a collection of books about game history, especially ones cataloging and evaluating the games themselves. Do you have them available for sale somewhere or is it only available through kickstarter?
On a different note, I imagine this is an awful lot of work - do you put these together on your own? Do you have any issues getting permissions, etc? Or is it basically a fair use thing? I ask because I've been thinking about trying to put together a book cataloguing Zelda-clones, which is one of my personal gaming obsessions lol.
Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want From A New Castlevania?
I would like to see a 3D game but with less of a character-action focus. A 3D adventure game like Castlevania by way of Fumito Ueda. That’s what I think would be the most interesting.
Re: Hideo Kojima Claims Konami Wanted Metal Gear Solid 3 To Be More "Normal"
Interesting to read this. Although MGS3 is a good game, I still prefer the first MGS on PlayStation. They never figured out how to improve on that game or even match it. At this point the ship has sailed. I do still find MGS3 to be a very good game. I’ll never forget the moment the music comes in as you climb the long ladder.
Re: Ambitious New Shmup 'Over OBJ' Pushes The Famicom To Its Limits
Very impressive work!
Re: Talking Point: Are Video Games Linked To Physical Places In Your Memory?
So I’m not sure I can separate place and time, which is why I was one of the minority that voted “not sure”. But I have many strong memories/associations with certain games which often include place but are not exclusively about place, if that makes sense.
Re: "I Will Explain This Later" Says 50 Cent As He Drops Cryptic GTA Vice City Hint
My guess is that GTA6 is set in Vice City (this is already all but confirmed by leaks and persistent rumors... but as far as I recall it has not been officially confirmed yet) and 50 Cent will portray the main character. Who knows - his involvement may be even bigger than that. I actually thought the more grounded first part of San Andreas, which dealt (in a gamey way) with the actual life of street gangs was one of the most interesting things the series ever did. It would be super cool if GTA6 went in that direction, with 50 maybe helping the writers to keep it authentic. Obviously that is just pure speculation on my part though.