Comments 110

Re: Best Evercade Games, Ranked By You


I'm not a fan of people saying "games" when they mean "cartridges", and hoped to see a ranking of actual individual games here, but it's been entertaining anyway.

It's interesting also to compare people's tastes depending on the country of origin. In Spain, for instance, some of the cartridges would be higher, some lower and others not even here, whereas we would definitely some Gaelco love here.

Apart from that, what I love most about the Evercade library is the strong presence of third-tier games, unknown titles that may be good or bad, but as an explorer of retro gaming I don't need to see the usual suspects here. A mix of known and unknown is perfectly OK for my tastes.

Re: Review: Zuiki X68000 Z - An Expensive But Appealing Substitute For The Real Thing


Would I like to have one? Of course.

But after buying almost every mini system, including the Egret II Mini and recently the trackball and paddle controller on a brief sale, and although I've not given up on waiting for a good sale of the Astro City Mini V yet, this is where I have to draw the line.

It's very expensive, and ironically I don't like when they expect us to put roms in these systems. Additional paid games via SD? Yes, the Egret II Mini does it and I buy them, there will be 70 games after volume 2 gets released, which is great. But only one game included, small additional collections and that's it...? For that price it's not for me. And it wouldn't be even without the tremendous shipping and customs duties.

Re: Review: Toaplan Arcade Shoot 'Em Up Collection Vol.1 - Shmup Smarts


I don't seem to be able to find the collection together on Steam, only the individual titles.

I have some of them on my Evercade, but this being a better release, cheap and on PC would be willing to double dip.

That leaves the M2 Toaplan Arcade Garage releases on the fence, though. They're supposed to be great and have console versions and other non shmup games as bonus... But don't know if the emulation is on par with the reviewed release.

Re: Review: Taito Egret II Mini Arcade Memories Vol. 1


Been expecting a professional review for a while, given that it came out in December, but it has been published by my favourite people!

I think it's a little pricey too and I've been monitoring it on Amazon Japan with the hope that it will go a little cheaper down the road, but what I fear the most is buying it just to see that it comes to the West officially with a translated book. Another potential risk is it going out of stock, just like the trackball and paddle set, which can only be purchased at a higher price in its Western version nowadays. I missed the chance.

I'm eager to put my hands on these obscure titles and I'll be waiting for further volumes.

Re: Sega's Astro City Mini V Is Now Available In Europe


Now it would be nice to know if it's simply a change of packaging or the input lag has been fixed, the same way the first Astro City Mini got some issues fixed for the Western release.

I don't think so, though, because it was already released by LRG, who added an extra game, and the Amazon one doesn't include it, so unfortunately it smells like a change of box for a translated one and that would be all. I hope I'm wrong (and that it gets discounted some day, like the first Astro City Mini, now that Amazon sells it).

Re: Hardware: The Taito Egret II Mini Is A Doorway Into True Gaming History


@jrt87 I bought the PC Engine Mini from Amazon Japan and I gotta tell ya, 3 days it took from Japan to my city, not even a really important one. Amazing.

Well, buying each item separately is something I hadn't taken into account, because it's always better to make the shipping costs a little more "palatable" by putting everything you can in one order, but at least from the EU, importing something that costs more than 150 euro skyrockets the taxes, so maybe in this particular case it is better to buy the items separately. I think we lose the goodies, though. And they're really good this time.

For now, I have to wait a little longer because today, the official and long awaited release date of the item itself, the price has risen a little. But it will go down over time. Unlike the Western version, which if anything will end up on Amazon even more expensive than it is now.

Re: Hardware: The Taito Egret II Mini Is A Doorway Into True Gaming History


Getting it for sure. I love my Astro City Mini, but I gotta admit that Egret II Mini's selection of titles is more varied. Some omissions, yes, I would have loved to see Chase HQ here, a game which never gets into Taito collections. But I'm impressed about how appealing most of the included titles turned out to be to me.

Price is steeper, of course, but let's not forget that the Astro City Mini's price got reduced after some months, at least in Japan, which again is the best option to purchase the Egret, and the only way to get pink buttons. Now and, of course, when it too gets discounted at some point. And that doesn't happen with products sold by limited releases' companies.

If you want more than the base unit and a normal controller then yes, shipping and taxes make the Western options much cheaper.

Re: Hardware Review: Evercade VS - A Low-Cost Gateway To Past Nintendo Classics And Much More Besides


I've been playing my Evercade for months, although not daily, and the thing I like the most is precisely discovering games which aren't often regarded as must-haves. I love "third-tier" games, honestly.

I don't think I'll be buying the VS, though. I'm perfectly fine with my handheld, which gives me what I want (officially licensed retro games for short play sessions, considering I already have many home systems), and I don't have people around interested in playing video games to justify the VS for its multiplayer feature, so it's a no from me... at least at this moment.

Too bad it's not possible to buy the console alone, because I definitely want the arcade cartridges, but if I buy them I'll end up having at least one of them twice if I change my mind about the Evercade VS in the future.

Re: Evercade's 'Renovation Collection 1' Will Bring A Dozen Rare Games To The System


Seems interesting, but skipping Valis 2 is definitely a missed opportunity. Now the trilogy release for the Switch becomes a must-have in order to play the first three games...

The 1 in "Collection 1" gives us some hope, but let's face it: it could be easily a year before the second collection is even announced, and it would be weird to get Valis 2 there. Strange move they did here.

Re: Sega's Astro City Mini Is Getting A Limited Run Games Release In The US


I have it imported from Japan for a few days now, I really hope it doesn't end up being sold everywhere, I'm sorry, because that would mean I paid shipping and taxes for nothing.

The minis usually geat launched everywhere day one, there was no reason to believe it would get out of Japan considering they didn't say so when it was announced.

Re: Feature: The Haunting History Of Capcom's Ghosts 'n Goblins Series


I've only played the Mega Drive version of Ghouls n Ghosts, but I'm under the impression that they are not sequels, but enhancements of previous versions. Even the new one looks like a remake with elements of various "entries". Am I right? If not, can anyone explain what does exactly happen with this series story-wise?

Re: Hardware Review: PC Engine Mini - Still An Acquired Taste, Even After 30 Years


Today I bought mine, looking forward to receive it.

I didn't own one back in the day, but I've always been fascinated by it, with its shortcomings.

The sheer existence of this mini is a dream come true, I was hoping it would be the result of Konami registering Turbografx trademark a couple years ago and here we have it. I considered getting the actual hardware before its announcement, but it's pricey, and if you need the peripherals the thing skyrockets. Let alone buying the games.

A little expensive, this one, being a mini, but it comes with more games than Mega Drive Mini, so it's acceptable.

Re: Feature: The Making Of The PC Engine, The 8-Bit Wonder That Took On Nintendo


The Turbografx was released in Europe, although in a limited way. In Spain, for instance, it was available. Of course the marketing didn't help, and the worst thing is back in the day the console didn't get the love it gets nowadays, and even when it was in clearance sales at the end of its life many people (like me) just ignored it.

Look at this price, I nearly cried when I saw it some time ago. This is like 60 euros.
