I have the WD-localized Lunar games for PlayStation, so I can always access them whenever I want. I’m getting this Remastered Collection regardless of the concerns. The one thing I want to know is how Noriyuki Iwadare’s music is going to sound—re-recorded?
I figured the story was bupkis. Punch-Out!! was a prominent recurring cameo, so to speak, in The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023), and games in the series remain available in the Switch's retro clients.
I just want to take a peak into the alternate timeline where Princess Peach actually did get the go-ahead as the hidden Nintendo challenger, for the Wii game.
@KitsuneNight Ah, gotta love naming shenanigans! I just love the fact that not only did I get that game that has such a confounding naming history in the west, but I got it... in a big rig gas station store in the middle of nowhere. "King's Field in a barren field!" Memories!
Curiouser and curiouser. Having the "Working Designs" dub as an option/bonus feature would been cool, yeah, but I already have the old WD-dubbed games, so I can always revisit those classic vocal performances whenever I wish.
I can't say this recasting is a deal-breaker for me, but I understand how it can be for others. Don't get me wrong, I love John Truitt!
Great article! I'm afraid I never got the GBC Dragon's Lair, but at least I knew about it and only learned about Dragon's Lair: The Legend just now, reading this! It really is astonishing what that team pulled off. Kudos!
@GhaleonUnlimited Sweet, more Ghaleon fans in the wild!
This game's reputation isn't universally positive, but I liked it. I was honestly impressed by Dr. K's animation, considering the Wii's limitations. I love the music, too. There are things about it that I disliked, but it was one of my favorite memories on the Wii. Nostalgic sigh
Comments 15
Re: Lunar Remasters Publisher GungHo Just Released An FAQ That Fails To Answer Some Key Questions
I have the WD-localized Lunar games for PlayStation, so I can always access them whenever I want. I’m getting this Remastered Collection regardless of the concerns. The one thing I want to know is how Noriyuki Iwadare’s music is going to sound—re-recorded?
Re: After What Feels Like A Lifetime, Amazon Is Cancelling Mighty No. 9 3DS And Vita Pre-Orders
I backed this, got it on Wii U, and the performance issues rendered it unplayable for me. Ah, well.
Re: Punch-Out!!'s Characters Aren't To Blame For The Series's Hiatus After All
I figured the story was bupkis. Punch-Out!! was a prominent recurring cameo, so to speak, in The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023), and games in the series remain available in the Switch's retro clients.
I just want to take a peak into the alternate timeline where Princess Peach actually did get the go-ahead as the hidden Nintendo challenger, for the Wii game.
Re: Anniversary: 30 Years Ago, Elden Ring And Dark Souls Dev FromSoftware Released Its "Mind-Boggling" Debut
@KitsuneNight Ah, gotta love naming shenanigans! I just love the fact that not only did I get that game that has such a confounding naming history in the west, but I got it... in a big rig gas station store in the middle of nowhere. "King's Field in a barren field!" Memories!
Re: Random: A Computer Scientist Has Created Puzzle Bobble's Aiming Mechanism For Real
Oh, my. Adorable! This is the kind of thing that would've encouraged me to do better in science fairs!
Re: Anniversary: 30 Years Ago, Elden Ring And Dark Souls Dev FromSoftware Released Its "Mind-Boggling" Debut
Happy anniversary! I did get King's Field II at a big rig gas station many years ago. That was how I got in!
Re: Working Designs Co-Founder Responds To Lunar Voice Actor's Comments On Ownership Of Localisations
Curiouser and curiouser. Having the "Working Designs" dub as an option/bonus feature would been cool, yeah, but I already have the old WD-dubbed games, so I can always revisit those classic vocal performances whenever I wish.
I can't say this recasting is a deal-breaker for me, but I understand how it can be for others. Don't get me wrong, I love John Truitt!
Re: The Making Of: Dragon’s Lair’s "Impossible" Game Boy Color Port
Great article! I'm afraid I never got the GBC Dragon's Lair, but at least I knew about it and only learned about Dragon's Lair: The Legend just now, reading this! It really is astonishing what that team pulled off. Kudos!
@GhaleonUnlimited Sweet, more Ghaleon fans in the wild!
Re: Would You Just Look At This Tiny Bubble Bobble Arcade Machine
Bubble Bobble is one of my lifelong favorites, and it was my mother who introduced me to it. I think she would’ve loved this! 😄 Ah, RIP Mom.
Re: Hardware Classics: Uncovering The Tragic Tale Of The Philips CD-i
Thanks for this article!
@XenoShaun You mentioned The 7th Guest and Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon in the same sentence! I’m such a nerd I got giddy.
@mid_55 Yeah, I would only consider ever buying one if it could be paid for by chump change. A historical curiosity, sure, but not a must-own.
Re: Exclusive: The Artist Behind Troubled Sega Mega Drive Fighter Paprium Speaks Out
@YANDMAN Oof. Yeah... My sympathies.
Re: Exclusive: The Artist Behind Troubled Sega Mega Drive Fighter Paprium Speaks Out
I’ve... never heard nor seen this game until now! Whoa.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
This game's reputation isn't universally positive, but I liked it. I was honestly impressed by Dr. K's animation, considering the Wii's limitations. I love the music, too. There are things about it that I disliked, but it was one of my favorite memories on the Wii. Nostalgic sigh
Re: Retro VGS Crowdfunding Campaign "Dead In The Water" But Work Will Continue
My dear, I have known many surprises in my time. And this... was not surprising in the least!
Re: The Retro VGS Wants To Revive The Glory Days Of Cartridge-Based Home Consoles
I don't need a Magic 8-Ball to be told "Outlook not so good."