"retro gaming devices featuring Sonic, OutRun, Shinobi, and more". To whoever keeps buying this stuff, take a break - you've earned it. You win. All the 2D classics are EVERYWHERE. I understand Sega's just following the easy/safe money (as they should), but I'm beggin ya'...give the rest of us a chance to show Sega we'll buy their classic 3D/polygonal stuff.
Comments 3
Re: We're Not Getting Saturn And Dreamcast Minis, But We Are Getting More Sega Mini-Arcades
"retro gaming devices featuring Sonic, OutRun, Shinobi, and more". To whoever keeps buying this stuff, take a break - you've earned it. You win. All the 2D classics are EVERYWHERE. I understand Sega's just following the easy/safe money (as they should), but I'm beggin ya'...give the rest of us a chance to show Sega we'll buy their classic 3D/polygonal stuff.
Re: Remember When A Sega Genesis Got Fused With A Digital Camera? Yep, We'd Forgotten About It, Too
"the end result was a disappointment;"
Anyone who has one and is disappointed with it, I'll take it off your hands
Re: SNK "Very Aware" We All Want A New Capcom Vs. SNK Game, But "The Hurdle Is Quite High"
And just like that, we're off topic lol l