Comments 14

Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?


it feels like a complex situation.

you can often for example see something from the past which is celebrated dismissed due to "nostalgia goggles" or "rose tinted glasses" or whatnot, though a lot of my favorite classic games were ones i ended up missing out on as a kid either due to not having a snes (had mega drive) or that a lot of rpgs ended up outright missing europe. i even ended up finding some games which werent considered "classics" which i ended up really enjoying.

naturally as well theres also the fact that tastes can change over time though this also can go either way, some games i remember enjoying i ended up enjoying less when returning to them years later, sometimes there were games i ended up enjoying more due to being able to appreciate aspects of them more (such as how movement worked in certain platform games)

there are also some aspects where its not someones memory playing tricks on someone such as certain quirks with some modern ports and remasters, such as the higher res character models clashing with the psone backdrops in modern ports of FFVII-IX or the whole buisness with the silent hill collection a while back, theres also certain subtle visual details in some games which can look off on HD-TVs

while i generally enjoy retro gaming there are naturally still some quirks of back then i dont miss, such as region locking, 50hz, the growing pains of the early 3d era and whatnot.

in the end there's always going to be something that will affect someone's judgement or feelings towards something though the key is often just looking at things from various angles, theres lots of good games out there both new and old and sometimes theres a game which ticks some oddly specific boxes for you which is why im always cool with seeing some lesser known games make a return.

long ramble i apologise.

Re: The Making Of: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, Konami's Underrated N64 Classic


a goemon collection is a pipe dream of mine, not only would it mean that you get to keep the games (as opposed to releasing them on NSO) but imagine if some of the older games ended up getting translated through it similar to a few other recent releases like the Mana collection or the Marl kingdom one.

the N64 ones were some of my fave games on the system i remember renting the original (as in MNSG) and absolutely loving it eventually buying it and even replaying it years later still enjoying it.

the second game on n64 was a similar situation. initially rented it, loved it , replayed it years later and loved it even more, i loved the faster paced sidescrolling gameplay and the OST i found even better.

Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement


one of the reasons why i was disappointed that things like the "virtual console" just ended up vanishing was that it felt like it was at least a good effort towards making older games available to buy and while it wasn't perfect (some games stuck in licencing hell) and there was room for improvement when it came to things like features, i definitely preferred it over how things were handled on switch since unlike similar some of the other service models on consoles there is no way to purchase the games on NSO separately so accessing them is dependant on a service/online-check.

I am glad that we seem to be getting more retro compilations and whatnot including some games which were never before localized (such as Trials of mana on the mana collection)

Re: Gaming's Best 'Leftfield' Control Interfaces, Ranked


Definitely wasnt the biggest fan of the wii remote to put it lightly.

My main issue was being the default controller for the system it felt much less versatile and much more situational than more standard controllers and it was mandatory for a large amount of games and would often feel like a barrier of entry to enjoyment (such as in DKC returns)

I am glad that with the switch they leaned into the idea of choosing how you play, having it compatible with multiple kinds of controller and definitely hope the successor keeps that angle.

i do however love optional controllers that go for something more unique plus if a feature from one of them ends up being a hit then it could end up incorporated into future standard controllers

Re: Shocking Study Reveals 87% Of Classic Games Are "Critically Endangered"


Its similar to the psone FF games especially FFVII, the modern releases (not counting remake which is its own thing) are all based on the PC version not the psone version which has its own quirks ranging from the character models being much higher resolution than the backdrops causing them to stand out more, to more subtle things such as certain visual effects in battle being missing/different.

Then there's a specific me problem with some remasters, im on the spectrum and have some very noticeable obsessive compulsive habbits so having all these features such as fast forward or assorted cheats be mapped to buttons with no way to unmap them in most games, can end up causing anxiety as silly as it may sound. (again i just wish i could un-map the features as an option)

apologies things kind of went on a tangent.

Re: Shocking Study Reveals 87% Of Classic Games Are "Critically Endangered"


Yeah you are still going to get those who will pirate regardless though considering how many remasters, retro collections and remakes it does feel like theres more than enough people who are more than willing to buy these older games at least.

its one of the reasons why i was disappointed with no virtual-console on switch since due to having an account system it would have meant that purchases could have carried over from wiiu/3ds and even onto the next system.

Re: Shocking Study Reveals 87% Of Classic Games Are "Critically Endangered"


What was the source of that percentage.

While a lot of the time percentages are simply made up on the spot the source in the article did show their work in how they came to that percentage.

i mean if people are pirating games for systems released in the past few years then i could see how they arent in any danger of being lost but a large amount of games from the ps3/wii era and prior are unavailable for purchase, especially with the eshop closure on 3ds and wiiu eliminating the last remnants of the virtual console and its replacement not allowing people to buy the games.

Also on the spectrum and can understand about wanting some reassurance that i can play a game years from now.
I do love to play newer games but also like to have some "comfort" games that i can replay from time to time, its one of the reasons i loved things like the virtual console and the psone classics line on PSN and why im really not a fan of the NSO legacy content due to access being tied to a service, its also why im fine with things like remasters and ports though hopefully going forward gaming will become more "future proof"

Re: Poll: What's The Best Wonder Boy Game?


yeah that final boss in the US version was pretty heinous, out of the ones i played through (Dragons trap, monster world, monster world master system, MWIV and monster boy) none of the others had a final boss that i found to be as annoying as that (the monster world master system final boss was actually one of the easiest but that version overall is much easier and is missing a lot of stuff)

Re: Poll: What's The Best Wonder Boy Game?


played through wonder boy V for the first time via the collection and felt like it had the potential to be a fave but the general slow movement speed early on does make those parts feel sluggish, i feel like while not my favorite i did love the controls in MWIV and feel like if wonder boy V had those controls it would have been a fave.

as it is its hard to really say since i enjoyed the majority of them though they did all have at least one part i would consider "that part" when replaying them (ICE PYRAMID being a big one)

Re: M2 Explains Why Switch Is The "Perfect" Console For Retro Games


Its one of the reasons why i wish the switch had something like the virtual console (with improvements) since the closest thing so far, the NSO service does not offer any way of buying the game meaning they are tied to an online service meaning that unlike the VC people wont be able to even play the games they downloaded on switch which makes it feel the least "future-proof" way of playing retro games.

the M2 releases on switch have been amazing at least and i would love to see something like a new "sega ages" line im really not a fan of Nintendo's own way of handling legacy content since outside of the NSO issues weve also had 2 games end up delisted from the store after only a few months and one of them (fire emblem) not only didn't have a physical release but was also the only official English version of the game.

Re: Wii U And 3DS eShop Closure Is Removing Access To The Wider Goemon Series


Konami does have a pretty good track record when it comes to those M2 retro collections like the castlevania ones and the contra one, while a pipe dream i would love to see goemon get that treatment especially with the 2 N64 games.

even if the n64 ones were released in their own collection i would be cool so long as the games end up released in a form where you can purchase them and arent locked behind the NSO app.