Comments 13

Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?



I see. I’m as technical as it gets when it comes to fighting games, so I can confidently say that Champion Edition is definitely a more precise game than the other two, but the SNES version lives up to that competitive standard. It’s a very fun way to play the game, and the turbo toggle is neat. Always wondered why the SNES version seems to place the stages in 16:9? The SNES was more than capable of placing the arcade sprites on a 4:3 screen.

Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?


Looking at Street Fighter II, it’s a close and a bit complicated call.

The port of the original SFII to the SNES is worth about the same as a pebble because of how… mushy it all feels.

But when Hyper Fighting came around to replace Champion edition, we got SFII: Turbo on SNES and it is the best Fighting Game on the system by a long shot. It is essentially Turbo Champion edition with Hyper Fighting moves, a great soundtrack rendition and good balancing.

That being said, it’s not really a port of Champion Edition or Hyper Fighting, but a mix of the two, so it’s tough to say that it’s better or worse than either of its arcade counterparts.

SFII: Turbo on the SNES had huge tournaments across Japan, and there’s an official tape containing the majority of the important matches here

It’s a game with a lot of history, and I enjoy playing it just as much as I do Champion edition and Hyper Fighting.

There is a port of Super Street Fighter II Turbo: The New Challengers but it’s a meh way to play the arcade version, so there’s not much to talk about there.

Re: The Switch Remake Of Yuji Horii's 'Hokkaido Rensa Satsujin: Ohotsuku ni Kiyu' Is Out Today


On an unrelated note, aesthetically this game is exactly what I think 80’s game remakes should look like, especially the anime looking ones. It’s still distinctly from the era without looking archaic. This is just genuinely cool art and novel to look at. The night club screenshot had me doing the cartoon-eyes-popping-out thing but that might just be me and my specific tastes though 💀

Re: The Switch Remake Of Yuji Horii's 'Hokkaido Rensa Satsujin: Ohotsuku ni Kiyu' Is Out Today


Genuine question: is this somehow just a watered down Famicom detective club? Looking at the concurrent dates and platforms, screenshots, characters and locations… this just strikes me as Famicom detective club as if handled by another company. Maybe because I’m sick right now, I’m just seeing things and this could actually be the cool thing I imagined it to be upon announcement, but man if this is just a Famicom Detective Club Ripoff I’m actually gonna be sad because I love FDC but I don’t think buying these games is going to be worth it

Re: Run-And-Gun Classic Contra Has Been Ported To SNES


@EarthboundBenjy Most NES games are prone to heavy lag and low sprite limits that cause that noticeable tearing and line flashing. Porting these games to the SNES makes it run without any graphical issues, improving the overall gameplay. In addition, this version of the game can be modded easier by others to add graphics and music through the MSU-1 chip. There’s a lot of use to this, especially for Famicom games that have lackluster North American ports, like Metroid which has an extra channel of sound and a save menu in Japan.

P.S. I love the Rakuga Kids pfp, rock on Benji!