Comments 9

Re: Interview: "We’ve Certainly Made Mistakes" - Limited Run's Boss On Winning Back The Trust Of The Community


I used to buy from them a ton. I started from the beginning with Vita games, then focused on Switch, and eventually mostly PC games with other consoles here and there. I've spent thousands with them, but I barely ever buy from them these days.

I think they need to slow down with the number of releases and focus on making each release worth the price. You know, quality over quantity. That, and reasonable pricing. I wanted to buy the Blood collectors edition, but they were asking ~$250! WTF?! At least many of the games I bought are worth a lot, so they were a good investment (if I am ever forced to liquidate).

Re: In Memory Of Memory Cards


The Memory Pak for the N64 was not a memory card. It was 4MB of system RAM that games like Perfect Dark used to increase the resolution and in order for multiplayer to even work. The Controller Pak was the memory card used for game saves.

Re: Limited Run Co-Founder Claims Selling CD-Rs To Customers Was Always The Idea


I've heard plenty of negative stories about LR. I've also had my own issues when dealing with their support. I started buying Vita games, then Switch. Eventually, I started buying Collectors Editions of various games. I've spent thousands on LR releases. After my own bad experiences, and reading about others' experiences with them, I've greatly reduced how much I buy from them. I only buy games that I really love, and only the basic editions; I avoid the (wildly overpriced) Collectors Editions.

Re: Metal Gear Solid's E3 Reveal Had The Syphon Filter Team "Despairing"


I loved both games back when they came out; PS1 was such an amazing console. MGS can easily be replayed today; the controls hold up well enough that you could get the hang of it within a few minutes. Syphon Filter, on the other hand... Dear Lord, those controls are terribly unintuitive by today's standards, and they feel extremely tanky. I've replayed MGS many times over the years, and I've tried replaying SF, but always end up wanting to toss the controller.