Comments 5

Re: Feature: Drugged Coffee, Pirated Games And Empty Bank Accounts - The Story Of GameFan Magazine


@Severian I've worked in writing myself. I never considered myself a journalist, though.

I mean professionalism doesn't necessarily disappear but the expectation that it will be there is also a bit of a bold assumption when dealing with amateur or enthusiast press. This was exemplified by a few writers we had at a site I wrote for- specifically they treated a collaborative site like their personal blog and didn't bother adhering to our established style guide.

Anyway, I misinterpreted your comments a bit and I apologize for doing so.

Re: Feature: Drugged Coffee, Pirated Games And Empty Bank Accounts - The Story Of GameFan Magazine


@Severian Okay, professor.

I don't know about your experience with zines but most I've been exposed to (and their digital descendants) have been pretty unprofessional though most try to put up a facade of "we know what we're doing/what we're talking about". I don't think there are many places more difficult to claim credentials or professionalism than talking about video games.

And I wouldn't say totally unrelated, as SM64 and Tomb Raider are both, broadly speaking, focused on platforming and traversal.