@Banjo- thanks for that 🙂. It was truly a special time I always hold dear to my heart. I fully remember going to the video store on Friday night or Saturday morning knowing I was having a sleepover with a pal, or knowing my brother and I were going to try and beat a game that weekend. Those moments are unforgettable and something I'll cherish for an eternity.
Mostly to reconnect, if I'm being honest. There's also the fact that games were a more complete and finished product back then and the truly great ones will be worth your time no matter what decade we're in.
But nothing beats that feeling of booting up a game I used to play with my brother or best friend and instantly remember what it was like sitting on our bedroom floor, or basement trying to master those games. Contra, turtles II and IV, Mike Tysons Punchout, sunset riders, streets of Rage 2, smb3, and even some 64 games like golden eye, Mario party and Mario Kart all tug on those little nostalgic heart strings for me.
It's a simple fact life was easier when I was younger. I was care free, and got to indulge is any media as I saw fit back then. Video games were always #1 for me, and some of the best memories of my childhood were playing with my brother or best friend.
@bimmy-lee first off, I won't disclose IF I'm getting one, in fear of someone tryna steal it. However, yes. Go buy it. Be apart of historeeee!! This opportunity only comes around once every 1.3 years..
Comments 12
Re: Going Back In Time - Do You Play Retro Games To Reconnect With Your Past?
@Banjo- thanks for that 🙂. It was truly a special time I always hold dear to my heart. I fully remember going to the video store on Friday night or Saturday morning knowing I was having a sleepover with a pal, or knowing my brother and I were going to try and beat a game that weekend. Those moments are unforgettable and something I'll cherish for an eternity.
Re: Going Back In Time - Do You Play Retro Games To Reconnect With Your Past?
Mostly to reconnect, if I'm being honest. There's also the fact that games were a more complete and finished product back then and the truly great ones will be worth your time no matter what decade we're in.
But nothing beats that feeling of booting up a game I used to play with my brother or best friend and instantly remember what it was like sitting on our bedroom floor, or basement trying to master those games. Contra, turtles II and IV, Mike Tysons Punchout, sunset riders, streets of Rage 2, smb3, and even some 64 games like golden eye, Mario party and Mario Kart all tug on those little nostalgic heart strings for me.
It's a simple fact life was easier when I was younger. I was care free, and got to indulge is any media as I saw fit back then. Video games were always #1 for me, and some of the best memories of my childhood were playing with my brother or best friend.
Re: Best Castlevania Games - Every Castlevania Game Ranked
I just bought SotN on series s. Whenever there's a lull, I'll get around to it. Or even during Halloween.
Re: Review: Playdate - Picking Things Up Where The Game Boy Left Off?
I wouldn't mind having a another system to mess around with. However, the price tag put me off on this one. It is a cool concept though.
Re: Intellivision Closes Amico Fundraising Ahead Of Schedule
@Tempestryke ah gotcha. So not too much there. I would've love to get my hands on earth worm Jim though.
Re: Intellivision Closes Amico Fundraising Ahead Of Schedule
@bimmy-lee first off, I won't disclose IF I'm getting one, in fear of someone tryna steal it. However, yes. Go buy it. Be apart of historeeee!! This opportunity only comes around once every 1.3 years..
Re: Intellivision Closes Amico Fundraising Ahead Of Schedule
@bimmy-lee Welp, there ya have it. Development hell at its finest.
Re: Intellivision Closes Amico Fundraising Ahead Of Schedule
@Severian I think the only notable game was earth worm Jim. Or, as that the atari vcs? I can't remember.
Re: Feature: Intellivision's Tommy Tallarico Wants To Follow In Nintendo's Footsteps, But Will He Get His Chance?
I knew that finnegan fox game was fox n forests! Really disliked it, though. About a 5 or so to me.
Re: Hardware Review: Believe The Hype, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
The instaling the game and not needing the game afterwards is a cool touch.
Re: Site News: We've Got A Polymega, Ask Us Anything
Can it run crysis
Kidding. Looks cool though.
Re: Hardware Review: Evercade - Can A 100% Physical Media Console Really Work In 2020?
I'm considering this to fiddle with me. It probabaly wont be for long play times or anything, but could be fun in spurts.