Comments 7

Re: Feature: How Mortal Kombat Defined The Console War Between Sega And Nintendo


I still can't see what the problem is with these articles.

If you don't remember the title and lead image (I confess here I visit the site several times daily) then you've only wasted a second or two of your life, once you read the very obvious italic first paragraph. And if your memory is that bad you get to enjoy the article as new anyway.

Blowing grammatical errors out of proportion is rather sad too, it's the Internet equivalent of grasping at straws because you know your original argument is weak.

As for 'clickbait' - maybe look at why you gullibly fell again for something you don't like, rather than moan at a free site that simply wishes to be read.

So @Damo and the rest of the NL team - cheers. We may not be the loudest voices, but your work is appreciated by some.

Re: Feature: Dave "The Games Animal" Perry On Picking Sega Over Nintendo And Returning To Mario 64


It's incredible to think of now, when you sit through the credits of any modern game, but the programmers used to be 'stars'.

Matthew Smith (Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy) Jeff Minter (still going I believe?), Geoff Cramond even had his name above his F1 game.

The only modern comparison I can think of is the guy who wrote Stardew Valley. (Though his name escapes me, possibly ruining my point.)

Re: Feature: Dave "The Games Animal" Perry On Picking Sega Over Nintendo And Returning To Mario 64


To be fair, back when I were a lad you were either a Sinclair ZX Spectrum user or a Commodore 64 user - there would be playground arguments about this. You were one or the other, I can't remember anyone having both systems.

You pinned your colours to one system, and that carried on to and maybe beyond Gamesmaster.
This was well before PS and XBox (and mobile phones) remember. Different times.

I never warmed to Mr Perry, but at the time gaming was kinda exciting, a tiny bit Rock n' roll, bit rebellious, the 'olds' didn't get it - previous generations had music, we had music and games as ours. To spread though word of mouth, to - yes, I know, 'piracy is killing the game industry' - copy and swap games.
As @Damo said, the magazines (and Gamesmaster) reflected that, the industry was a lot more 'loose'.

Re: Hardware Classics: Uncovering The Tragic Tale Of The Philips CD-i


@Damo - thank you for that article, much appreciated. I do enjoy it when the site spreads its wings a bit.

As an older gamer I like the nostalgia - or history lesson depending on age of reader.

There was a time when interactive FMV like Dragon's Lair were incredibly exciting and felt like the future.
And now, games and expectations have changed so much that we take the Skyrims, LA Noires and Breath of the Wilds for granted. (And winge about FPS.)

I feel lucky to have lived through so many step changes, from the ZX Spectrum and Manic Miner through to Knightlore, to Mortal Kombat on Amiga, Tomb Raider, Gran Tourisimo and Metal Gear Solid on PS1. Genuinely exciting times.

I don't know if we will see such advances again, if there is anything new out there. But for all that nostalgia, now is the best time to be a gamer, now .