@UK_Kev I haven't forgotten anything. I was simply stating that from a quality standpoint, the aforementioned were all consistent, whereas SEGA are a husk of their former selves.
@UK_Kev 40 years is a bit of an odd figure, especially as SEGA are older than that.
Saying that, Nintendo have remained pretty much the same for the last 40 years. I'd also say that Namco and Capcom have remained pretty consistent too, in that they can still be trusted to deliver.
SEGA had their glory period and they'll never reclaim it. They shone too brightly.
Comments 9
Re: Random: Did You Know About This Motion Control Dragon Quest Game That Predates The Wii?
I have one. All boxed and in pretty great shape. Tried to sell it on eBay three times but nobody was interested.
It's just sat gathering dust now.
Re: "This Could Be Crippling" - Fake PS1 Discs Just Got Harder To Spot
Hold any Playstation disc up to the light and look at the data side. Still think they're 'black' discs?
Re: Rare Artist Shows Donkey Kong Country Concept Art 30 Years After It Stunned The World
It was (and still is) an incredible-looking game, but it wasn't a "once in a lifetime leap in visual quality"
I'd say that leap was the transition from 16 bit to 32 bit.
Everything since was incremental.
Re: What's Happening Over At Sega Forever, Sega's Dedicated Retro Channel?
@samuelvictor Totally agree. Composition-wise, I've always felt that it's a rather poor image too, but this is subjective.
Re: Flashback: When Peter Moore Told Yuji Naka To "F**k Off"
@UK_Kev I haven't forgotten anything. I was simply stating that from a quality standpoint, the aforementioned were all consistent, whereas SEGA are a husk of their former selves.
Re: Flashback: When Peter Moore Told Yuji Naka To "F**k Off"
@UK_Kev 40 years is a bit of an odd figure, especially as SEGA are older than that.
Saying that, Nintendo have remained pretty much the same for the last 40 years. I'd also say that Namco and Capcom have remained pretty consistent too, in that they can still be trusted to deliver.
SEGA had their glory period and they'll never reclaim it. They shone too brightly.
Re: Flashback: When Peter Moore Told Yuji Naka To "F**k Off"
@UK_Kev I agree, but the SEGA we all fell in love with died during the merger and has never been the same since.
Other than the Yakuza team, SEGA have no discernible talent left any more.
Re: Flashback: When Peter Moore Told Yuji Naka To "F**k Off"
@UK_Kev SEGA is just a rebadged Sammy.
The real SEGA died over twenty years ago.
Re: The Making Of: Music, The PlayStation Audio Creation Tool From WipEout's Tim Wright
I used Music & Music 200 extensively and they will forever have a place in my heart.
Fun fact: Leftfield created a track (Double Flash) entirely with Music 2000. It's on their Rhythm And Stealth album.