Comments 4

Re: This FPGA-Powered Mega Drive / Genesis Flash Cart Can Play CD Games


@BulkSlash you are correct. It is only able to recreate the experience of playing Sega and Mega CD. The reason being is that 32X uses the processing power of the Genesis/ Meg Drive for the backgrounds of the 32X games using an analog signal. Hence the connection between the base console and 32X's picture input/ output. They would literally have to reproduce the 32X to make this component be able to play the rom files. This in this day and age doesn't make sense as there isn't a large enough demand for it and it would be a royal pain to try and reproduce this. So to play 32X roms all one would have to do is purchase a 32X, install it, plug in this cart into the 32X cartridge slot, and then play to their hearts content.